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Posts posted by FireChan

  1. This Oline is good and will be much better as they play more together and mature. And if you think the Oline is not good you lose credability with your Fitz analysis.

    Also Fitz was responsible for turning the ball over 22 times last year. 16 INT and 6 fumbles. That is 1.375 T.O per game.When you factor in the average amount of possesions per game is 12, that is big! I am sorry but people who want to bang the Fitz drum need to ask themselves how they felt over the past 3 seasons watching Fitz throw a pick to lose a game?


    Our O-line isn't bad, they just aren't a god send. I'd say they were average to above average, but I guess on a team like the Bills that does make them nasty, eh?


    Onto your RF points, he did turn the ball over quite a bit. I would say the stats are inflated from playing from behind. Not that he didn't have bone head picks as well but he had a few games where we were down 21 and he threw two picks after. I'd like to look at the Tennessee game to give an example of the day.

    Fitzpat... 27/35 225yds 6.4ypa 3TDs 1INT 1-9sacks Hasselbeck 22/33 205 6.2 1 0 2-12


    Now, looking at those stats, who contributed more to deciding the outcome of the game. Obviously, the pick was costly, but did RF really lose us that game after putting up 21 points? Or would we have not been in it without him?


    Now let's look at rushing.

    Johnson 18 car 195 yds 10.8 avg 2 td's 83 long

    (Obviously, this is Chris Johnson)


    Is 200 yards rushing allowed worse that 1.375 picks a game? On the whole? Including the picks that come sometimes on fluke bounces or in the first quarter when there's still a lot of time to come back?


    I'm of the opinion that it is. If our defense played even close to average, we could've been 9-7. RF didn't break any awful records at QB this year, yet our defense broke about 10 of them in 3 weeks.


    So you ask me how I felt when RF threw a game losing pick 3 times this year? About as sick as I felt watching runningbacks have career high games and run for 13 yards a carry every week. The difference is that RF only throws the 1.375 picks a game, whereas the RB's run for 13 yards about 20 times a game. Both suck, but one happened a lot more than the other.


    If Spiller and Freddy ran as well against our opponents as our opponents ran on us, we would have been 13-3. That's a fact.


    DISCLAIMER: I am not advocating not drafting a QB or looking at other, better options. I am advocating common sense and reason besides, "cut him anyone we draft will be better"

  2. The fact that his cap hit comes off next year by cutting him nw is reason enough to do so.

    Next year the Bills will have that extra room to sign a key guy or two.

    Would you not like to resign Woods next off season? Fitz's contract could go a long way to deciding if the Bills can do that or not....

    food for thought.


    Don't care, our O-line wasn't as miraculous as people think. We had to throw the ball within two seconds of the play starting and our QB was getting smashed every play. Just because our guy has a quick release, doesn't make our o-line nasty.


    Its obvious the only reason why fitztrashtrick hasnt been released is cuz there trying to make him take a pay cut...im 100% sure if he doesnt lametrashtrick will be released before his 3mil bonus kicks in on march 12th


    Um big deal......i can throw a nfl size football 58 yards..that doesnt mean I have a cannon....thing about fitz on routes were the ball has to be placed perfectly with tons of velocity..he cant complete...cuz lamerolftrick is as accurate as a blindfolded ryan leaf..with the arm strength of a highschool qb...its ashame that I can throw farther then fitz...embarrassing really...lol


    Except, when you talk about arm strength that is the entire point of the characteristic. How far and fast you can throw the ball. They aren't talking about accuracy, but arm strength when they call him noodle arm. The same noodle arm who has proven he can throw the balll 50+ yards, and still people say he can't get the ball 20 yards down the field. Which is wrong and misguided.


    If you can throw an NFL ball 58 yards with any kind of speed, which I'm absolutely sure you can not, why are you sitting on TBD instead of trying out for the Bills? Is it because the starter is better than you in every other category? Normally, I wouldn't call out someone who is criticizing and tell them to shut up unless they can do better, but you opened the floodgates with your arm strength "stat."


    "I can run a 4.4 40, big deal, CJ isn't that good; it's not all about speed"


    There's an example of how stupid someone looks when they try to turn an argument into a different one after they lose by using an unbelievable personal anecdote.


    tl;dr he has arm strength, go back to your RF voodoo doll until the next punching bag plays for the Bills and disappoints you.

