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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. To those saying no one would pick him up now because they're trimming their own rosters, the Saints thought enough of Jumal Rolle to pick him up off waivers. That's Jumal Rolle, and it's not like we don't need CB help. So Rogers makes it through waivers on early cuts, but Rolle doesn't. Interesting.



    The tape does lie - a lot. Especially in preseason. It's fair to debate Easley vs Rogers but... I felt that needed saying still


    How 'bout practice tape? Doesn't practice tape help decide who gets on preseason tape? I thought I heard a coach or two say the tape doesn't lie.

  3. Yeah, i could easily see the Jets signing him. But there are going to be all kinds of decent WRs cut from other teams that would be more productive right away than Da'Rick. Guys like Derek Hagan, who is way better than Da'rick right now, and likely significantly better than Marcus Easley, Brad Smith and Chris Hogan, are available all the time.


    Why you raggin' on Easley man! Guys been a beast!

  4. There's a new sheriff in town. Get with the program, or get lost. For a NFL head coach to publicly call out his player for "getting down" and "feeling sorry for himself" are pretty strong indicators this guy is not above minimal team standards and expectations, now matter how talented he may be, and will not be given an exception.



    The part that makes me disagree was his very last sentence, in fact his very last two words.


    I could be reading into it too much but it seems like the fact that he ended on a positive note means something.


    I take it as he could be a fine player somewhere, but not here if he doesn't get his head on straight, and soon!



    And after being asked about Da'Rick, the last sentence of Marrone's presser today was:


    "We just have to get it to where he’s constantly going up and he should be a fine player."


    While it's far from a guarantee, it didn't sound like Marrone was contemplating Rogers not making the team.


    Coach sounds frustrated with him to me, calling him out for getting down and feeling sorry for himself, unlike his fellow rookie counterparts. Unless he turns it around and shows Marrone what he wants to see, sounds to me like coach is very much contemplating cutting him.

  7. If you slide a guy that had a reputation of "raw and not an nfl talent"coming out of college in there, its possible other teams think "well I guess our evaluation is right"


    That's not to say no ones ever been picked up at that point...


    The point being they at least acknowledged the guy was cut and either correctly or incorrectly reaffirmed their initial evaluation. They most certainly do not "ignore" other teams cut lists.

  8. And you are aware that even the 5 man cut down puts 155 players from other teams on the market that may be playing better in practice than projected from their college evaluations? Yet alone the 700 to hit the market on nearly the same day at the end of camp and weighing them against the prospects you kept... With very little new film sometimes guys slip through the cracks.


    The statement that was made was that teams may "ignore" that first cutdown to 75. I don't think so.


    And should we think TJ Graham is a lock? This staff has no allegience to him and Goodwin fill that roll anyway...


    Uh, yes? The guy is really taking that leap in his 2nd year and will be part of the core WR group.

  9. Jasper wasnt believed to be a 2nd round talent who fell through the draft because of off the field issues. If a team cuts a 2nd round pick teams will notice those players and take flyers on them through waiver claims.


    It is true that teams do use their first cut down time to 75 to potentially hide very raw talent because teams may pass on the cut down to 75 players and ignore than more so than the cut down of players to 53. I could see Kauffman (and a few others) getting cut after next weeks game with the plan of putting him on the PS


    It baffles me to think that people believe pro sports teams ignore these transactions. You do realize teams employ full time staff to fully research and keep tabs on all players, right? They have their own scouting files from preparing for these guys coming out of college, they are fully aware of every name that gets cut and what the personnel people think of them.

  10. Was I talking about trading Rogers?......No! :wacko:


    Either they're smart for "hiding" him according to you, or he is actually "performing" in games, again according to you. Which is it? BTW, if this is your definition of performing, feel free to raise the bar just a tad - I know the coaches are. On another side, when guys like Kaufman and Sampson are stealing your game reps, outlook not so good for your boy. Oh, the horror of "exposing" him to waivers! :death:

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