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Posts posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. I don't know how you come up with some of your stuff, but you cannot compare a boarding party on a suspect vessel out in the gulf to what these Marines and Soldiers are up against in Fallujah.  No way in hell can you do that.


    I'm not saying that it couldn't get sketch at times, but your job wasn't to take over the vessel by force, your job was to inspect the vessel after the vessel's captain had already agreed to get boarded.


    Please keep from over-inflating your experiences in future posts.


    The moment I stepped on those ship my life was endangered...guess we forget that we were at war in the 1st Gulf War...my job was as important as what Marines are doing in Iraq now...but I'm sure this board will explain to me why I was not in danger.

  2. Okay...no disrespect, but get back to me with your thoughts on this after they were shooting (and hitting) you in the face.


    it all applies...we were expected to follow the orders of our superiors. But i guess my situation on boarding parties does not qualify as war....there were sailors shot in our destroyer squadron though.....the Iraqi was taken into custodynot shot dead...but no, this sailor was not GRAZED in the face...he took a shotgun shell to his abdomen and thigh..

  3. You ever been in combat?  Hell you ever trained for building clearing?  I have, you don't have time to !@#$ around.  You kill everything in sight and move on. 


    Pretty damn easy to backseat drive from the comfort of your liberal !@#$ing chair isn't?  Especially when you have never done it, and have no clue.  Do yourself a favor and STFU.


    Hey I did boardings parties on unknown ships in the Gulf during GW I.....we were scared shitless and crew members would come out of little nooks...but we never shoot dead anybody. That was not a Lethal Weapon movie in Iraq, where the villan appears dead and then shoots Mel Gibson. It was an act of cruelity..especially after the Marine's comment "now he is dead"...I was sick watching the video....this is worst than another black eye on our mission in Iraq

  4. So now I have a fear of homosexuals?  Okay -- then thank God I live in a country where 70% of the citizens are homophobes by your definition.


    Come on, libs, is this really the best you can do?  I throw out some tangible facts and all you can come up with is this?  I expected some lib would at least step up and say they like having their anus rigorously penetrated in an attempt to prove me wrong.


    I don't enjoy having my anus penetrated (well maybe Pam Anderson) but for any man that does...carry on smartly....

  5. I love the reaction from libs when they get confronted with the dark facts about that which they so heroically espouse.  Next thing you know they'll be asking thier congressperson to include enemas in the government handout package for poor homosexual males.  Poor men should be able to have clean homosexual relations as well, right?


    HOMOPHOBIA!!!!!!!! Don't be scared...let it in..don't fight it

  6. Yet another reason from libs to blame America.  :)


    I guess some people are more concerned about legalizing sodomy, which truth be told is a fairly brutal practice, than upholding a fundamental virtue of civilization (traditional marriage).  Why not just rewrite the statment to read "Bring me your tired, poor, weary, homosexuals, and sodomists."  Now that would be truly reversing the stigma.


    I'm sorry but you would not have enough jail space in America for all those who committ sodomy...be real

  7. To all those who assisted me with my Currency home work.

    That my professor was so impressed with the spreadsheets I created for the homework. He gave me an A+. I know that an A+ is not so easy to get in some subjects.

    But do I feel good about it.



    Sue we are proud of you ...we need bumper stickers that say you are our TDB honor roll student

  8. Since it would have no affect on you for them to get married, why should we be able to stop them for being married, but let homosexuals?


    You guys are missing my point, every reason you guys use to say homosexuals should be allowed to get married can be said about incestual couple as well.  Should we allow any single couple in the world to wed, regardless of any circumstances as long as it doesn't directly affect us?  We might as well since marriage is already tainted, we might as well give up and flush it down the drain right?


    Someone please lay out an argument for me that shows how wrong incest is and how right homosexuality is.  You have yet to do it.  All I have gotten so far is "More people are gay than incest."  More people are right handed than left handed.  A lot of people cheat on their spouses.  You're gonna need to come up with a better argument...


    For someone to say that homosexuals should be allowed to get married because it doesn't directly affect anyone, and then say that a brother and sister getting married would be offensive is completely hypocritical.


    Simple in this society...homosexuality is accepted..sorry its true deal with it....even most homosexuals are against incest as is most of society

  9. Something to note about these programs is that they conform to the general stereotype of gays in this country and don't really show any real issues pertaining to being gay i.e. persecution.  They only deal with flippant men interested in fashion who have lots of girl friends.  It wouldn't sell on TV if it wasn't outrageous and it didn't re-confirm everything viewers already believe about gay people.  To show gay people as leading normal lives not driven by sex or fashion would be simply out of the question.


    As far as incest, polygamy vs. a stable same-sex, two-person relationship being recognized, I don't see what they have to do with one another.


    Incest, even among consenting family members of age, has proven to be genetically dangerous.  Polygamy has proven to be unstable on most counts as it always rests on an imbalance of power -- it isn't outlawed, just not sanctioned by marriage, though I am sure some ridiculous 'religious' organizations are up for it.  On the other hand, people have had stable, monogamous same-sex relationships for years.    These are all arguments made outside of the concrete "right-wrong" religious argument that will never be resolved.  That recognizing same-sex relationships would lead to sanctioning of pedophilia is ludicrous.  In our society, we've determined that there is an age of consent, and if one is taking advantage of someone who is not old enough to have a proper understanding of consent, or does not grant it, it's against the law.  Period -- whether it's pedophilia or rape or otherwise.


    Personally, I am a married heterosexual who would just assume see the government disavow itself of the entire marriage process and grant all COUPLES civil unions.  Then people can be married in the eyes of God, their church, a justice of the peace or whatever they deem necessary to their relationship.  A true separation of church and state.


    Bravo on idea of separation of church and state with regards to homosexuality

  10. F Belechek, F the Patriots, F  F-ing Brady, F Corey Dillon F all of them. I'm sick and tired of people here slurping the glorious spend of Bill f-ing Belechek as if he was the f-ing stevestojan. Hey! People! Wake up, he let a f-ing rookie QB kick their asses!

    He can call our linemen the f-ing spawn of John F-ing Hannah for all I care. He's smart about dealing with his opponents? F-That!  I wouldn't doubt for a second that they are f-ing looking ahead to f-ing KC and Baltimore.  I bet they expect to f-ing phone this game in and win!  How about us all collectively climbing off Bill Belechek's f-ing jock and get on our guys to kick the f-ing dog stevestojan out the Patriots this Sunday. 


    I want to actually see snot. On television.  Flying out of one of their guys from being hit so hard. Please, please make this happen! I want Paul F-ing Maguire to spurt coffee out of his nose from the shock of the f-ing violence that the Bills impose on the f-ing Patriots Sunday night.  I want f-ing gieger counters, on the sidelines, registering f-ing mid-category tremors from the plastic to plastic collisions being collectively heaped on the Patriots Sunday night. 


    I want Armen whatever-the-f-his-name-is Kateyen.... oh the hell with it, you know who I mean, to lose his f-ing stevestojan all over his wool trench coat from the massive pummeling taking place on the field.  And I don't f-ing care if he is on CBS or not.  He can be sitting in his f-ing house for all I care. Just make it so!


    I want their trainers, and our trainers combined,to run out of gauze, and triangle cravats, and Neosporin, and that red stevestojan your parents slathered all over you as a kid when you scraped yourself up on your bike with the banana seat as a kid from all the bleeding and trauma that will be occuring on the Patriots' asses Sunday night!

    Go Bills. Have a nice day.



    "put me in coach, i'm ready to play"

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