  3. I won't. Gnash my teeth because we only won 6 games? Gnash my teeth because we have the lead and our QB throws an unfathomable pick? Gnash my teeth because I know the HC will stubbornly stick with this career loser? No, I'd say we've all gashed our teeth to the roots with Ryan Fitzpatrick. Move on.




    Why do people consistently think this guy is going to get better? Fitz's physical limitations dictate play calling. You cant call anything deep because defenses do not respect it. The guy maxes out at 6 wins and limits the play calling due to his weak arm and horrible mechanics needed to throw the ball hard. Cut the cord, for goodness sake.


    There was a magical time when we had two good WR's. It was 2009. The sun was shining, and we could beat single coverage down the field. The result?



    If he has a noodle arm, how did he throw it 50 yards down the field? I assume it was blind luck that forced the ball down the field, or maybe a seagull grabbed it and dropped it into TO's hands.


    You're argument is invalid because he can throw 50 yards if it's open. It's proven. There's no flukes with arm strength, either you have it or you don't. He has it.

  4. I think the reason people feel like Gailey was an "offensive moron" is not because Gailey does not know how to create offense, but he was too stubborn to adjust to the talents of the team. How many times did we the run game going off at 5-7 yards a run, somtimes over 10 yards per run in the first half, just to see him run 3 or 4 times in a close game in the second half and instead rely on a bad QB to throw non stop?


    Gailey refused to feature the run game like he should have. We were undefeated this year in games where we ran 50/50 to pass or ran more than passed. We were win less in games where we threw more than we ran. And let me tell you, there were only 2 games where we so far behind in the 2nd half that we had to play catchup and one could validate throwing a lot more. Many games we had a dominant running attack going yet he would just still throw almost entirely in the 2nd half. In fact, in the games where we ran a lot more we won pretty easily and controlled the whole games. In the games where the ratio was close to 50/50 we won, but struggled later when he started throwing too much again. Clearly, the run game needed to be used better and he just didnt adjust.


    So, he was a "moron" in the sense that he rather put the ball too often into an incapable QB's hands rather than balance the attack with the most talented unit on the offense, the RB's.


    What about the games we averaged 2 yards a carry, like the Houston and San Fran games? Oh and 2 games this year were the only ones we could justify throwing a lot? 1.Jets blowout, 2 and 3 Both Patriots blowouts, 4 Houston defense blowing up everything 5 San Fran defense blowing up everything 6. Seattle blowout.


    C'mon man, I think Chan made some mistakes, but 80% of the time he called a pass play, it was justified. And you can't throw out "the throwing while we're down" argument unless you throw out the "running while we're up" one too. It works both ways. When we were winning, we ran more to tire out their defense and control the clock. Causation and correlation 101.

  5. I've been puzzled by this as well. I recall Chan talking up these "mobile, accurate QB's" as the future of the NFL some four years ago. Yet, they passed on Kaepernick, and again on Wilson. I suspected that Nix has been rating the players according to an outdated value system. Those guys, ten years ago, would have been drafted a round or two later, and thus we "just missed". Or, Gailey was so arrogant that he believed, and proceeded to pay, Fitz so much that by the time Fitz was turning in poorer and poorer performances Gailey had no choice but to sink with him. I point to Gailey as the culprit there, because if it were Nix who was pushing Fitz I think Nix would be gone on account of it. I'd bet Nix said something like, "if he's really your man, you're going to sink or swim with him".


    Wait so Gailey says he likes a QB, and we never go after him or a guy like him, so it must be Gailey's fault? GM's make the personnel decisions, not HC's.

  6. I was listening to NFL radio earlier and they were talking about Buffalo and Chan. Supposedly Chan was talking about the new type of QB that would emerge in the next 10 years at the combine. He said the qb would be large, able to throw a dart on the run, and able to run but not be a running QB. Then he pointed at Kaepernick and said just like him. The announcer went on to say he was very puzzled why the Chan and the Bills past on him in the draft. He stated that possibly the GM or President were not on the same page with him. Just wondering what everyones thoughts were on this.


    Chan wasn't the GM. What else is there to say?

  7. holy cow tough room. scott chandler is the best pass catching TE weve had here since pete red haired bastard with no soul metzelaars or at least jay riemersathsma. bit of trouble with injuries so far but not even close to below average. the old 'star or suck' fan bias strikes again


    and um mcflys, lee smith is a BLOCKING te. idk if you realize this but every team runs plays with at least two TEs in short yardage so the blocking TE is pretty key. perhaps if youre playing madden all you care about is catching passes but in the outer-couch world blocking matters


    No you're right, I said he sucked. That's what I said. I want Gronkowski or nothing. That's exactly what I said.


