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Posts posted by SlamnSam

  1. I just looked at the Cowboy's roster... dang, those 'boys gonna be hard to stop. That could be a probowl offense there, with Roy Williams, Miles Austin, Dez Bryant, Patrick Clayton, Witten, Romo, Felix Jones, Choice, and Barber. Their Defense is real good. If they aren't in the Super Bowl, a whole bunch of guys are slacking and getting canned. And their O.C. is creative, too. The NFC playoffs are going to be nasty this year. Saints, Vikings, Packers, Cowboys, the other two wild card NFC East teams. Some high powered offenses.


    Huh? Are you forgetting that Benny Hill is the figure head and Jones is the coach of the team. The only good players you listed was Miles and Witten, thats it. Chokeomo is looking at year 7 in the NFL. Yep he sat on the bench for 4 years before the Bleedsoe blowup. He ain't getting better, but worse.

  2. Call me crazy, but I think this whole thing was the plan a along. I think that the Bills knew that unless Jauron made a hugh turn around he was gone by week 8. It doesn't make sense that Nix would leave San Diego as a assistance GM for a director of scouting position with the Bills. He was told once Jauron flopps it's your team, just play along. I think the front office knew that it was a long shot that they were going to land Cowher or one the other big names. So Nix was brought in to take over, he already had Gailey ready to go and in this pocket. ( I can't remember ever hearding Gaily's name mentioned as a possible coaching candiate, he just came out of no where). the bills played the game, interviewed a black candiate, interviewed Fewell to save some face. All the other candiates refused to interview because they knew Gaily was the man all along and nobody wanted to look foolish. Bill cowher recommended him so people in buffalo would accept it better. Gailey being in college recently and from the south, must of spotted Brohm, liked in as a player and told Nix that's who he wants, so the Bills went out and picked him up, telling Brohm there plan so he would leave the packers even after the pac attempt to sign him once the bills made a move for him. Then they didn't draft a Qb, because Brohm was the man all along. I also think that Fewell was told not to play Brohm unless it 100% needed, just so he didn't get hurt, and screw up Nix and Gailys plan. Why won't they play Brohm last year? They said it was because he didn't have enough time to learn the plays and that true, but the Bills were going no where last year when he came, if he crapped the bed, big deal. I think it would have been more important to get him some hands on game experence and timing with current player. If Brohm is named the starter call me a genius, if it trent, call me goat. I'll take goat for now.


    Are you kidding? The braintrust of this team doesn't even have the capacity to think that deep.

  3. A lifeless performance by the Bills.

    More than 10 penalties committed by the Bills.

    A QB rating between 50 and 65 for Trent.

    190 - 210 rushing yards for the Jets.

    At least 12 checkdown passes from Trent including at least 4 when it's 3rd and 10 or longer.

    9th straight division loss.

    Dick will display great form with his post-loss handshake with R.R. He is very familiar and comfortable with this greeting.

    Dick will decline to speculate on his employment at least 4 times in the post game presser.

    Between Dick and Trent. the phrase "we/I will have to take a look at the film" will be used at least 8 times.


    You're all crazy. The Bills beat down the Jest and win by two scores.

  4. Both good points.


    About 2/3 of the NFL's money comes from the TV deal. The players get about 2/3 of team revenue. So, more or less, the TV contract goes to pay the players. That is currently how it works, with the salary cap.


    Yes, I was comparing the top (Dallas) against one of the bottom (Bills). To show the large gap between the two. Of course the other teams, or the Bills in another city, would not likely come close to Dallas. That's why I said double the ticket price instead of 3 times. Maybe 1.5 times would have been a little better.


    I tried to keep the original post simple, but the corporate box money is not shared. So the big market teams have that to draw on once the salary cap goes away.


    It all adds up to the small market teams getting screwed.


    Except with the Bills. The TV money goes mostly in Ralph Wilsons pocket, not the players. Ole ralph doesnt spend a penny on this team, unlike the other owners they want to win.

  5. Based on what? This team is in total disarray. The Jets are coming off of a tough road loss in which they looked pretty good. They are coached by a passionate leader who hates losing. R.R. will have his squad breathing fire on Sunday afternoon. What about Dick? He'll be all too willing to take the blame for yet another loss.


    Based on this is a very talented team and Im pretty sure they are angry. Tell me one person that likes to lose. The Bills are on fire this weekend and you can bank on the paper jets to fall apart. Week 6 is when you see what teams are really made of. The Bills are better than you think they are.

  6. I don't see firing DJ right now as doing anything (although it would make me very happy). An interim coach wouldn't know the players the team dynamics and the season would go even further down hill. Wait til the end of the season, get a good tough coach on board, new gm and most of the front office and move on.

    The hell with that start over now and get a jump on the rest of the teams for next year. Its not like we have anyone left that can play so why keep juaron? Cut these losses now and let people heal over this crap.

  7. If Jauron wasn't going to be fired after calling THE play that lost the Jets game in the Meadowlands last year, then why would we expect him to be fired after losing to a decent (albeit 0-3) team?


    Perhaps losing to Miami would bother Ralph more than anything, but I don't see Jauron going anywhere until the season is over.


    Wilson isnt bothered about losing to anyone. He gets bothered when he loses a penny when he could have had it for free. Wilson is the problem with this team not anyone else. I know as a buisness owner, and this is supposed to be a buisness, I would"ve already taken action unless I am a slum landlord.

  8. What do you think we could get for Lynch now?

    A first rounder next year?

    Would you trade him for a first next year, then combine those picks if needed to get the best QB in the draft.

    Or keep him and wait for strike three and another trip to the Comissioners office.


    Of course keep him, you dont expect us to win another game this year do you? We have the top QB coming to us in the draft anyways.

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