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Posts posted by FireChan

  1. We are gonna pick a game to show how horrible Tyrod is? We can show pit as long as we show Seattle or Miami game number 2.


    You have a great deal of people that dont expect drastic improvement from Tyrod in particular....but do think that improved weapons around him might improve the offense overall (I mean...the offense was top 10 in scoring already)

    Not me

    Yeah, you enjoy watching other teams in the playoffs? The losing seasons year after year?


    I enjoy the games on their own merit. But lacking success ain't as fun as winning.

  2. he is right....is there a reason why poster's should not take "he sucks" and that they mean "he sucks"?


    I have heard that SEVERAL times on here.....those exact words.


    There is no need to interpret anything...those words are being used.

    I really dont have a problem with the "they need to prove it" side of the fence.....


    But expecting failure? Why even bother to watch. There are some things that could actually go right and this team squeek a wild card this year.

    Because they are fans?


    You've seen enough of my offseason plan to have a good idea of where I was at, so I won't rehash it here.


    I'm not sold on the DiMarco and Poyer signings, but Ducasse is the one that sticks in my craw. I think he's terrible, and I have no idea how he makes a team that returns 9 NFL-roster-worthy OLmen (last year's starting 5 plus Cyrus, Henderson, Groy, and Lewis,--that's without mentioning Michael Ola, who has started 19 career games at RT).


    I'm not a pedant when it comes to compensatory picks, but it'll be a sad state of affairs if the Ducasse signing prevents this team from a 3rd round compensatory pick they'd have recouped from Gilmore's defection to a division rival.

    Between Ducasse and Davis, I don't think we're getting that 3rd rounder, bud.




    Pats acquired GIlmore, Ealy, Cooks and Allen and are still gonna get 2 comp picks. Outrageous.


    We have the sample data here. No one throwing the ball 53 and lower has been a franchise QB in the last decade.


    DeShaun Watson's ball velocity : 49 mph ...

    That number got me thinking , how many people in the NFL have succeeded with an arm like that , the answer none.

    From 2008 - 16 , every prospect with a ball velocity under 55 mph failed in the NFL , if you don't think its that big a problem :

    What does that mean , well , not one prospect with a ball speed like Watson's (in our sample data) has succeeded in the NFL. Its not like Watson makes up his speed with his accuracy or judgments those are considered his weak points, so basically he is done, finished.

    The only two prospects to throw under 55 mph and have any remote success have been Tyrod Taylor (50) and Dak (54) but they both had injured shoulders when it was measured.

    Obviously having a great arm like Logan Thomas (60) wont guarantee you success but anything below 55 mph , you are bound to fail . Other prospects this year you can scratch off the list are Kaaya and Peterman who both had a speed of 53 mph.


    They don't have all the franchise guys' ball speeds soooo.

  5. It was "better" under Lynn for about 2.8 points per game. Last season I thought that would be enough but now I see that I underestimated that.


    It also grew "stale" under Lynn much like it did under Roman.

    2.8 points a game is a lot considering how many games are decided by 3 points or less in the NFL.


    No, he was not simply "worse across the board." It's gross exaggerations like that that are just frustrating and lead posters like John to saying there's "Taylor hate." In reality, I don't think John was referring to people hating Taylor the person, more people being "haters," which is very different and more about blind bias and a lack of any objectivity whatsoever. Of course, I could be wrong...


    But no, he wasn't "worse across the board." For one, he was significantly better in 2016 in the red zone:


    2015- 17/31, 90 yards, 6 TDs, 1 INT. Passer Rating of 86.4

    2016- 30/50, 240 yards, 11 TDs, 0 INTs. Passer Rating of 111.7


    Also, Taylor's passer rating with less than 2 minutes remaining in the half still noticeably improved from 2015 (61.0) to 2016 (85.2). That's a significant improvement. And with 66 passes in 2016 and 53 in 2015, you can't call it a small sample size.


    Also, in 2015 he was at the bottom of the league with a 37.2% conversion % those 3rd down passes converting for 1st down. In 2016, he improved to 14th in the NFL and improved by more than 3% to 41.5%.




    Those are 3 aspects of Quarterbacking most people would consider pretty important and Taylor improved noticeably in all 3 phases, so again, implying that Taylor just sucked and was lucky that the rest of the team made up for him sucking just isn't right.

    Mostly worse across the board then. It's great that he improved in critical situations but I'm reluctant to give him a pass for his play suffering elsewhere and overshadowing that.


    I actually agree with you about the offense. It was better under Lynn than Roman mainly because it was more about ball control and moving the chains.


    Roman's offense had this "all-or-nothing" mentality that got really frustrating. When a team has a 3rd and medium down and the play-design is a shot to the end zone on a relatively consistent basis, something is wrong.


