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Posts posted by geggytah

  1. this has been quite possibly the most boring game i have ever seen. defenses haven't even been that good. lack of yardage and poeints has been poor execution and playcalling - for both teams. SU was EXTREMELY fortunate that WVU had slippery hands today and almost fumbled the game away.


    the most telling stat of the day: there was not ONE single third down converted until the fourth quarter started - for EITHER team. YIKES! ugly ugly ugly football....and this is coming from a fan a defensive minded football. wow. just wow

  2. actually from just watching the game once i noticed a different JP depending on the drive that was going on. early on he looked to stay in the pocket a little and escape when needed. it was a take what is given to you approach. then he started feeling some heat or receivers weren't open when they were supposed to be and it was almost like once he got flushed out of the pocket once or twice he forgot that he could stay in the pocket after that. he was running everytime he felt wind of a defensive player within 5 yards of him. after one or two drives of that "attitude", i do believe he calmed down a bit and found some receivers the more conventional way, but he was still a little skittish in the pocket for my liking.



    all that aside though, the man played the position of qb and played it well. 3 scoring drives is impressive, but even more impressive was the time taken off the clock during the drives because of 3RD DOWN CONVERSIONS. watch the cowboys and see the difference between how they fail to convert 3rd downs and compare it to us and you will see exactly what i am talking about.


    if we can score 17 points in the first half every game and add 7-14 in the second half, our defense will do the rest and i guaruntee a perfect season. will we score 17 and 7-14 in every game? no. but if we did, the rest of the teams in the league might as well forfeit the season and start next year right now cause the bills have the superbowl locked up.

  3. AHHHHH....yahoo messed us up. unfortunately there was a microcosmic moment of time where the 11th guy in our league signed up, yahoo attempted to start the draft and noticed an odd number of managers - then automatically changed the draft to an autopick draft, and then the 12th guy signed up.


    unfortunately i cannot get our draft time back for tonight due to yahoo not being able to due instantanious changes. i can set the draft for tomorrow evening at 7pm or we can all select a time together. sorry about this...it was out of my hands.


    is tomorrow okay for everyone? please post below or PM me about your preference i will set up a time most convenient for everyone.

  4. ;)

    QB, QB, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/T, W/R, K, DEF, D, D, DB, DB, DL, DL, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN

    I'm pretty sure you only had 4 last year.


    You have 17 positions to fill. Each week there are 4 teams with byes, and lets assume 1 injured player per week(short term injury). That means you have to assume you will lose the use of 15% of your players each week. Keep in mind that is with 4 benches and 1 injury.


    Don't get me wrong I liked the league last year, I just found that I was too often given a choice between waiving one of my better players or leaving a slot blank due to this.


    That being said I'm still in and I WILL enjoy it and this will be the only time I open my yap about it.


    EDIT: I wrote my original post before I counted the number of BNs you had this year. :D




    first, thanks for expressing your concern. it is great to have active members in a FFL. i think that the issue of not having enough BNs has been addressed sufficiently...unless you think 7 is not enough...then let me know and we can discuss.


    second, here is why i like the limited number of BNs. when you draft and trade you HAVE to account for things like BYE weeks. you cannot just grab players because you like them, you have to like them and do some long term planning. if you DO end up with multiple players having BYE weeks the same week, it forces you to either accept a 0 for their position for that week OR (which is a major strong point) increases activity in the league by stimulating trades, drops, waivers, and FA pickups. lastly, having limited BNs eliminates owners that get lucky during the draft/waivers/FA pickups and stash away talent - not to use the talent on their team but to prevent others from having the talent on their team.



    having said all that, i am sticking with the 7 BNs for now, unless the league demands more or less of them. voice your opinions please....everyone.

  5. I played in your league last year and I had one major point of concern of playing again this year. You have included defensive positions.


    I like playing with the defensive positions but I found it very difficult to field an entire team with the limited benches.  I usually had to waive a good player or leave a slot open for much of the season.


    Sometimes this was due to injury, sometimes due to a bye week, or sometimes both. Can we expand the number of benched players we have?



    i did increase the number of benched players this year....although i think having the number low added a little more strategy into the whole league. last year i had either 4 or 6 benched players....this year i selected 7 bench players and actually decreased the number of starters from 18 to 17 (i dropped a WR)



    does this sound ok?



    now that i think about it though i almost don't like the 7 bench players. 5 or 6 might be sufficient. what does everyone think?

  6. I don't agree with every detail of the scoring system, but I think it is better than most.  I was wondering the other day why most leagues tend to suck so much?


    My boss asks me if I want to join his Fantasy Football League this year and I immediately say yes.

    Then he emails me the rules and I think "maybe not".


    No points for a fumble recovery on defense, 1 lousy pt for an INT. 6 pts for a TD - OK fine. But 3 lousy points for a 100-125 yard game for a RB/WR, and 3 pts for any FG? 5pts for a 50+yd FG? By that system I may as well draft a Kicker first. Three chip-shot FG's apparently equals a 120yd, 1 TD game by a WR? Also no negative points for int's thrown by a QB. A QB has to throw for 300 yards to get any yardage points? A RB that runs for 99 yds & no TD's is 0 pts...ok.

