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Posts posted by Cinga

  1. 1 hour ago, Johnnycage46 said:



    More words set to likely be cancelled.  My favorite quote from the "article" with regard to the term "Master Bedroom" (basically, we aren't totally sure, or even remotely sure this term is rooted in racism and/or slavery in America...but ***** it we're going to make that leap anyway!!): 


    "Master bedrooms" were more widely implemented in American homes after World War II, intended to give working parents a private space within their own homes, Trelora notes.
    While it's unclear whether the term is rooted in American slavery on plantations, it evokes that history."


    That entire article was ridiculous in it's assumptions. I'm sure if we look hard enough we can find something offensive to someone in just about anything. I suppose Master lock company should close their doors now? 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Another police shooting. I mean the cops are afraid because the country is awash in guns. The cops are scared. Guns are fueling all this unrest 


    As four Phoenix police officers surrounded a sedan parked in the driveway of a one-story house on Saturday, at least two of the officers had their guns drawn and pointed at the car.

    “Hey, stop f------ moving. I will f------ shoot you,” one officer standing near the driver’s window yelled at the car’s lone occupant. Bystanders watching the tense scene unfold from across the street repeatedly shouted, “Don’t shoot him!” 


    Seconds later, a cracking sound could be heard, followed by a sharp exclamation. There was a brief silence. Then, deafening bangs — roughly 10 — rang out in quick succession.

    Bystander video of the fatal shooting went viral over the weekend, prompting protesters to march for hours through the streets of Phoenix on Sunday night, outraged by another deadly incident amid nationwide demonstrations against police brutality. The protesters called for the release of the officers’ body-cam footage, with at least one city council member also publicly criticizing the Phoenix Police Department’s handling of the incident, the Arizona Republic reported.


    Didn't you just post something in another thread praising the Phoenix mayor? What happened between then and now?

  3. 12 minutes ago, Koko78 said:

    If Biden wins, all talk of the Flu Manchu will drop from the media, and no one will care if a vaccine comes out.


    And once the new swine flu gets here it will of course be Trump's fault....

    As for the plague, if I remember right, it was carried by rats that themselves were immune. So I think most Democrat officials are pretty safe from it... 



  4. 14 minutes ago, GG said:

    In case this wasn’t posted before.  Pretty clear explanation of why the data doesn’t line up with the narrative (and of course why this was a relative non-event in Asia)




    Interesting take of why so many people have no, or mild symptoms from Covid19.
    The basic argument seems sound. 60 - 90% of people had in the past been exposed to one of 4 previous coronaviruses and if exposed to this one, triggers an immunity memory which helps them fight off this one.
    Considering the number of cases is still increasing, while the death rate is still falling, perhaps there is some truth in this and we are indeed near herd immunity. Indeed also could explain how so many younger are getting it now, as they may never have been exposed to a Rona before.
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  5. 16 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    On Sunday, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego (D) lambasted the governor on ABC News’s “This Week”:

    GALLEGO: We opened way too early in Arizona. We were one of the last states to go to stay-at-home and one the first to reemerge. …
    We had crowded nightclubs handing out free champagne, no masks. Our 20- to 44-year-olds, which is my own demographic, really led the explosion, and we’ve seen such growth in that area. We’re seeing a lot of people go to large family gatherings and infect their family members.
    We are in a crisis related to testing. Was visiting a testing facility this weekend, people waiting still eight hours. ... Our governor has preempted us from closing different types of businesses or moving restaurants to take-out only. We really want as many tools as possible.
    We had to beg to be able to implement masking orders. We were originally preempted from doing that, but I’m thankful the governor did allow cities to put masking orders in place, which I think will help. If you’ve seen some of the data from communities that had them, masks do slow the spread and can be important. Also to indicate to us that we are still in a crisis and have to take this seriously.
    I think when nightclubs were open, it sent the signal that we had, again, defeated covid and, obviously, that is not the case.
    ABC’s MARTHA RADDATZ: And many mixed messages coming from all over the place. Is that a problem?
    GALLEGO: It is. President Trump was in my community, chose not to wear a mask, and he’s having large events while I am trying to push people that you need to stay at home and that events with more than 10 people are dangerous per the Centers for Disease Control.


