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Posts posted by manateefan

  1. My first game at the stadium was in 1980. A group of us from work got together and went. Buffalo vs. Miami. Buffalo hadn't won in 10 years (20 games). Buffalo won and the goal posts were torn down for the first time. The goal posts were torn down 2 more times. When Buffalo beat the Jets in 1988 to clinch the division in November 1988 and when we beat Miami in 1990 to advance as a wild card. I was at those games. But the best in my eyes w as the 1980 game.

  2. I live in Florida and my brother lives in Indiana. I used to search the members list for his posts just to see what he wrote and if I wanted to respond. With the new board I can find the member but can't see his posts. I click on "Posts" and all my computer does is show "loading" in green at the top and I get nothing. Not real thrilled with this new site.

  3. It was a smart decision by Nix and Gailey to go with Trent as the starter in 2010. I think that it makes a lot of sense to give him one last chance, especially with a young team that is rebuilding.


    The guy was horrendous last year. I get that. I watched the games. But he was put in an impossible situation with decision to gut the offensive line and the total chaos surrounding the strategic direction of the offense. He was shell-shocked. Fitzy was the better player to deal with the protection breakdowns and still go through the progressions.


    But Nix and Gailey discounted the disaster of 2009 and focus instead on mid-2007 and early 2008 (including the Chargers game after his concussion) when Trent showed that he can be a top-10 NFL quarterback. He reacted to struggles by throwing coaches under the bus and that hurt him with teammates and led turds like Donte Whitner to jump all over him. That doesn't matter now because those coaches are gone and the losers like Whitner may soon be following them.


    Trent could be gone in a year, but at least Gailey will have seen what he needs to see to make that call. He is almost certainly our 2010 starter.


    Nix has NOT named the starter but said that the quarterback position was wide open to competition. The decision has not yet been made who the starter will be.

  4. Depends who. My mom retired with about 150K and rental income. Then again, my mother supported 4 kids on a 20K salary, half of that as a widow.


    Now we take care of her :lol:

    My mom had a 401K (not great but supplemented her SS) and a rental property (a double, two flats). She lived in one and the other was rented out. She signed the property over to us kids but had the right to live there and get the income during her life. The rent paid most of her living expenses.

  5. A friend of mine was doing something similar. He had about 20 rental houses in Florida. About 6 years ago, his net worth was about $1.5 million. He ended up taking out home equity loans to buy some additional prepeties. Today, he is down to about 8 properties, most of which he is trying to sell through short sales. His net worth is now negative. In addition to the rental properties, he also operates a home repair business. Since the majority of his work has been done on his own houses, he has reported very little income from his business. As a result, he has paid very little social security taxes over the years. He's now in his late 40's, he has pretty much lost all of the rental property that he was going to use to retire on, and his projected soc sec benefits are squat.


    Basically a reminder that we all need to diversify. Put as much money in IRA's and 401k's as you can afford. Try to save 10% of your income toward your retirement and start EARLY. Make sure that you diversify your investments. Take advantage of Roth ira's. There are a lot of benefits to Roths in addition to the tax free withdrawals.

    His problem was that he got sucked into the "boom" period, figuring that if he bought more property using the equity he had he'd get his money back quick. Sorry the balloon burst and property values tanked. Many "speculators" lost their butt for the same reason.


    He should have stayed with just his 20 rentals. That's six years paid on the mortgages (if he has them) and as long as you have tenants paying you still have income.

  6. Also a lot of this has to due with the Bush tax cuts that went only to rich people. :thumbsup:

    I don't care which politician it came from, I can't afford it any more. I haven't have even a cost of living raise in four years. I don't mean less than, I mean nothing. Gas goes up, electric goes up, food costs go up, etc. But my wages haven't gone up.

  7. Article 1


    Article 2


    But let's cut teachers and cops. After much research, it turns out that Pensions are pretty much guaranteed by Illinois' State Constitution. Good luck paying for that, liberals.

    Most government employees do not get what was reported in that article. There is only a select few who get that. I am a government employee and if I could retire today (which I can't) I will only get $1,000 a month. Not everyone who worke in government makes great wages and great pensions. So please stop criticizing all of us.

  8. Maybe if our "elected representatives" had the same retirement and health plans as the average citizen has instead of a totally separate one they might really understand what the complaints and problems are. Elected politicians do not collect Social Security (they have their own retirement plan) and politicians are not covered by the newly voted in health plan (they have their own) which by the way it paid for you and me, the taxpaper.

  9. Virtually none of the states are in compliance with this Real ID program — adopted in 2005 — requiring state motor vehicle bureaus to obtain and internally scan and store personal information like Social Security cards and birth certificates for a national database.


    They require it in Florida. And as a female, if you have more than one marriage you have to show a paper trail from the name on your birth certificate to your current name (all divorce papers and marriage licenses.).

  10. Why don't they make everyone equal in this mess. Make the Senate, Congress and all their aides susceptible to all the pitfalls of this health care plan instead of taxpayers paying for their health care and their retirement. Why shouldn't they be in the Social Security system like the rest of us? I had an uncle who worked for the IRS when they had their own retirement system and he retired in the early eighties making more than I do now.

  11. lol nice plan <_< You left out that every car is going to have to be a eco friendly model approved by a newly created bureaucracy. This will be a totally separate entity than the DMV which already has too much to handle. It will benefit the economy by creating more jobs!

    Not to worry this is not in your bill fink. We can deem yours passed and just ad this later. No one will notice.


    Yeah, go buy a Prius!!!!

  12. They may be no Federal "Income" tax but I'd venture to guess that the majority of that 40% pay a much higher percentage of their income in tax than any other entity.


    At the end of the day, taxation in this country is broken and the most successful thing the government has done is pitted the middle class against itself to the point where it doesn't care about truly important things and instead bickers about meaningless statistics.

    All I know is that in 2009 we got a break on Federal income tax in our paychecks. Unfortunately when we filed we paid half of that back. Is that a true break? My husband I combined only made about $70,000.

  13. In all seriousness, we already do, don't we?


    And I hear y'all on the non-docs, Doc. When I first went in for my knee a couple of months ago, X-rays came back negative and the NP suggested a cortisone shot so I could return to work. Um, no, how about we find out what the hell's wrong with it first?


    The MRI confirmed a sprained LCL, and I've been in a brace ever since.


    My personal physician is from India and I love him. I would not trade him for the world. He is well respected in his filed and I trust him. He bought the practice from my first doctor, a good ole Southern boy, and I was leary but found out that he was very capable.

  14. Yes, but your company is a for-profit private enetrprise requiring its employees to do something as an employment condition. Its no different than a company scheduling diversity classes for all its employees. If you don't like it, you can go work elsewhere. No big deal. That is totally different from this bill.



    No it is not a for-profit enterprise. I work for a local government, just didn't want to say that because of how people feel about government.

  15. I'm all for improving things. This isn't accomplishing that. The ONLY way to reduce health care costs is for people to take better care of themselves AND to have some skin in the game. They still have no incentive to do that. Maybe that should have been the mandate, instead of requiring people to buy health insurance?


    I already work for a company that mandates how you take care of yourself. If you smoke you have to go to smoking cessation classes annually (which don't seem to work as the same people take them over and over), if you are considered overweight, you have to join a program, diabetics (who most know how to control it) have to go to classes annually, they have age required tests.


    I have a doctor and I have an annual physical, but I feel it should be up to the doctor to decide which tests are needed and not some paper pusher.

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