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Posts posted by SlamnSam

  1. If Roger's vice chairman Phil Lind gets his way, we'll split our regular season schedule! Perfect timing with this quote considering we are playing this weekend in Toronto and we're still not happy about it after 3 years!




    Is this Ralph's big plan for saving our franchise...split time between two cities as Green Bay did before they made the permanent leap to Lambeau?


    I would have a hard time staying a loyal fan if I had to share my team with another city.



    Even with the team 0-7 I still plan on keeping season tickets. If that A-hole wilson puts another game in toronto I quit. Its time for a new owner. Ralph get out now, no one wants you here.

  2. What a play at the end of the game to secure the loss by Shawn Nelson! He literally may have saved the entire season with that fumble.


    In a week where Carolina and Cleveland suffered key victories, the Bills now stand alone atop the draft mountain.


    The Ravens clearly got caught asleep at the wheel. They were already looking past Buffalo, and couldn't take them seriously. The Bills, on the other hand, were fired up and motivated by all this UFL talk.


    Don't fool yourself into thinking that Fitzpatrick is the answer or that this team is on the doorstep of something great, they still need to rebuild entirely.


    The Bills gave their best effort today, and the Ravens gave one of their worst - and it still wasn't enough to get a win.


    This team is miles away and desperately needs that number one draft pick. Thank you Shawn Nelson for getting us one step closer.



    Youre kidding. Do you really think that the referees werent cheating that game? You can only get over soo many really bad calls. The bills did great and they were the better team on that field period. Baltimore gave there best and it shows it aint really that much unless the refs are helping you.

  3. I thought Newton played an incredible game yesterday...reminded me of Vince Young v.s. USC when he just completed dominated the game, almost entirely on his own...


    They were playing LSU. That was a very painful and boring game to watch. I sure hope they all stay in college another couple of years.

  4. Kinda funny you make that comparison - both of them inherited a decade's worth of screwing up from previous administrations. As Bills fans and Americans, let's hope they both do well.

    Oh we're going to mix politics. Lets see Obama took an economy that was in a ditch and drove it over the cliff. I think Chan has done a hell of a better job than the fool in the White House.

  5. I have been reading this forum and other Bills sites for a few years now and have recently decided to post some thoughts of my own.

    I have been a Bills fan since I was old enough to understand the game, which has been since the early to mid 70’s. You see I was born and raised in the greater Buffalo area so I really had no choice, I was steeped in the Bills for all of my formative years, my parents, friends, friend’s parents, and everyone I knew were Bills fans and we all lived and died with the Bills. I like to say that the scar tissue on my heart has scar tissue on it from being let down so many times. I moved away from Western New York in the early 90’s living in places like North Carolina, Washington, and Baltimore. I have spent a sports fan’s lifetime dealing with the ridicule, the look of pity when someone finds out that I am a Bills fan, the “Wide Right” knuckleheads, and all the rest.

    Over the past few years (read last 10 years) I have been getting progressively less tolerant of the product I was seeing, I was getting more and more fed up with the fact the I was spending the money on the NFL Sunday ticket so I could watch break down after break down, buying the hats and the jerseys, and the T’s only to find myself looking in my closet trying to decide if it was worth the ridicule I knew was coming if I wore that stuff out in public… (See, there is a down side to moving away from Buffalo.)

    All of this got me to thinking long and hard about my Fan status with the Bills…how many times do you touch the pretty orange flame???

    After much consideration I have come to the conclusion that what I am seeing today is no different than what I have been seeing my whole life.

    Let me explain.

    Since 1960 the Bills are 354-397-8. They have always been a sub 500 team, even when they are good and make it to the postseason they are still a sub 500 team (14-15 in post season play)

    In team history (50 years) they have only had 22 seasons of 500 or better… and 12 of those were in the Levy era where we lost playoff game after playoff game and super bowl after super bowl…arguably the hardest time to be a Bills fan. And I do not see any evidence that the owner wants to change anything

    Ralph Wilson and the Bills reminds me of the store in town that has been there for years and everyone wonders how the owner stays in business, no set business hours, little to no stock on the shelves, place hasn’t been cleaned in years, it seems the owner puts in just enough work to keep the doors open and little else. And he is happy to live that life.

