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Posts posted by JohninMinn.

  1. That's pretty much the consensus on the Colts message board.  They want no part of Buffalo and would much prefer to play Denver in the playoff opener.  They also won't "show" Denver anything special in order to win and so on top of playing backups they will run a fairly vanilla game plan.  Denver should win easily (although who would have predicted the Jags to lose a meaningful game at home to Houston?).  We can complain all we want but the Steelers will bring a similar mindset to Buffalo and make our game easier than it should be.


    It's going to boil down to the Rams/Jets game.  Everyone needs to hope the Rams beat Philly tonight to set up a meaningful game for St. Louis next week.  Anything can happen though.  Remember last year when Minnesota just needed to beat a horrible Arizona team on the last day but lost?



    This town is still not over that debacle :blink:

  2. It's tragic to see how many of our regular posters deserted back then. They have no idea the part emotion and confidence can play in the real world. Never give up! It's not a Nintendo game. Strange things happen in reality.

  3. When I went to Corning to see mom in October when we went to the Dolphins game I was listening to WGR driving through the mountains and every caller on the show had written the Bills off (and if I had called I would have done the same) and the argument of the day was "Do you still "care" about the Bills/Fins rivalry even though both teams are horrible?) and most of the callers talked of having sold their tickets to relatives and expressed their frustration in the team as you could expect.


    It's hard to believe that 11 games later we are all talking about getting into the playoffs and who we might face.  This turnaround is even more suprising than the '98 team that started 0-3 and got in the playoffs.  We had seen 4 and 1/4 years of bad football and there was no reason to believe going into that game that things were going to turn this drastically.


    Even at halftime of that game I was very upset and poor mother had to listen to me rant and rave.  Oh how far this team has come.



    My signature has never waiverd because I'm an oldtimer who has seen momentum change like a tidal wave ie. Bills over Oilers playoff game.

  4. You need to learn how to control your anger man.  The Bills could have been this, could have been that, this year.


    Talk about teams controlling thier own destiny, well, the Bills have controlled it since week one.


    What a difference 15 weeks makes....



    Really. I can't remember a season when a team didnt control it's own destiny for almost the whole year and still made the playoffs. Something special is happening here. ;)

  5. Look, I don't believe for a sec that Indy will beat Denver in Denver when a win guarantees Denver a playoff berth and Indy doesn't need it.


    THis is going to come down to the Jets at St. Louie.


    F uck.


    The Jets aren't as bad as they looked against the Pats. That win by NE was just more of Belichick's brilliance shining through. He knows how to find a team's weak spots better than any coach alive. He knows how to deconstruct a team better than anyone.


    The Jets will go into Martz' home and make him look like the fool that he is. It might even be a meaningless game for them. The Jets will kill 'em.


    I know, this is very uncowbell. Can't help it. Liklihood is staring me in the face, and it has Jets and Broncos logos on each cheek.


    This will indeed be an historic Bills team. Screwed by a flawed playoff system. (The best 12 teams in the LEAGUE should go, not the best 6 from each conference.)


    Please, someone change my mind. Tell me how it's gonna be. HOw will the Jets lose, and how will INdy win a game that means nothing to them?



    Look at it this way.. At Least we have a fate ;);)

  6. Stillers have been killers on the road.  They beat the Iggles or Pats on the road quite handedly among other very good teams.  Us, winning, is not a given.  Unless they rest their starters.  Which, btw, they won't do, after what was said by someone in the post game interviews part. 


    When MM was asked about that possibility, he replied:  "Nope, that's not his style".  He was referring to Cowher.



    The way we are playing the Steelers are no threat, starters or no starters. The fact we are at home makes it even easier. ;)

  7. ...and probably 10-6. To me it started in the Arizona game when Willis became the starter in the Arizona game. The first couple plays he ripped for long gains and a TD.  His ability for picking up yards after the first hit. He added attitude to the offense that wasn't their in the beginning of the season. The offense was no longer one of the worst in the league. You can certainly make an augument that the offense is still not good, but adequate in a team that has defensive talent and a knack for take-aways. The other reason for the improvement is the rookie sensation Lee Evans. He wasn't an option for Drew early on. This guy has been the best No 1 draft pick in years. I like the way Mike Williams has come around also. He makes the O-line so much better, way to go big Mike. I knew the defense would be very good but unless you can score some points you will still struggle.



    For me it's simple McGahee brought back the swagger!

  8. By the way, you know what was a whole helluva lot more dangerous than the referee stampede? The time when the baseball bounced off Jose Canseco's head and over the wall......that was about the funniest thing I've ever seen in sports......bet you any money you thought it was funny as hell, too.......now, go ask a physician which was potentially more dangerous and see what he or she says. I guarantee you the baseball to the head was MUCH more dangerous.


    Oh, and by the way.......good luck on your aspirations to become an alcholic. There's something to REALLY make light of, huh? Ya hypocritical jerkoff



    Wow. One of the best snapbacks I ever saw here. Name calling continues to be a problem though. You can have a debate without the references to anatomy when your both obviously intelligent Bills fans. C'mon were gonna be 10-6 we need unity! :devil:

  9. McGee has also made some nice plays in run support, and continues to improve in pass coverage.

    I agree with Jerry Gray, he's a major improvement over Antoine. :P



    I'm not saying I'm not happy with the outcome. All I'm saying is Winfield is a stud here in Minnesota and his tackles aren't 10 yds down the field.

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