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Posts posted by FrankReichComeback

  1. It's kind of funny you all say that. Remember when we got some free agents and drafted guys that "had a meanstreak"? What happened to those guys. The only guy who I see with an additude is Stevie. Maybe Darerus in the future. Merrieman was supposed to be the killer but that didn't happen. We just don't seem to have any spark. We need some take charge guys. Tough to get that from rookies so it's free agents that need to be had to get a get tough additude. Tough to circle the wagons with no horses.


    But if you ask some fans on here Merrimen was "an important" part to our defense and that he "kept the edge" really well. Yeah ok...he was Mr. Invisible out there. Waste of flesh

  2. Check out the first page of TBD. Great article about Chris Kelsay and the Bills players supporting George Edwards and saying that he's doing a good job. This is the biggest load of garbage I've seen in a long time. Realistically most of the players on the Bills current defense should be REPLACED along with old "Big Teeth" Edwards. Kelsay has a point, Bills players aren't doing their jobs in executing, and he is one of them. Most teams would hold a Chris Kelsay accountable for underperforming and his job next year should certainly be reviewed. By him supporting Edwards, what he's really saying is that he wants a job next year. Allowing Edwards to stay would help give stability to a Chris Kelsay. If Kelsay was released do you think he'd still support George?


    Luckily for us, when these types of articles come out, it usually signals the beginning of the end for coaches. See Gregg Williams or Perry Fewell. Guy will insist what a great job their doing only weeks before they continue to suck out and get cut. Give the Fewell teams credit though - they were basically very similar from a talent standpoint and they played much better defense and kept the team in games. Edwards is pathetic.

  3. Soooo, you're saying that there's still a chance he'll win more than 8 games? :beer:


    8 games with a very very very strong defense. Simple math tells you that well.....we have a very mediocre QB. His effectiveness is extremely limited. These are his number this year so far in 14 games:



    2011 Regular Season 309 496 3,329 62.3 6.71 22 60 19 2 80.8


    Now these were his 2010 numbers in 13 games. Despite his hot start statistically, he regressed. His numbers are almost identical:




    2010 Regular Season 255 441 57.8 3,000 6.80 23 65 15 4 81.8


    Match these up against his career numbers. His 2011 season echoes his career performance.


    Career 988 1,671 59.1 10,433 6.24 66 98 61 15 75.3

  4. On WGR Jerry Sullivan spoke of the term "regressing to the mean." Basically it's a math term and what it means is that that if there is one extreme measurement, the second time the measurement would be closer to the average (mean).


    This is definitely the case with Fitz. In the past 7 week losing skid, our "franchise" QB has looked like the same backup that's been throwing sloppy and inaccurate passes over the past three years. He has looked good at times but his play would indicate that he is a mediocre QB. Sure, he played well for a few games but as the "regression" states, he eventually regressed back to his average self. What this means for us Bills fans? Don't expect to see the Fitzpatrick that out-dueled Tom Brady earlier this season next year -- expect more of the same. A weak armed, inaccurate QB who likely won't be able to win much more than 8 games.

  5. You are one smart dude. I feel the same way about OBD. In a way I do feel that this franchise deserves to lose based on the dumb moves of the front office.


    I'm angry....


    And some part of me actually ENJOYS watching them lose... It's pathetic and sick and I hate it


    But the arrogance of this front office to not even conduct a GM search, then to trot out Nix who tells us "you wouldn't beleive some of the names" that wanted the job right before he hires Chan Gailey (a decent OC) as HC....then to try to sell us Trent (that happened but thank God it was short lived) and finally to act like they were smarter than everyone else and that Fitz was a real QB....


    Yeah, everyone else in the football world is wrong, and the geniuses at OBD have it right. Sure. How long has it been since the playoffs again?


    What a joke. I just can't stand them right now...




    So many factors... but it is REALLY strange, I do agree with that...


    One would think that it would be less streaky in terms of W/L

  6. With the holidays coming up there's a lot of things to look forward for....Buffalo Bills football is sadly not one of them. Unless of course you are interested in seeing the exciting Tim Tebow play. A few weeks back this was a winnable game for the Bills. Now it appears that Denver is starting to hit their stride. They self imploded against New England turning the ball over at costly times and their defense laid an egg against a powerful New England offense. But like Miami, Dallas, and the Jets I don't think this team stacks up well against the Broncos. Here's why:


    Denver Defense: They rush the passer and have very good linebackers. Our offensive line has been very average this season and Denver is good beating a line and getting pressue on a QB. This could be a huge problem.


    Running Attack: Before they fell behind, Denver was gashing the New England defense with 20 or 30 yard runs at a time. This Bills defense does NOT defend against the run very well. They gave up over 200 yards to Reggie Bush......REGGIE BUSH. That's not good.