    Just cause he's the best we've had in awhile doesn't make him the best. I just want to upgrade his position if possible. He's not a stellar blocker and he drops a lot of easy passes. If this board is gonna bash Fitz and Stevie and everyone else on this team, why does Chandler get a pass?

  8. You seem very negative. Perhaps now that your s/n is ripe for the changing you could switch to Nancy.


    I'm not negative, I just can't believe someone said that. It's honestly ridiculous. To read the thread, see the percentage comment, and say SJ has more drops so Chandler is good. If his post didn't sound so sincere, I'd claim trolling.


    Also, I wish you'd stay on topic, I said I liked the guy and he's been an asset times, but also a liability.

  9. Chandler is a very good...above average TE, regardless of what someone said about him being below average. As far as him dropping passes....it doesnt happen like was previoulsy stated by someone earlier...he is very sure handed. "at least 8 drops" ummm, no. Look things up before you post falsehoods please. CBS has a list of most dropped passes in the 2012 season. TJ and SJ were both on the list with 7 drops, guess who doesnt appear on the list for the most drops...thats right Scott Chandler.


    That's cause it's a percentage. It's all about the number of targets vs drops. Are you serious with this post right now?

  10. First and foremost, I like this guy. He has made a couple key plays, especially in the red, that have hugely helped our offense. Sadly, he has also flubbed some passes right into his hands.


    Is he really the best TE out there to run routes? He's obviously a decent blocker, but he's very unreliable. If we still have RF, or even a new QB next season, the more reliable and open receivers on the field, the better. I just don't know if we can classify Scott Chandler reliable.

  11. See that is the thing. There was obvious holding. The other side said he pushed off. IMO, Crabtree pushed off because he was held! Anyway, at the very most even... There should have been offsetting penalties (or a mulligan). That seems fair in my book. What the refs did "by letting the play" and throwing the rule book out the window is to basically give or "push" the outcome in Baltimore's favor.






    It is the reason why the NHL gives penalties @ the 20:00 (60:00) or end of game even when there is a clear winner! The NFL should do the same. WhoTF are the refs to say: "The game is decided, let's pack it in!" WTF! That is worse than "Just Give It To Them!" And that is exactly my point, CULTURE in the NFL among the regular refs... What, they pack it in because they don't want to be bothered.


    They "push" outcomes this way. The game is NOT fixed but, they do everything in their power to bend the rules and push outcomes that they secretly deem as "favorable outcomes in the interest of the league."


    Sure as we all sh*t... BFLO NEVER gets the favorable end of that call... Even in the Super Bowl years... Sure somebody brought up The Comeback... But that was multiple plays removed.




    But they were calling ticky tacky procedure calls and the side judge would run to the spot as crooked as a drunk 3 sheets to the wind!


    This game and "let them play" was an NHL style abortion. They lost control early and the fights.and chippy style ensued to the point where the game was decided (or had to or not) on a chippy play.




    That is what I want to know. Does the whistle blow immediately when there is a safety on a penalty or do they let the guy run around for 20 seconds? It is a a score. The penalty should immediately be the score and the clock stopped. If the clock doesn't, this seems inconsistent with the rest of the game? There should be a rule change to close this loop hole.


    Because of one Super Bowl play, change the rules? Are you serious man? They should change offsides to stop the play too, huh, cause it's unfair to the defense when the offense has a free play. Don't be ridiculous.


    After the Bills Wide Right, there should be a rule change to make the field goal posts wider. The better team won, deal with it.

  12. If he wins, I'd prefer to lose every game and get the #1 pick. I never think like that, but I can't deal with this fitz guy anymore. He's now the enemy. He does nothing but hurt our team. I don't want to see him win. I can't stand him. I may break my consecutive games watched streak at around 180 if he's the starter. Can't fathom the situation. I'm getting ill just thinking about it.




    watch him throw the ball over 10 yards lately? There's no argument anyone can make about fitz not being the major problem. Who cares where these guys were drafted? Doesn't mean they aren't capable players. Chandler was a backup to gates and witten. Good argument though. Keep thinking fitz isn't the problem.


