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Posts posted by JohninMinn.

  1. ...only further emphasizes the fact that New England's loss to Miami was, without question, the single most embarrassing upset in the last five years.


    How did last night's Fish team beat the Patriot's last week? They didn't. Truth is, the Fish didn't win as much as the Patriots lost. A team as fine-tuned as the Pats clearly should have never choked like that did in that game. It's hard to imagine a more embarrassing upset...ESPECIALLY in light of watching last night's game.


    I don't know what's wrong with the Patriots, but I'm sure their fans are pretty concerned right now. Regardless of how they finish out the year, last week's epic dump on national TV is a keeper.



    They are definitley in trouble if they meet the Buffalo Bills Wrecking Machine one more time this year. :blink:

  2. He says he thinks the Colts will play their starters most if not all of the game to tune their offense because they will only get one home game. They need to perfect their game outdoors to play Pitt or NE.


    Usually I don't listen to Dinka but that made sense.



    It's always dangerous to play to avoid injuries. Kinda like the prevent defense! :blink:

  3. Not precisely back. Got a mail message saying I had a PM. Will be disappearing soon again.





    - Glenn -


    Steve Tasker need to be put on Wall of Fame in 2004!

    Steve Tasker Tribute (published first in 1996)


    - In Semi-Retirement, hung up my cape -

    Anybody got some CowBell for the former crusader??? We need Glenn at a time like this. :blink:
  4. If you want the best matchup at the end of the year, maybe games should be weighted with more weight given to the latter games.


    That keeps hot teams gone cold from backing into the playoffs and it allows the hot teams who are playing their best ball to make the playoffs.  ;)



    Your either on to something or on something. Get some Cowbell while there's still time fearless leader. :blink:

  5. i have to keep myself from getting too high, lest the fall be too painful.


    the colts don't care about this game - in fact, they're more likely to steer the game toward choosing their next opponent. and no one wants to play the bills.


    the broncos will most likely beat indy because they have to.

    the jets will most likely beat the rams because they have to, and because Martz.


    this Bills team will most likely go down in history as The Team That Might Have Been.


    Sorry to say so, but I'm just preparing the safety net.



    I don't think there is a safety net strong enough to hold me if we don't get in. You got some folks saying we'll just take this momentum into next year like there's nothing to it. Indy is a great team with pride and St louis is at home. I'm going on that for now. :blink:


    Oh yeah and Cowbell!

  6. That is amazing if it's true.  I wonder if Mike Tice gets his extension if his team chokes out of the playoffs two years straight?





    He's Toast right now UNLESS they win the Super Bowl. The feeling here is that with Moss and Culpepper he had the horses to get it done. :blink:

  7. I forgot one other obscure possibility:  IF the Saints and Panthers were to end in a tie next week, and the Rams won out, the Rams and Vikings would be in, and Saints and Panthers would be out.





    One side note: The Vikings haven't won an outdoor road game since 1999 I think. They are AT Washington. They've also lost to the Bears this year in Chicago.

  8. finish the game tonight.  That part of the story shocked me, it was toward the end.


    Plus alot of the Rams are saying the right things.  Those two things could mean good things for us.


    Everyone is also helathy.  Bulger, Faulk, Holt, Bruce, Pace.


    God, come on SL.  Anyway here's the link:


    LETS GO RAMS, rest your starters Philly!



    Sounds like the CowBell is doing it's thing again! :blink:

  9. We need the Rams to have a gem of a game tonight.  If they win tonight, I think there is no doubt they beat the Jets next Sunday and get in themselves.


    I just hope the city still supports them and the tard that is Mike Martz.  If the crowd is pumped....the dome should be intimidating. 


    I think the Rams could use MORE COWBELL!



    Here ya go. POW POW POW

  10. I CAN'T STAND Martz who along with Billick has that smug look, that makes you want to kick the crap out of them from start to finish of a football game.  That being said, I have no choice but to put my faith into the hands of the "nutty professor" and hope that St. Louis can pull out a win against the Jets.



    Hi Labatt

    From the Buffalo News:


    "I don't think that Drew has a heckuva lot of time to throw the ball. The guys are right on top of him. By the time he gets back, boom. We've got to straighten the offense out all the way around. There's not much blocking. The whole scheme of it has to be straightened out. I just think we've got better players than we've shown." This was Ralph Wilson's response.


    Ron Jaworski, the former Philadelphia Eagles great quarterback and ESPN analyst, agreed with Wilson after the game.


    "There is no doubt in my mind he can still win," Jaworski said. "Drew is one of those guys who needs protection. He's what I call a plant, step and throw quarterback. He needs to be comfortable in the pocket where he can do that. If you start showing color in his face and he starts throwing off his back foot because of pressure up the middle, he becomes a little bit erratic. When you build around him, you have to start with the interior of the offensive line. I think Drew is still a very, very good quarterback in this league."

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