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Posts posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. Rick Mirer?  When did Rick Mirer win 2 Super Bowl in 3 years?  You trying to tell me Rick Mirer was ever as good as Tom Brady?  Even for 5 minutes?  Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!




    I'm not saying that at all, what I'm saying is that I can list off a bunch of QBs who look good, or who were in good systems, and then bombed off when they were taken out of that system. When Rick Mirer started his career, he had a good system and thrived. When taken out of it, he crapped out. And that SB excuse makes no sense...Jeff Hostettler has a SB ring, does that make him a better QB then Dan Marino in your books?


    I think Brady is good, but I'm not ready to go down on him quite yet.

  2. What's unfair is not giving Brady his due.  It's pretty obvious to me he's a future hall-of-famer.  What's amazing is not just his accuracy, but that he sees everything!  He knows where everyone one of his receivers are.  The Colts D is not bad...Brady is making them look bad becuase he can find the one guy who's open.  And even if they are not open, he can thread the needle to them.


    Totally-F***in'Amazing...that's all I can say.  Based on what I see, who is going to lay a glove on the Pats?  They are lucky and good...VERY GOOD.




    The Colts D isnt bad!? Where have you been the last 5 years Promo?


    Listen, I think Tom Brady deserves a lot of credit for being cool under pressure and very accurate, but annoiting him HOF material is a bit premature. Lets remember that Rick Mirer strung together a series of good years before reality caught up with him.

  3. isn't it kind of unfair to say that due to the fact that we haven't played a reugular season game yet?  under mularkey as our head coach.


    Its not that Drew doesnt have as much talent as Brady or Manning, I'd say he has more then both of them physically. Its just that our O-Line is SO bad, they'll never give him enough time to get the ball out of there.

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