    This is actually hilarious. You can't say our QB is god awful and sucks but the WR's are incredible. It's a team game, SJ wouldn't have touched 1000 yards without our QB throwing to him. You can't make a hypothetical about Flacco or anyone else throwing to him because it's speculation and pointless. I know our QB got SJ his yards and for every bad pass they were at least 2 decent ones. It's all about contribution.


    On topic -


    The Ravens recievers were on a different level the entire post season. Boldin, Smith, Jones, Pitta, they all played out of their minds. At least 3 of them are deep threats, which really opens up the field. Before I hear "we need a QB to be able to throw deep" our QB has thrown a 50 yard ball to TO because he was able to get open, and has thrown a couple more good streaks, which is something we never really tried this season.


    I personally think we could never get anyone open deep. Unless Stevie shakes a guy right at the line in single coverage, he's not getting open on the streak, he's just not faster than corners that play against him. Jones has beat a few people on deep ins, he was agile but no speedster. Graham is young, can't really find his groove. That's the difference between our WR core and the Ravens.

  13. You're grasping for some serious straws here...Fitz's strengths? You do realize that Fitz finished 27th in the league in Total QB rating right?...27th!...You think it's really that hard to find a QB that can be the 26th best QB in the NFL?


    Let Fitz go...Dare to believe The Bills can do better...


    BTW...Nine 1st or 2nd year Starters had better Total QB Ratings than Fitz in 2012...And Nick Foles was right behind Fitz at 28th...


    So... B-)


    So you're saying let's get Nick Foles, right?


    Because, in all honesty, I don't think the Bills will draft a good QB. I'm all for taking risks in the draft and having a competition for the QB spot, but we all know that won't happen. We'll end up cutting Fitz, plugging a more inexperienced guy in there and hoping he saves the day. 3 years later, he'll be gone and we'll start the cycle with someone else.

  14. You might wanna read an entire post, I never said he loses every game, but with a real quarterback they win 8-10 games.


    You said he loses us 3-5 games singlehandedly. Singlehandedly means on his own, with no other factors. If that happens, then the other 11 to 13 games are not his fault. Or else they'd be singlehandedly. That's the definition. How can you blame him for playing well enough to win 11 to 13 games? I'm curious. Does 11 and 5 not get you in the playoffs this year?


    Also, try this little sentence, similar to yours.


    "With a real defense, we win 8-10 games."



  15. Hey Mrs. Fitzpatrick, looking for a new residence ? you really should be. Tell your husband to get ready to get that locker cleaned out. Thankd God !

    That's what I thought, nothing to say but blind, idiotic hatred. I personally want the guy to stick around, just because if we somehow make the playoffs, he deserves to be on the squad when we do. Good guy, average QB, getting torn apart by guy's who don't realize it's a team game and how much better he is than our past QB's.


    You aren't even funny; stick to knowing nothing about what you're talking about, you're obviously good at that.


    Fitz throws for 3400/24 TDs just like in Buffalo, but with a better defense he goes to the playoffs.




    Maybe more if he has more than one guy to throw to.

  16. Dang you, I just laughed so hard I crapped my pants. Put Fitz on the 1970's Steelers or the 1980's 49ers and they don't go to the playoffs. He single handedly loses 3-5 games a year.


    Single handedly loses games where we lose by 50. I laughed. But I forgot that everytime he throws an incompletion, which never happens to any other QB in the league, our defense gets a little tired and discouraged and start allowing 300 yards on the ground.


    Can't wait for the TBD calling for Nassib's head after he throws a pick after putting up 42 points and 400 yards. Because he singlehandedly lost us the game.


    If he loses 3-5 games a year, shouldn't we have been at worst 11-5? Or wait! There must have been some other reason we lost those games!

  17. Twitter, Facebook those are more personal than TSW. This place is a fan forum for posting your opinion of a player performance. It is what it's for. If a player comes here and reads something he doesn't like that is on him for coming into our "home". But a player's twitter or facebook account is their home, and is on par with sending hate mail. If you want to tell the player himself how you feel about him, say it to their face don't hide behind your keyboard. If you want to vent about a player to your fellow fans your in the right place.


    Yeah, let me just call up a professional player so he can meet me while I tell him he sucks. Cmon now.

  18. There is a rumor out there that the jets may be looking to move Revis.


    1. Do we want him?

    2. Can we afford him?

    3. What do we give up for him, and is it worth it?


    That would make us VERY dangerous... get this DEF Line firing, and have Gilmore and Revis shutting down the outside with Byrd over the top... all sounds too good to be true. (Assuming we Franchise Byrd, but that might make it impossible to get Revis ugh!!!)