    Lynn actually focused on moving the chains and keeping the offense on the field, which was really reflected in the team's 3 and out % and TOP under Lynn (with Taylor) for those 13 games.


    Taylor was underwhelming in 2016 compared to 2015, but he actually was an important part of why Lynn's offense was successful in that respect, at least. In 2015 Taylor was near the bottom of the league in terms of 3rd down conversion % on passes on 3rd down while in 2016 he was in the top half of the league. He was also significantly better at executing in the red zone after helping to keep those extended drives alive with those 3rd down conversions.


    And again Taylor was a reason the team scored more, ran more plays per drive, scored more points per drive, had more yards per drive, had less 3 and outs per drive, and had a higher score percentage.


    Saying "TT sucked, Everyone else played great" is incredibly misleading... and wrong.

    How so? He played worse across the board. Clearly they didn't need him to do what they did in 2015 because they beat that production in 2016 with him being worse.


    Hockey analogy. If I'm a crappy goalie and my team wins 50 games, then next year I play even crappier and my team wins 60, would you say I'm a reason we won all those games? No.


    It's really not a stretch. Our WRs were underwhelming in a lot of ways, including dropping very easy NFL catches.


    In the Steelers game alone, Woods and Sammy dropped what should have been 3rd down conversions, but were instead drive killing drops on 2 separate drives in the 1st half. Sammy's was ruled a catch but challenged because it was clearly the incorrect call... and even Sammy knew as he went back to the huddle shaking his head.


    Clay also dropped a pass that was tipped slightly at the line, but ended up right in his hands and should have been a catch.


    All 3 of those passes were the types of passes John was referring to.



    I have still images of all 3 of those dropped passes if you want to describe how to upload JPEGs off my computer, otherwise, you can go check yourself or just take my word for it.

    Your argument would hold more water if "drive killing drops" didn't happen all the time to every team in the NFL.


    TT had 11 dropped passes in 15 games in 2016. Good for 25th in the league grossly. By drop percentage, he had the 11th lowest in the NFL counting QB's with over 300 attempts.




    It's a hard argument to swallow that our WR's were underwhelming in the drop category with the numbers above. Especially when you consider TT's accuracy issues.

  9. Great draft!!! Let's waste the #10 selection in a draft that looks decent on the 3rd ranked safety and 4th ranked defensive back.


    I mean really, who needs a quarterback? Or a receiver. We are SO deep there. And why draft blockers and/or pass rushers? Who needs them? Not the Bills! We are just deep as a well all over the field. SO deep that we can toss this pick on a safety (in the garbage).


    You see, if this kid is "good," we will still lose football games. History proves this. And, we will lose him after his first contract. History has proven this too.


    I am truly sorry to be harsh and trust me, I appreciate the effort. Are you very young? Do you not know had badly this team was ruined by drafting this type of player so high?

    Mocks are what you think will happen, not what you want, Bill.

  10. In comparison to what? the first two games? after Rex gave the starters minimal reps through preseason?


    If your saying the O looked better under Lynn 2nd season then G Roman 1st season, I respectfully disagree



    Do you think all of your 1st comment happens without Taylor managing the game properly?

    All of the stats I just listed were 2016 compared to 2015. You're welcome to disagree but the numbers almost across the board and the eye test disagree with you.


    TT did enough to not tank the offense. But he still played worse than in 2015.

  11. better how?


    Tell me how the O gets better, but T T gets worse.

    Scored more. Rushed more. Ran more plays per drive. Scored more points per drive. Had more yards per drive. Had more time per drive. Had less 3 and outs. Had a higher score percentage.


    TT sucked. His individual stats all went down. Everyone else played great.

  12. So sending the architect of the O from the 1st season packing two weeks into the 2nd season had nothing to do with it?


    So now we have an O deemed faulty with an inexperienced coach still working out of the same playbook.


    Keep in mind the original plan was a run heavy philosophy that never changed averaging the lowest amount of passing attempts in the league.


    Does any of this sound like the recipe for success going into your second season as starting QB in the NFL?


    It doesn't to me...

    Oh my gosh...

  13. I've always felt it was important to identify the leaders on your team. Rex stated he felt leaders naturally emerged but when you identify leaders you make it easier for your younger players to seek out guidance when needed. With Rex at the controls for the past two seasons it really felt like the team lacked leadership. I'm sure there were some guys that would speak up now and again but since nobody was really selected as captains/leaders, I felt like the locker room often looked like a middle school English class where nobody volunteered to read a passage after the teacher asked. Everyone just sitting there waiting for someone else to speak up.


    Kyle has obviously been a leader for years, Lorenzo established himself last year and Hyde will do that this year. Those guys likely end up with the C on their jersey. I'm gonna go ahead and say they put one on Watkins as well. He's not afraid to speak up and he knows the team needs to work harder than it has when Rex was there.

    Doubt Watkins. Probably TT

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