    WOW! Who would have expected a Democrat Mayor to be so unkind speaking of a Republican President and Republican Governor?

  6. 1 hour ago, T master said:

    Will there or Can there ever be enough given up to make it right ? Help me understand why this will help .


    Hate has no color it just breeds more of the same !


    The NFAC that is pushing for this movement to give them Texas . The NFAC stands for "Not F**CKING Around Coalition" never heard of this one . 




    From the article:



    “The solution is very simple,” Grand Master Jay said in a video uploaded to Twitter. “We follow a declaration of liberation, declaring every African-American descended of slavery a political prisoner here in the United States, and that was affected by the Portuguese slave trade, and then, after that, the United States have the choice: Either carve us a piece of land out here. We’ll take Texas and let us do our own thing, or don’t stop us when we… go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation.


    Isn't this how both Liberia and Sierra Leone came to be? Beginning in the early 1800s freed slaves were sent to these places IF THEY CHOSE TO GO. Obviously most CHOSE to stay instead.

    See what happens when you ignore or try to erase history?


    And edit for, Grand Master? Is this the black version of the KKK?

  7. Ruh-Roh.... Looks like the pneumonia/influenza/covid death rate has fallen to what would be considered "normal" according to the CDC. The black double line is what the CDC figures to be a normal rate of deaths from the 3 of pneumonia/influenza/covid. The red line is what we have actually seen. As you can see, the red and black have intersected which means if we stay on this normal curve the epidemic in our country is over.






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  8. 33 minutes ago, ALF said:


    The last thing I want to see is less funding for police . More funding for mental health and social workers to  go to appropriate calls .


    Would this include re-opening mental hospitals that were closed in the 60s through early 80s?

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  9. 1 hour ago, B-Man said:


    Really good read! 




    “We believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and creed. Every child, of every color—born and unborn—is made in the holy image of God.” Again, can you imagine any Democrat saying that—any of it? It has often been pointed out that black lives do not matter to the Black Lives Matter movement, which is really just a gigantic machine for hoovering up money from left-wing donors and despoiling the institutions and emblems of our civilization. 

    It is a sad irony indeed that Black Lives Matter is explicitly dedicated to the destruction of the nuclear family—it’s part of their mission statement—since the ruination of the black family, actively abetted by the Democrats’ welfare policies, is largely responsible for the continuing plight of black Americans. 

    The gospel of the radicals assailing our society today is a gospel of self-abasement. The president preaches a different message: “We stand tall, we stand proud—and we only kneel to Almighty God.” 



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  10. 52 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    It's Bush Jr. and it's not even up for debate.  Made the biggest foreign policy mistake since Vietnam that cost thousands of young lives and put us trillions in debt based off faulty intelligence.  Turned a budget surplus into a nation deep in debt at the edge of an economic recession.  Set up GITMO that legalized torture and violated the Geneva convention.  He wasn't as divisive as Trump or Obama but his administration put us on a course we may never recover from.


    Every bit of this statement is wrong. First, there is nothing illegal about Gitmo, and secondly waterboarding is not torture except in the minds of whimps. As for the supposed violations of the Geneva, that is all also bullschiff  and only proves how many people never read it. That is because the Convention was written as a guideline of how to treat UNIFORMED military prisoners of the NATIONS in combat. It even goes so far to describe people not in uniform as despicable and not covered by the Geneva. It even goes so far as to state that ANYONE not in uniform that choses to pick up arms against a side, can be held in prison with no charges, until 30 days after the end of all combat, and a winner is declared. They must then be either charged or released. No one in Gitmo wore a uniform, and most can't lay claim to defending their nation so 2 strikes against them


    And yes, for years the media was just lazy and reported he violated the Geneva. Too lazy because none of them ever picked it up to check

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    Eric cartman cartman jimmy GIF - Find on GIFER


    What I was talking about was Native Americans having reasons to be upset about Mt. Rushmore...you were apparently fighting a dragon.


    No, you have proven yourself to be like others here. You B word and moan, and when people debate, or show you were wrong, you fall back the stupid ass memes. 


    Don't bother responding, we're done.... 

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