    Tim Tebow: Yes the guy in not accurate, but he scrambles around and makes plays. The Bills do not defend well against a scrambling QB and his play making ability can be trouble.


    SO hate to say it but I think it's another loss...the question is, do the Bills even deserve to win?

  7. For the past few years a very annoying co-worker has made of the me when the Bills began this losing skid and called them "losers." At first I would argue, but now I agree with him. This team embodies the very word losers. Yes this is depressing but it's true. I know this sounds negative but hear me out.


    I am and always have been a Bills fan, but I am beyond frustrated. I like both Denver and New England and I do not think that the Bills deserve to win. Both Denver and New England have shown tremendous heart and aggressiveness and deserve to be where they are. The Bills team has done nothing but disappoint a loyal franchise.

  8. ...in trying to talk myself into coming back as a fan of this team next season. I've been a diehard fan since 1988. I've seen a lot of good, but over the course of the last 12 years, seen way more bad. I even promised a boycott for the final three games this year, but I caved and turned the game on today. And guess what happened?...well, you know what happened. If I was the owner of this team, or the GM, I'd really have to put myself in the fans' shoes. What reason do I/we give the great, loyal fan base of the Buffalo Bills to come back next year? Its been 12 years since we've been in the playoffs. We've had one winning season in that span. How in the world do we even get half of the people in the seats at the stadium? Is it REALLY this difficult to build a winner? To get competent and relavant football minds to run this team? To actually sign people who can play and, or more importantly WANT to play here? To actually HIT on a single draft pick?


    Guys, this is ridiculous. I know, I know, I'm beating the already perverbial "dead horse" here. But year after year of watching meaningless football into December is wearing on this particular, loyal Bills fan. This year really felt different. Do we really deserve this? Haven't we been through enough? Wide Right...Four Superbowl losses, the Music City Miracle, and now, 12 years and counting without a playoff berth.


    We've given so much passion, loyalty and committment to a team that year in and year out gives us virtually nothing in return...


    And I just don't know if I can do it again...


    If yu think that you can just "find another team" then go ahead and do it. I would love to be able to follow another team....can't do it though.

  9. Correction: No contact negotiations until seasons end for MARGINAL players. The Bills should do everything to re-sign good players before season's end because we all know the Bills don't pay and are nearly always be outbid on the free agent market. Classicx example is Antoine Winfield. And no, Kelsay and Fitzpatrick are not good players. Stevie Johnson is borderline good.


    Over the first six games of the season though, Fitz DID look like a good player. It would have been wise to wait, though I am sure that the braintrust at OBD were concerned that Fitz would lead this team to the playoffs, earn a spot in the Pro Bowl, and command an even bigger deal that he received. It's the Bills, so of course the opposite occured.

  10. Your logic is inarguable.


    I concede.



    But you have to concede that the John McCargo pick was a bad one… you practically said it yourself.



    McCargo was a move that really set us bad..in the grand scheme of our failure though I don't think that this major whiff was that huge of a set back.

  11. He is not the only player on the team but he was a critical piece to the puzzle. They had neglected their DBs and when Harbaugh got there he realized he needed DBs like Whitner. Meanwhile Ngata's decline continues on national TV.


    Since when is Whitner a "stud" DB? Polomalu is a stud SS. Ed Reed was a stud SS. Donte Whitner is a very average SS - not a "stud"

  12. I could tie this to my draft a QB or build a team thread. These guys certainly add another layer to that discussion


    Flacco and Sanchez are both in danger of losing the confidence of their franchise. The Jets are going to have to beat a tough Giants team and an improved Miami team that trounced our crappy Bills today. Not getting into the playoffs has to be considered a huge disappointment considering their coach predicted a Super Bowl win. They'll have one more year to turn things around

  13. For years I have been listening to everyone say we should have picked Ngata over Whitner. Well you know what, this year is pretty much proving otherwise. Baltimore's defense is looking old and tired while SF's is flourishing right after they added Whitner. Linemen like Ngata wear down quickly plus they aren't as important in today's NFL. Stud DBs like Whitner make a difference on every part of the field.


    Think of it like this:


    Football players are like chess pieces. The pawns are up front, they are typically the first ones to move, but they are not able to do a lot of things. This is just like a lineman. DBs are like bishops and rooks and stuff. You never see them coming and you don't know what hit you.


    Can we finally put the Whitner/Ngata whining to rest?


    Uh I hardly think that Whitner is the reason why San Fran's defense is good this year. He's playing good but he's not the Pro Bowl calibre player that he was expected to be when taken #8 overall. He was a very average player for our defense, and he's average for San Francisco though he's playing with better players

  14. Havent seen a ton of props here for the young buck, and he deserves them.


    Looks good in coverage and returned kickoffs today like his life depended on it.


