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Everything posted by syrcuse315

  1. Gilmore's pass coverage a year ago was a little rusty but it improved this year. He had 4 ints and 6 pass deflections all season including the Capital One bowl vs. Nebraska. He was named to Espn's all bowl team (not that it means a whole lot) the other day along with Brandon boykin who could be another bills target. The thing I like about him a lot is that while he doesn't possess the top end speed he is 6-1 193lbs and a tough SOB. Idk if he would ever start much right off the bat, but if he could hone in his man coverage skills a bit more, his big frame makes him hard to get the ball over. Given our division Buffalo is always facing big receivers yet we can't ever match them up in size with our current roster (barring aaron Williams). Between Plaxico, Keller, Marshall, Fasano, Gronkowski & Hernandez We need a big tough guy who can be that extra corner in nickle or Dime to press or man up on a big receiver and I think gilmore could be that guy. Here is a quote from his CBS analysis. "Intangibles: Quiet, hard-working player who consistently gets praises from coaches and teammates about his work ethic and attitude. Puts in time in the film room, knows his opponents and defensive scheme inside and out. No worries about on-field effort, brings tenacious attitude on every play." Problem is that he very well might not make it out of the first round
  2. This isn't to be a dick but you do know the bleacher report is made up of hundreds of authors. You can sign up and write for the bleacher report if you truly want to and publish your own mock drafts and articles. It's one of the many mock drafts from one of the many bleacher report authors, they're published all over
  3. My apologies, yes I'm assuming stevie is resigned for the WR question. I think most people think it will get done
  4. I'm curious to see how many of the key positions you would like to see added to the roster in the offseason. I couldn't do another question for OT so by all means write in what you would hope for. This isn't a matter of who, but instead more of a depth question in how many new talents you would like to see brought in. Given the 9 picks buffalo will have in the draft and adding at least one key player in free agency Buffalo is looking to bring in about 10 new guys at least to the roster. For WR question assume Stevie is RE-signed. I think most people believe that will happen
  5. He's somewhat of a fairweather player. When his team is doing good and he makes some plays he goes nuts and plays all out. When his team is getting killed and he hasn't made any impact plays he tends to give much less effort and get dumb penalties out of frustration. Idk how many of you watched the Las Vegas bowl but right after the first offensive touchdown by boise st. he started mouthing off and got an unsportsmanlike conduct after having only been on the field for one drive. When things are good, he's great. When things are bad, it's like he doesn't want to be out there and he just penalizes your team. He isn't the type of guy gailey and Nix want and I don't see them taking a risk on an ill tempered guy. He will end up going to either the Eagles or Ravens if I had to guess.
  6. agreed, when buddy said he wanted Fred to finish his career as a bill I was happy to see that Nix values him greatly. Even as he ages if spiller ends up taking the #1 spot at some point in the future and Fred takes a bit of a backseat, we would have the best 3rd down back in the league
  7. Love it man, Sick video, shows you why have resign him for all those who think otherwise
  8. I don't remember hearing this (not to say you're wrong) but if thats so then I'd look at andre Branch. He is 6'4&1/4" and quite the dominant DE, I'm personally a huge fan of Melvin Ingram and think he is the most athletic and versatile guy but he is not much taller than upshaw.
  9. I love upshaw as a consistent guy and he is a surefire starter on our team. My concern as pointed out before is his speed. You can knock him for only being 6'2"but take a look at james harrison who is an absolute terror and one of the best OLB in the game and he is only 6 feet tall. Neither are very fast or tall (upshaw or Harrison) and I get comparing anyone to James Harrison is unfair but he has a similar build to harrison while adding an extra two inches in height. He could trim down a few pounds and it might help his quickness but he is the stout OLB we could use.
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