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Posts posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. I'm disgusted we have to send anyone, frankly.


    But...setting emotion aside, and recognizing the practical matter of representation at the funeral demonstrating a level of recognition of the PA that could help foster peace in the region...Armitage would be a reasonable choice.  Dan Kurtzer (US Ambassador to Israel) would send an interesting message to both Israel and the PA.  And sending John Danforth would be entertaining for the confusion it would cause.  :doh:


    My preference emotionally, though, would be to send General Michael W. Hagee...because Arafat deserves to be escorted to Hell by a Marine...


    Thanks DC..that was the type on answer i expected.....i disliked the man too....but there are greater issues still remaining

  2. Ugh...PETA...Rachel is a card carrying member of PETA. Doesn't mind if I eat meat though. However, if I did something like that at a rally or whatnot, I would not be getting any for quite awhile.


    Need you know that PETA is moving its national headquarters from a nice office building in Norfolk, VA to a 5 bedroom house in Norfolk...boy they still have pull

  3. wrong...

    you havn't been put down for being a liberal Catholic.

    you have been put down for being a liberal.


    well you have not read every post addressed to me.....i can handle my liberal politics being questioned..i cannot stand a born again Christian telling me where i'm going after death and making the decision on what type of Christian i am

  4. Short memories, apparently.


    I wonder what people in Munich think?


    Does this country thrive if we isolate every other country in this world??? I honestly didn't give a stevestojan whether he lived or die....in my day to day, hour to hour life, Arafat never had an effect on it....

  5. If you put forth half the effort trying to live like JC as you do taking him out of context you would be a better person for it.  Jesus was immediately to bring spiritual peace, to make accessible peace between God and man. Jesus, in His first coming, was not to bring world peace between men.  The "sword" is analogous to "Gods word"


    Indeed, it is sadly ironic, that the Gospel, which is Good News for absolutely everyone, does not bring peace, but brings a "sword". "When Christianity divides families and produces wars, this is not the fault of Christianity, but of human nature" [broadus, 234]. The "sword" is a result of people rejecting God’s Good News, and turning upon the bearers of His Good News. "Truth provokes opposition, purity excites enmity, and righteousness arouses all the forces of wrong" [spurgeon, 129]. The cause of the strife is not the Gospel itself, but the rejection of the Gospel. Men reject the truth of the Gospel because they desire to continue in their ways of sin. As Jesus summarized elsewhere: "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil" (John 3:19).


    My, my, my....us bad Catholics cannot qoute scripture like that....well i guess we have our balls burn for ever in hell. No way we get into the Kingdom of God

  6. While my comments may have offended some here, I stand by them. Why? To me it seems Arabs have little or no regard for any non-Arab. Even their fellow Muslims, the Persians, are held in low esteem.


    Will someone please tell me why I should be pleasant toward a culture that embraces terrorism and is blatantly racist in and of itself? And don't gve me the "we need to be better than that" answer. Give me a real reason why I should respect Arabs and the Arab culture.


    Because in your narrow minded pea brain...you seem to think every Muslim on earth is a terrorist...my grandmother used to think that our family members that lived in northern ireland were terrorist....she was wrong

  7. Food for thought....


    Image a table of Muslim students sitting at table on campus, handing out reading materials about Islam.


    Then a larger group of mostly white students (maybe some who had family killed in Spain or Bahli by suicide bombs) yells at the Muslim students. "Get off campus!", and "I would rather be dead than be a dirty muslim!"


    And the groups get more and more violent, and threatens not to stop till the Islamic group is kicked off campus....


    Still freedom of speech then?


    well after physical violence you bring in the police...until then...yes freedom of speech

  8. actually the intent was to encourage some folks to do a study of Dispensational Truth.  not necesarrily the first link that comes up on a Google Search.  which by the way i did not do so i am not sure what comes up.


    you have made it clear that you reject the Bible as truth.  That is your decision.

    I don't see a need to attempt to pursuade you.  You go your way and I will go mine.


    2 Thessalonians 2:10,11:


    10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    Have at it.


    I'm a practicing Catholic...don't be so quick to judge...my relationship with God is mine....you get it... not yours

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