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Posts posted by tito1

  1. I believe they can win out to get to 9-6 and play at New England. It depends if they control their own fate, does New England have something to play for, etc.


    They play 2 teams with no wins, 2 teams with only 2 wins each, and 2 division rivals at home----they can win them all.


    Agreed, that's why losing yesterday's game was extremely brutal. We have the potential to win all these remaining games, but you know we will find a way to jack up a few of those games

  2. If we win today, we are 4-5 with winnable games on the horizon and the return of our qb. Today's play may be 2nd to the EJ manuel hit in Cleveland to be of most recent few years as bad plays. Today's loss has pretty much eliminated us from any chance of a playoff, so now we have about 300 days before we have that hope again.


    Feels like a lost season

  3. I said this in another of the like ten QB threads out there.


    This is what Thad gives us each game: (1) 4-5 good throws; (2) 3-4 sacks; and (3) 2-3 turnovers.


    I certainly think Tuel can match that. I also think Tuel will probably take fewer sacks than Thad would take, but probably make some riskier throws.


    In the end, realistically, I could see him at about 220 yards, 1 TD, 2 INTS, and 2 sacks.


    What is your basis of Tuel being able to put up those types of numbers (not that there great numbers) against a top NFL defense? He has shown one good half against backups in the preseason. I have a feeling the chiefs are gonna be on his ass all game long


    Also, what makes you think he wil make risker throws? Are you in the practices and watching his profession? Just seems like some wild predictions with nothing to back up.



    No. Uh uh. Not with this defense we arent. Not at home we arent. Thad/Tuel/Flynn only needs to manage this game for an easy 6 point victory. No way in hell are the Chiefs gonna beat this team.


    Remember....a QB does not a team make.


    Its gonna be a long trip home for the 6-1 Chiefs. Its a fore-gone conclusion.


    Love the optimism, and I agree out defense will be tough at home. I just don't believe our offense will be able to move the ball effectively and consistently. Unless we can hold them to under 10, I'm skeptical with Tuel at QB. I have a feeling that if they get up 7, it's gonna feel like an insurmountable lead. Also, if Tuel turns it over early, then offense will go into extreme conservatism mode and Tuel will be terrified to let it rip.

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