    And oh yeah, defense....A D that gives up 6 points and only gets 1 turnover should be worth more than one that gives up 40 pts and forces 4 turnovers.




    so what details of the scoring system i devised should be changed in your opinion? like i said, i am open to suggestions.

  7. I am a bit confused.  I am not joining the league but are you sure you have to pre-rank your players if it is "Live Draft" ?



    if you are not present for the live draft then the yahoo will automatically draft players for you based on their rankings - that is UNLESS you modify their rankings to your liking

  8. I am at 62% (404 MB) but I can not tell if it is stopped or just slowed.


    Can you view partial downloads?  I never used this thing before.



    i believe you can view partial downloads. you must, however, cease downloading before the file can be used in another manner (like watching it). just exit out of your bit torrent client (program) and then go to the directory where it is saved. give one of the files the clickity click and enjoy the show!

  9. I put this on the Stadium Wall so that more people will see it and the league will fill up faster. Please leave it up on the Wall for a day or two. Please :blink:



    League ID#: 356799

    Password: cookies



    I don't know about the rest of you but I am DYING to have a draft and get a league going. The other leagues that I am in don't begin until the end of this month and I just can't wait that long anymore. Please please please please do not enter this league if you do not fully intend to stay active and competitive in it for the ENTIRE season. This league is very deep and high scoring points-wise. It should be a challenge during the draft because the number of players on both offense and defense that will be available to consider. Please e-mail me (you can find my e-mail after you sign up for the league) or post messages on the message board on the league's homepage if you wish to discuss the points breakdown or any other concerns/questions that you have. Thanks for joining and I look forward to a great season! Here is the breakdown of the league:


    League Name: TBD - FFL for Masters

    League ID#: 356799

    Password: cookies

    Draft Type: Live Draft

    Draft Time: Thu Aug 11 7:00pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ]

    Max Teams: 12

    Scoring Type: Head-to-Head

    Start Scoring on: Week 1

    Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports

    Max Moves: No maximum

    Max Trades: No maximum

    Trade Reject Time: 2

    Trade End Date: November 25, 2005

    Trade Review: Commissioner

    Waiver Time: 2 days

    Post Draft Players: Free Agents

    Playoffs: Week 15 and 16 (4 teams)

    Roster Positions: QB, QB, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/T, W/R, K, DEF, D, D, DB, DB, DL, DL, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN

    Stat Categories: Incomplete Passes (-1)

    Passing Yards (30 yards per point)

    Passing Touchdowns (6)

    Interceptions (-4)

    Sacks (-2)

    Rushing Yards (20 yards per point)

    Rushing Touchdowns (6)

    Receptions (1)

    Reception Yards (10 yards per point)

    Reception Touchdowns (6)

    Return Yards (25 yards per point)

    Return Touchdowns (6)

    2-Point Conversions (2)

    Fumbles Lost (-4)

    Offensive Fumble Return TD (6)

    Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)

    Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)

    Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)

    Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4)

    Field Goals 50+ Yards (5)

    Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards (-3)

    Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards (-3)

    Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards (-3)

    Field Goals Missed 40-49 Yards (-2)

    Field Goals Missed 50+ Yards (-1)

    Point After Attempt Made (1)

    Point After Attempt Missed (-3)

    Sack (2)

    Interception (5)

    Fumble Recovery (5)

    Touchdown (6)

    Safety (2)

    Block Kick (2)

    Return Yards (25 yards per point)

    Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns (6)

    Points Allowed 0 points (10)

    Points Allowed 1-6 points (7)

    Points Allowed 7-13 points (4)

    Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)

    Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)

    Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)

    Points Allowed 35+ points (-4)

    Tackle Solo (1)

    Tackle Assist (.5)

    Sack (2)

    Interception (4)

    Fumble Force (2)

    Fumble Recovery (2)

    Touchdown (6)

    Safety (2)

    Pass Defended (1)

    Block Kick (2)

  10. It is about the 7th reply under "scrimage clips online?".  It reads "here you go enjoy."  It took about 2 hours to download, but it plays good and I am really enjoying watching the bills play very good.





    YESSSSSS!!!!!! this is gold....good find over at bb.com

  11. Based solely on last night,  I believe our team will be a D based team.  Our offense will run the ball, get a few first downs and punt.  Field position will be the name of the game.  Low scoring games.  Thats how it is going to be.  If you like watching Defense, this is the tam to watch.  Losman will slowly progress.  McGahee will be great.  The team will go just as far as the Defense will take them.  JP should not be responsible for the Bills success.  Ou Defense and Special temas will.  Why should he be responsible?  He is essentailly a rookie.  He is in a great situation hwhere he is playing on an amazingly sound team.  Our Defense will be #1 this year.  There is no reason it shouldn't be.  This year will be interesting.  Most wins will be credited to the D.





    normally i don't don't try to insult people or anything..........


    but this time i just have to say









    DUH :D









  12. naw i have no problem calling someone out for their performance - whether good or bad. TD is no exception to this. i do have to give credit to him for signing an RB with great physical tools and some experience playing in the NFL prior to moving henry. the move looked good before. now it looks brilliant!


    now we need to address either signing verba to play LT or lock up clements. both of these moves need to be made, and the fact that they haven't yet is a BAD move by TD. see? a BAD move...i said it.

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