    Here's a link TC. If we could get Revis and make sure Aaron Williams never sees the field, I think we could be average at least. If we had an average defense this year, we get in the playoffs. So yeah, I'd like him.

  19. Has anyone given thought to the idea that maybe Fred won't even be back this year? When not injured he can still be somewhat productive. But he has become injury prone, and has put the ball on the ground way too much this year. Remember we have an entire new coaching staff who could always go in a different direction as far as who plays at RB. I personally like Fred, but feel we need a 3rd RB who is a big pounder. A short yardage guy with some pop, who has a little speed as well. We don't need to be throwing every time we are in 3rd and less than 4 yards as we did under Chan.


    Put the ball on the ground too much? His stats are normal RB fumbles per year stats. I know the fumbles sucked because of the timing and all, but don't act like he sucks now cause he fumbled a couple times. Freddy still has moves and he looks slow next to CJ no kidding. But he's better at finding tight yardage, or making something out of nothing than CJ. Better football sense too. I liked the way they split this year except just double it and throw less.

  20. You can think to bust on me all you want, but this franchise keeps hiring LOSERS, and has since Wade Phillips. 13 years of losing isn't enough for you?


    YES, IT IS BLACK AND WHITE. Yes, the Bills are bad by choice, simply because they keep hiring bad coaches. All you need do is find the HC with the best W/L record


    Marty Schottenheimer wanted the job badly back in 2010, Buddy Nix wanted to hire Marty S, and Ralph Wilson said no. Marty S, 203-127-1 .606 and RW said he didn't feel "comfortable" with him. I'll bet both Shanahan and Cowher turned down the Bills job in 2010 because of having to answer Ralph Wilson for every decision.


    There was a time when this owner went out and hired a top winning coach in Chuck Knox. The results were amazing and produced a winner. Sine then he has been reluctant to hire a HC with a winning record, for whatever reason.


    Hire a wannabe like Jauron who had a 35-45 record in Chicago (Oh, but he took a team to the playoffs once) So lets give him 3+ years to prove he sucks.


    To Chan Gailey who was fired from his job as OC of the 2-12 KC Chiefs, and spent the 09 season out of football all together. a 68-41 in College but never once in 6 years did his GT team ever beat his teams biggest rival the U of Georgia, never went to a BCS bowl, never won more than 9 games, and never finished in the top 25. Ok so he did have two years as HC of a SB team and made them worse, not better.


    Talk about enormous red flags, bells and alarms going off and yet the Buffalo Bills still hired those bums.


    I don't know Bill Cowher's status on if he will ever coach again. But If I'm Russ Brandon I'd throw the farm at Cowher rather then letting Buddy Nix throw the farm at some bum of a QB in this years draft. Look at Cowhers win / loss record over the course of his 15 years of being HC of the Steelers. Big Ben was only with the team since 2004. So the other 12 years, with 8 of those years in the playoffs. Cowher had to deal with scrubs and bums at QB like Neil O Donnell, Mike Tomczak, Kordell Stewart, Tommy Maddox and yet... he won a lot of games with bums at QB!


    So yea, to me it is B&W and it is all about their W/L records.


    Did you not read Bill Belichick had a losing record when he was hired by the Patriots? I'd say Jauron was good hire with his losing record. It's all so simple!


    Cowher will never coach again. Neither will Gruden. Andy Reid had a Chan-esque year by not using McCoy and throwing every play. Lovie couldn't get an offense going with Cutler(Better than our QB), a top ten WR in Marshall, and a great RB in Forte. Shouldn't we have alarm bells going there? Or do facts only count when they agree with your point?

  21. From my personal blog, thought I'd share:


    I realize this article probably won’t be a great read unless you’re kind of a football geek, but the NFL sorely needs to address its current pass interference penalty. Not to insinuate that’s it’s going to be a great read even if you are, but you know what I mean. So the pass interference penalty in the NFL has been the same since I can remember: if an eligible receiver is interfered with, the offensive team gets the ball at the spot of the foul along with an automatic first down. This is an unjust rule on a number of levels and I’m going to do my best to illustrate why.