    Rogers, Williams, Spiller, Dareus were some of the lone bright spots today.


    Let the youth movement begin!


    True he had one nice return and was decent on coverage. Regarding his future as a Bills CB....I think he'll be more of a Reggie Corner than a Jabari Greer.

  15. A die hard fan since 88 you say. My God man you're still a virgin. Grow a pair. What is going on with fandom? Must be a generational thing.



    I have been bashing this team left and right. Saying to my friends that they are a bunch of losers and how "the old man" is the reason why we are failures. I'll even go so far to say that I hope we lose to Tim Tebow and the Broncos next week because I love the way that John Fox utilizes his unique QB.


    The thing is, I can't root for another team. I don't care about any other NFL team - I want to see this organization succeed and I've been a fan for 20 years. Until then though I'll continue to whine and complain about how bad this organization is -- but only because I WANT to see them succeed.

  16. A truly pathetic franchise with no hope under its current ownership and front office.


    WNY should move on. Stop supporting the team blindly and let them move if that's what they really want to do. Although I dont know where they realistically think they are going to go.


    Stop pumping tens of millions of tax payer dollars into RWS so a few thousand people can party 7 Sundays a year. It's simply a waste of public money. The Bills have long ago stopped bringing positive attention (or money) to the region.


    The County/State should call RWs bluff. Give them only enough money to keep the stadium safe and then tell them to blow if they dont like it. If the team had a tendency to win, *maybe* you could justify the expenditure. But a team that perpetually loses is ultimately a drain on the economy.


    Yeah I like your thinking man

  17. The Buffalo Bills should adopt this new policy. It is stupid to do so otherwise. Focus on football during the season and money between seasons.


    Fitz after his extension:


    Jauron after his extension:


    Pears after his extension:

    2 penalties and 1 sack in first 5 minutes of today's game.

    Kelsay after his extension:

    5.5 sacks in 23 games





    There are definite similarities between the contract extensions of Fitz and Jauron. They were both given in the midst of a hot start BUT they all tanked after signing. Kelsay was NEVER a great player...he was always mediocre. Many in the media (as well as fans) were baffled at the size of the contract they gave a very average player. There's no comparison there.

  18. Fitz is the QB of the Bills for the next few years folks. Get used to it.


    The next few years? Don't know about that. There is an out after the 3rd year that looks like almost a certainty. But next year - yeah I would have to agree. His contract really is not that big of a deal, if say, RGB3 is on the board we can grab him and keep both under contract (thanks to the new union agreement regarding rookie contracts).

  19. I have not been around for a while. But I am still going to games when I can, subcribing to the NFL Ticket, drinking my morning Kool Aide, errr coffee out of one of my Buffalo Bills coffee mugs, wearing my Bills gear, and taking the body blows while defending the Bills to all my western PA neighbors. Like a brother I will fight for him, but some honesty is needed back home.


    Today I found myself watching parts of the re-broadcast of the New Mexico Bowl, featuring Temple and Wyoming (Temple won), as opposed to watching the Bills, I guess I knew what the outcome would be, again. So what to do?


    I will always be a Bills fan, but until the current Bills owners final piece to his plan happens, I say keep things the way they are. Keep Brandon, Nix and Gaily. Draft as they see fit, select free agents as they see fit. NO CHANGES, no changes until we have new ownership that will provide the relief of no new hightened expectations for the new year, no placebo pill with the promise of a playoff run. The second the final chapter of the current business plan happens, clean house, new everything, new promises, new excitment.


    Until then I say thank you Mr. Wilson, thank you for bringing and keeping the Bills in Buffalo. It has been a great ride and for now I will condition myself to expect only the Bills continued existence and only that. The current Business plan does not expect winning but it expects revenue, and it will continue to see revenue, albeit shrinking numbers, they will continue to see the value of their property grow. It is beyond obvious that in the managments minds there is no plan to bring a winner to Buffalo. And for that reason, I say again, until the final chapter of the current Bills owners business plan occurs:




    Well said....

  20. We are brothers in arms....or brothers in suffering. I've followed this team closely since 1990. There have been many low points in fan morale:


    - 1994-95: when our aging Super Bowl team didn't make the playoffs for the first time since 1988

    - 1997: realizing that Todd Collins was not our franchise QB and that we needed a new direction

    - 2000: when a talented team imploded due to internal conflicts

    - 2003: when Drew Bledsoe and company took a sharp downturn after a hot start

    - 2005: when Drew Bledoe and company lost to the Steeler 3rd stringers to blow a playoff spot

    - 2008: The Dick Jauron-led teams that went 1-11 down the stretch.


    This is easily one of the lowest times in franchise history.

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