    So now I have taken a step back, I am still a Bills fan, just not like I used to be. I won’t buy the swag, I don’t get the Sunday ticket anymore, and I will only go to a game if I win a ticket. The Bills are actually playing here in Baltimore this year…my friend has offered me his extra ticket… I am still not sure if I will go or not. If I do I won’t wear any of my gear, I may have embraced my new Bills fan attitude of quiet desperation, but I still don’t feel like hearing it from a stadium full of Ravens fans.

    I will close with a quote from the Book Sh*t My Dad Says.

    “No, I'm not a pessimist. At some point the world sh*ts on everybody. Pretending it ain't sh*t makes you an idiot, not an optimist."


    Ha, you're weak. Being a Bills fan is showing your colors of what and who you are. Don't get me wrong the Bills suck and they do suck because of Wilson. I am from upsate New York and have been a Bills fan since I can remember, late 60's. People from the northeast share a special bond. They endure many things in life others don't. Harsh winters, low paying jobs, and very little ever changes. I live in Dallas and I am proud to fly my Bills flag on the weekends and wear my hat and jersey whenever they play. I will always have hope for the Bills because thats what people from upstate New York do. They always hope for the best and know that better times are always coming. You've been away for too long. The Bills are your legacy as a person, the fans vigor and always true to their team is who western New Yorkers are. So, give up on the Bills, then give up who you are. Be proud to wear the Bills color on your sleve.

  6. He looks evil...Besides that and the Losman call (yikes), I would still draft him. Tons of potential and a small town guy. He doesn;t seem to be a friggin primadonna and has the tools for NFL success. I wouldn't mind him or Mallett but that would mean that we had a losing season. Catch-22 :unsure:


    "It's a barometer," ...It's pronounced thermometer


    You're kidding? We have plenty of losing seasons on us now.

  7. what's mind-boggling is the fact that ppl keep dissing the Bills FO for not trading Lynch to the team we will be playing this weekend, before we play them...anything could happen after Sunday...not saying the trade is going to happen or not, but com'on..would you really trade Lynch to the Packers when the Bills could use any advantage they could get to try and win the game?


    First off, what makes you think they are trying to win games?

  8. There is no comparison between Shanahan and Gailey. Shanahan is better in all counts and has the record to prove it. Shanahan inheritated a mess in DC, as did Gailey here. My guess is Shanahan will turn his mess around before Gailey is able to do so. I could be wrong on this, but I'm not.

    (This one time, I wish I was wrong. LOL.)


    Oh, and for the record, I would take Shanahan over Gailey in a NY minute.




    Okay by me. B-)


    Hmm, Shananhan did well when John Elwy played. Since then, well, he did zero and got fired. The dudes got nothing except zone blocking ideas. He's overhyped and I will bet you he does nothing with the Skins except gets fired in three years. Gailey on the other hand is the underdog and I thinnk is going to surprise you naysayers.

  9. This is not a knock against the board, actually its the opposite.....wonderful place to hang out.


    I am going to tell you a little secret but this will change your attitude about your threads and comments!


    Are you ready?


    I played for the Buffalo Bills 1967-1972. I read your comments and I now understand the fans better. Just a little warning here!


    The players do frequent the message boards, and they do care what you write and yes I personally know 1 former player that posts here!!! Yep, it is true! If you investigate, you could easily figure it out! I did ! I PMed the guy and we now chat from time to time!


    So why leave the board now? No player or former player is interested reading garbage about why a player should be waived or why he is overpaid.These are proud, proud former star college football players. The career is short, the physical burden is high and the players are just people. We all have emotions and nobody enjoys bashing! The Buffalo fans are the best but by far the most frustrated.


    I will stop by from time to time and read some topics but my responding days are over.


    Oh, and my prediction for 2010?


    Some of you place to much importance in high skill players. The "team" will determine the final outcome.


    Buffalo is better then most of you think and a playoff birth is not impossible!


    I thought about placing my real name here, but most likely someone will say I sucked or I was just a good solid player.


    Either way I will not be happy because football was my LIFE and still is!


    So I ask the question and this is a good one.....


    IF YOU WERE A FORMER PLAYER,WOULD YOU PLACE YOUR REAL NAME ON THIS BOARD? If you think about it very carefully, the answer is no way! Some will call this thread a hoax but that should be expected from fans in today's world! Everything is a hoax and everybody is a fraud, not always true guys! Some people are honest and until proven otherwise, learn to trust people!


    Good luck on your threads, the season, and GO BILLS!!!