    Number one, in the rare instance that offensive pass interference is called, it’s a mere ten-yard penalty on the receiver. Translation: if a ball is thrown 45 yards downfield and the defensive back tackles the receiver, it’s a 45-yard penalty. Meanwhile, if that same receiver tackles the defensive back to prevent an interception, it’s a ten-yard penalty. This is a very unsubtle example of the NFL catering to the offensive side of the ball in an effort to inflate scoring. What you get as a result are coaches, who have weighed the risk and reward of the foul, encouraging their quarterbacks to heave the ball downfield once in a while even if the receiver is covered. It’s a smart play. Tom Brady does it all the time. Pass interference is called so much now that the reward far outweighs the risk- a loss of downs or offensive pass interference at worst. Even in the event that you throw an interception on the play, you’re still going to get enough pass interference calls throughout the season to more than compensate for it. My guess is that in the example mentioned above, if offensive pass interference cost the receiver that same 45 yards, you wouldn’t see teams heaving the ball just to try and draw a defensive pass interference call nearly as much. It is a play that is a black mark on the sport, much as it is for basketball when NBA players will jump into a defender and chuck the ball in the direction of the basket when the defender has left their feet in order to get to the foul line.


    Number two, speaking of basketball, in the NBA or any other sport for that matter, when a player is fouled, they are then given the opportunity to make up for the points they theoretically would have scored had they not been interfered with. So if you are fouled in basketball in the act of shooting, you go to the foul line to earn your two points. Similarly, if you are dragged down on a breakaway in hockey, you are awarded a penalty shot to try and beat the goaltender cleanly. Basketball decided many years ago that getting fouled while shooting shouldn’t be worth the same as actually putting the ball in the basket. However, with respect to the pass interference penalty in the NFL, getting interfered with is just as good as actually catching the ball. If the ball is thrown 45 yards downfield, it doesn’t matter if you catch it or if there is incidental contact between you and the defender, it’s worth the same 45 yards. It would be nearly identical to hockey officials awarding you a goal if you got hooked while attempting to score on a breakaway. Yes, while it’s true that they never actually award you a score in the NFL for a pass interference penalty, they do hand you the ball and give you a first down at the 1-yard line for a call in the end zone, which, without looking it up, has got to lead to a touchdown well over 90% of the time. This compared to hockey, where players are successful on a penalty shot attempt less than 50% of the time. In short, the penalty simply does not fit the crime.


    Number three, my issue is half with the rule itself and half with the way that it’s called nowadays. I feel like in the days of yesteryear, the defender really had to make a bad play on the ball to warrant a pass interference call; if he was beat, he would blatantly interfere with the receiver to prevent him from breaking an even bigger play. I have absolutely no issue with a play like that warranting a spot foul. But in recent years- and for whatever reason it seems to have hit a breaking point with fans this season- you are seeing ticky-tack pass interference calls nearly every single game. It has become harder and harder to be a defensive back in the NFL and, quite frankly, easier to be a receiver. In a recent Sunday night game between the Patriots and 49ers, there was a play in the third quarter that perfectly illustrated my frustration with the rule. Brandon Lloyd was streaking down the middle of the field, covered well by a 49ers’ defender. Tom Brady overthrew Lloyd and on a wet field, Lloyd clearly realized that there was no way he was going to catch the ball. So in a tactical move, he simply slowed down just enough to kind of become slightly entangled/make contact with the defender while putting on a little act that included flailing his arms. The ball landed five yards from the two players, yet soon too did the yellow flag. This was a ball that no one was catching. Yet Brandon Lloyd very smartly took advantage of a very flimsy, ambiguous rule and just like that, the Patriots get the ball 50 yards downfield. Again, this penalty cost the 49ers every bit as much as had Lloyd actually caught the ball.


    Rarely does a conundrum like this one have such a simple solution. In fact, most football aficionados with whom I’ve had a chance to discuss this very topic have volunteered the same solution to me before I even have a chance to tell them myself. As a football purist, what I wish they’d do is just start calling pass interference only in situations where the ball clearly would have otherwise been caught and give the defensive backs some of their leverage back. But since that won’t happen, what the NFL needs to do is institute a second pass interference call for less egregious fouls. This way, you continue to have a spot foul for pass interference type A and say, a ten-yard penalty for the more incidental, more common type B calls. Most people will suggest going with the college format of 15-yard pass interference calls in that situation and that would certainly be a marked improvement, but I think 15 yards is still a little harsh. And make it reviewable and challengeable while you’re at it. Why is there this silly rule that judgment calls cannot be reviewed? If we can put a man on the moon, we can allow referees to review judgment calls in a football game. And I hesitate to blame the refs themselves. The game moves fast and they are calling the plays the way the rule currently dictates and undoubtedly the way they are encouraged to by league officals. What they need to do is change the rule.


