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Posts posted by geggytah

  1. looking over the bills' depth chart, i now find joe burns, lionel gates, and shaud williams as the backup RBs for the bills. not for nothing, but none of those guys have shown the ability to fill in for long stretches of time during and NFL game.



    but wait........look..........its a bird, its a plane, its....its......





    and experienced NFL rusher with starting experience. its rashard lee - who TD snatched up from dallas months ago knowing that he needed someone to be able to carry the load for the bills while willis needs a rest. yes, that is just during the time when willis needs a quick breath of air or a swig of gatorade, because other than that willis will never leave the field while the rest of the offensive unit is out there. there will be no talk of any other circumstances that would cause willis to miss a play or in severe circumstances, a series. there will be no talk of the "I" word, because even though rashard lee is capable of filling the gap for a few plays, the bills need willis to be in there to put fear in the heads of the defense - whether we run or play action them.



    thanks for coming to buffalo rashard!

  2. sorry 'bout that last post.....i posted it before i realized that someone already had the same thought later on in the thread




    annny way....i think the biggest dropoff would come if nate clements was injured. i just don't see mcgee being #1 CB material and moving vincent back to CB really isn't viable considering his speed being limited by age

  3. Even if Travis is on the team, Mcgahee is by far the most critical.  The drop off in talent is huge to the next level on our team. 


    On defense, probably Spikes.  If Fletcher went down Spikes can move in, but we have no depth at LB either.




    actually we don't really know that.....when was the last time one of our LB's actually missed a game? maybe we have some sleepers playing back there learning from the best LB core in the game.

  4. Alt + Print Screen will take a snap shot of any active window in all versions of Windows and then you can do a Ctrl + V to paste the image in Word, Paint, or any graphics program.  If you are just on the desktop with no active windows open the process will  be the same, it will just take a image of the desktop.  :doh:




    brilliant!!! who the frig knew???



    (obvious answer: you and not me)

  5. i did a little searching around and have come up with a few options to capture shots from my pc's screen but i was wondering if anyone else out there has any software capable of this and possibly recommendations??? thanks in advance.....i know there is no question imaginable that cannot be answered by the brilliance that this forum exudes!!!!

  6. here's a little tip if you are really considering going with limewire pro....




    download limewire pro by using the normal limewire application by doing a search for it under applications. kind of funny that you can d/l the pay version from the free version, but it's an option.

  7. yeah great...trade away our best playmaker on defense. remember what made our defense so special last year? turnovers. we always had a solid defense yardage wise but it didn't translate into wins until last year when we were able to add the ability to create turnovers on top of simply shutting people down. why would you trade our best player in terms of creating turnovers? he's young, he's cocky (a must for a top shelf CB IMHO), he has great skills, size, and speed. he will also cost a lot of money...but you DO have to play for top shelf talent in this league. just because we had him under a bargain contract for the last 3 years doesn't mean we were paying him market value. we paid him under market those 3 years and in turn i feel we should at least pay market value to keep him. i think a takeo spikes (is it 5 years $30 million) would be about right. if nate wants a randy moss or payton manning sized contract then i really think trading him has to be considered. pay the man though...he is a great CB




    (yes he has made a few boneheaded plays like the jacksonville game last year, but i guaruntee he has learned from that mistake and will "BAT IT DOWN" in future situations like that....experience was all he needed and he has got that now)

  8. issue resolved.....the solution you ask? (in case the problems happens for someone else)



    i shut down the programs from the task manager, then reopened them from the shortcuts on my start menu. restarted my pc and voila....back to normal.


    thanks for all the help

  9. upon startup, my computer normally runs certain programs (ie: AVG anti-virus, ePrompter e-mail client, USB mouse, etc...). When i got home this afternoon and started up, those programs did load and are running in the Task Manager. The problem is that they are not visable in my system tray...thus rendering the use of the programs annoying because i have to go to the start menu to select their shortcuts. i tried changing the "hide when inactive", "always show", "always hide" settings for the items in the system tray as well...but to no avail. how do i get those items (that are running but not visible in the system tray) to be visible again?

  10. Yet, he did the same exact thing to Boone.


    He knew what was going to happen...and he let it. Just like his father did to him. He sacrificed someone for the betterment of his own life.


    Maybe Locke isn't the good guy we think.




    but he did yell to him to get out........


    his father just took the kidney and ran

  11. Deus Ex Machina, is also a title in one of the chapter's of the book "Watership Down", a book that Sawyer was reading early on in the season. Coincidence?  :P



    when was he reading that book? i know a few episodes back he was reading "A Wrinkle in Time" while Michael and Jin were working on the boat....i didn't catch (or don't remember) him reading anything else before that time.

  12. the other thought that comes to mind....is pulling Travis off the block altogether....and wait until the injuries start hitting NFL teams in preseason games and the first couple of weeks of the season.  Then hang him out there for a definate 2nd rounder or a late first rounder in 2006.



    in all likelyhood, THIS is what i see happening. i know we are all dying for moves to be made by OBD, but in terms of getting the bang for the buck that travis henry is, we are much better off waiting for a desperate team to give up a valuable draft pick. right now, i don't see any desperate teams. there will be though...i promise you that.


    think back to when olandis gary became expendable for us. certainly he was no where near in the class of a TH, yet TD netted a 5th round (i believe) from the desperate Lions. If Gary is worth a 5th, TD should get nothing less than a mid 2nd round pick imho. patience and opportunity are the key though.

  13. also, i have been going back and watching old episodes just to rehash some things out and see how things are tying together. since there isn't a new episode for a few weeks, i figure i'd let everyone in (if you didn't know already) on a GREAT source for downloading TV shows...especially LOST. the shows are recorded in HD, so quality is DEF not an issue and the file size is approx. 350 MB. with a good connection it should take 2 hours tops to download an episode.


    first, you need a program to download torrents. http://www.bitlord.com has a free program to do that with no spyware.


    second, go to http://www.tvtorrents.com/ and click on the TV show, then the episode you want to download. save the torrent (file) to your desktop then open it using the bitlord program. bada bing, bada boom...you have yourself past edisodes of you favorite tv shows!!!

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