    -DIEHARD 1967


    So why leave the board now? No player or former player is interested reading garbage about why a player should be waived or why he is overpaid.These are proud, proud former star college football players. The career is short, the physical burden is high and the players are just people. We all have emotions and nobody enjoys bashing! The Buffalo fans are the best but by far the most frustrated.


    The players get paid a hell of a lot of money and its too bad you take offense to the people who pay those bills. Ive worked hard my whole life and I am proud etc,etc etc.... They are football players not someone saving mankind. Get over it, its a sport not a buisness.

  10. Unfortunately the fans have zero say in it.


    The fans pretty much have all the say. Stop going to games and you will see action. Why should I give you fresh milk at the grocery store if you the consumer are willing to pay $20 for sour milk. Get a grip. It has always been supply and demand. It's our society that needs everything now. The fans are the ones who fund this dam sport. It has nothing to do with smart buisness men. I know, start crying about what if the team leaves Buffalo. Maybe they will, but how long are you willing to pay $20 for sour milk?

  11. 3 seasons ago, GB knew they needed at least one QB. They drafted a can't miss kid by the name of Brian Brohm and a future growth QB by the name of Matt Flynn. But it seems even with injuries in preseason this Flynn kid outplayed the high profile pick of Brohm who was a high 2nd round pick. In 3 seasons in the NFL, the high profile can't miss kid has played in 10 preseason and rgular season games. This practice squad expected 7th rounder has played in parts of 11 preseason and regular season games. Several of them just to take a knee at the end protecting their #1 QB in GB. The high profile kid has been reelegated to the practice squad both seasons. So in 10 games the 2nd round drafted player has ZERO (0) TD's and SIX (6) Interceptions. The 7th rounder has THREE (3) TDs and TWO (2) Ints. Can you imagine being the expected #2 QB on a storied team like GB and never actually making their team? Can you imagine getting significant playing time in the NFL in preseason and never throwing a TD?


    Brohm 152 passes - 0 TDs - 6 INTs


    Flynn 82 passes - 3 TDs - 2 INTs



    Seems to me we got the wrong guy from GB. I know Flynn wasn't available but Brohm should have been thrown back.


    Why does anyone think this guy is going to even make the team let alone be our savior?


    For one he has the ability to read a defense.

  12. I was just waiting for this excuse. I knew it was coming and now that he said it confirms my belief that Nix seriously screwed up this offseason by not addressing the O-Line. Gailey says in an article from Chris Brown yesterday that: a QB can't throw downfield while he's scrambling for his life or lying on his back, we got to protect better (paraphrasing).

    They are already using the poor oline as an excuse for Trent's failure to throw past 4 yards. I know we played w/o some starters on the oline Friday night but doubt Cornhole Green would do much better. The fact that Nix did nothing to shore up our oline this past offseason will kill this team, something I've been saying since the draft ended . The Bills have alot of money to spend, no cap, no Schobel, small payroll; would it kill them to bring in a Flozell-Jamal Brown-Marcus Mcneil etc.

    Damit Ralph spend some money and get us some NFL tackles! Nix get out of bed before noon, put down the Metamucil, pick up the rotary dial phone and do something-Oh Yeah it's too late for this year so go back to bed.


    You're kidding right? Do you think Wilson even knows what going on? The only way this team will ever be good under wilson is by pure luck. That is, we have a Kurt Warner step on the field from some local grocery store. Other than that this is the modern day bag over your head Saints team.

  13. Yea, because this is really the story you want making headlines with your team during TC. Really positive stuff. Jesus.


    In addition: I know trash talking happens. I know the getting pissed off at each other happens. But, leaders don't say that. And the leaders of the locker room will let him know. This is great for fans to laugh at and obviously makes E. Wood a favorite with Buffalo fans who appreciate humility, toughness and the exact opposite of asking for money. But, I'm not sure where I see the benefit of this.


    And btw, Eric Wood isn't like Robin Hood or something. Dude is making some good money. And sure, he has been more productive than Maybin. But, lets see him in the playoffs or in the Pro Bowl before he starts running his mouth about performance. He's had his own share of bad games, despite Buffalo fans not wanting to acknowledge it.


    Unless your J. Byrd or F. Jackson, IMO, don't talk about performance.


    Oh so you are the expert on how leaders act? Leaders aren't afraid to stand up to tough issues. Any whimp can just roll his eyes and say "man I'm setting the example by saying nothing at all".


    Hey I'd follow a quite leader in to battle who never says anything about anything. Oh wait that was the Juraon leadership style.

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