    I realize there are much more important things to worry about as we turn the calendar to a new year, but I love the NFL and I want it to be the best product that it can be. As I see it, this is far and away the biggest issue facing the game today from an on field standpoint. It’s gotten to the point that when the Bills benefit from one of these marginal pass interference calls way downfield, I even feel guilty- like they don’t rightly deserve the yards. And I’ll take anything I can get when it comes to the Bills. Clearly I’m not alone: a simple google search on the subject will yield an article in which former Vice President of Officiating for the NFL Mike Pereira echoes many of my same sentiments. The NFL isn’t the best league in the world by accident. It appears to me that the situation has in fact gotten to the point that the NFL is aware of it and will address it this offseason. That’s my prediction. I guess we’ll find out.


    The only problem with your proposed solution is there is such a grey area between the type A and B calls. How will they dictate which is which? No matter what they call, someone will think it's unfair and look to blame the "stupid rule change". I personally don't think there is much issue with the PI rules itself as to how often its called offense vs. defense.


    A receiver can get as ticky tacky as he wants and as long as he doesn't push off, he normally won't get a flag. Whereas a defensive player can reach out and hit the receiver's shoulderpad and he gets called more often than not. The yardage is fine, if the ball was caught, that's where they at least would be, so that makes sense. If you change that to 15 yards(not what you argued, I know but could happen if the refs made a situation B call), you'll see defenders weighing their options for taking the penalty on big plays. Just like the offenses do now. And defensively, 10 yards also makes sense. If they hadn't fouled it would be an incomplete pass. Just like holding, repeat down with yards lost, making the previous play made with the foul null and void.


    The penalties are made with respect to what would happen if they didn't happen, which makes sense logically. Using your own example, if a hockey player gets tripped on a breakaway, he gets a penalty shot(which is a breakaway with no defenders at its core). If a receiver gets fouled while trying to catch a ball, he gets the ball. The scoring of the NHL and NBA are so wildly different from the NFL it's impossible to use them in an analogy. Even the one I just used doesn't make too much sense.

  22. The Bills became the first team since the 1986 Jets to allow at least 45 points in four games in one season. We need a complete overhaul in our defensive strategy. This starts by firing Wanny, and drafting Teo in the first round! Any other suggestions on how to help this horrendous D out? Go back to 3-4?


    Defensive scheme was changed, players needed to mesh, one of the worst corners in the league in Aaron Williams, which every opposing coach could see which is why he was targeted. Changing the scheme now will just cause another year of horrible play, the defense has been improving vastly and but for a few easy dropped picks, could've won us games.


    Every week our defense gets a bit better, firing Wannstedt is a mistake, he's been throwing disguises and sending more than 4 a lot more. He no longer tops the list of guys on the chopping block.



    No...What you obviously don't get is that Fitz is not good enough...Period...End of story...And defending him is the greatest waste of time imaginable...WTF is wrong with folks like you?


    I disagree with your 1st statement...To say most posters here are looking for the next Brady is a bit ridiculous...It's the typical over-exaggeration that brings this board down to gutter-level most of the time...Most poster want a better QB than Fitz...Which, to be perfectly honest, is really not asking for much...The majority of poster on this board are level headed...Not the other way around... B-)


    You really don't read too many threads on here. There's just as many blind Fitz homers as Fitz haters, with very few moderates who make sensible posts. I understand trolls exist, but they can't all be trolling.


    Read a game day thread. Look at every knee-jerk, "Fred Jackson sucks cut him" after one blown up run play, or every "Cut Dareus, he's a bust" post.


    Hell, a while ago, the entire board was calling Spiller a bust and waste of a pick. If you think the average TBD poster is sensible, I don't know what to tell you.


    Although, the stupidest are usually the loudest, which has to be taken into consideration.


    I think the average TBD poster doesn't know how hindsight works. i.e TJ Graham over Russel Wilson argument.


    Fitz is good enough to be who he is. There are a few QB's who would be a lateral step to replace him with, as well as some that would be improvements.


    Just you watch, the next QB will be compared to being not as good as Fitz in 2 years. Mortal lock.

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