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Posts posted by Cinga

  1. 40 minutes ago, Kwai San said:

    From the diatribe you didn't bother to read the IP was saying that the TEACHERS are at more risk than the students.  Recent medical observations are showing that even asymptomatic kids are actually experiencing damage to their bodies.  Look I get it - you think it is all a hoax.  The boggieman in the WH said it will all disappear when it gets warm out....Hmmmm.....not happening is it?  No it is getting worse....hmm....now the boogieman wants to hide the data.  Almost 140k people and their families just might disagree with you but what the hey they are a hoax too.  Right?  SMFH...


    Google can't find that for me. Do you have a link?

  2. 1 minute ago, The Guy In Pants said:


    It’s simple really; much like everything the government becomes involved with, if there is a way to capitalize on it and extort money from the citizens........they’ll do it. Although I am an advocate for cleaning up after ourselves, not being a ***** loser and purposely trashing the planet or the general area in which you reside and not being cruel to nature just because a person thinks they can; there is money to be had in climate change. 

    Sadly, I'm afraid your right. Like you, I'm big on leaving the planet in better shape that when I got here.

    Growing up in Western NY in the late 60s and early 70s I remember going outside in the morning to a car covered in soot, and a Lake Erie that was so polluted it stunk when you got near it. Since then we have made tremendous strides into cleaning stuff up and I take offense when people say it was out fault because it was our generation that started the cleanup!

    Are we finished? Absolutely not! But people should be willing to do it without the fear and intimidation. Many of the same people trying to coerce folks like this, are also the ones tearing up neighborhoods and throwing their trash gloves and masks on the streets.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. I've always had an issue with the whole ice sheets melting hysteria myself....


    How do ice sheets expand? Cold weather of course and we can trace much of the terrain in the northern hemisphere to the expansion, and of course retraction of glaciers from the last ice age right?


    So then, what happens when we come out of an ice age? Well, the weather warms and as a consequence the ice melts right? And it will keep melting until the next ice age right?

    I mean, there is no steady state of weather that I'm aware of that would make everything stay the same for any period of time. So this literally means, ice is always either growing as we enter an ice age, or melting as we come out of one in a macro sense. There are still of course fluctuations due to sun activity, however in between ice ages there is always ice melting so why is it different now than say 2000 years ago?




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  4. 1 hour ago, ALF said:

    UK, US and Canada allege Russian cyberattacks on CoVID-19 research centers


    Hospitals, research laboratories, health care providers and pharmaceutical companies have all been hit, officials say, and the US Department of Health and Human Services -- which oversees the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- has been struck by a surge of daily strikes, an official with direct knowledge of the attacks previously told CNN

    The NCSC, which is the UK's lead technical authority on cyber security and part of the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), assessed that APT29 "almost certainly operate as part of Russian Intelligence Services".


    This assessment is also supported by partners at the Canadian Communication Security Establishment (CSE), the US Department for Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Security Agency (NSA), the NCSC said.





    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Outside the wells and weathering homes, At the most basic the answer is Solar. 


    How do you propose to do that? Seriously?

    If we're going to discuss saving the environment, yet do it with something that kills thousands of birds a year? Or is it that the birds should just be written off as collateral damage?

    But you also need a plan to dispose of old panels. Keep in mind, a good solar system life span is about 25 years, so you need a plan for retrofitting, and a way to dispose of the old, in a totally environmentally friendly way.  

  6. 6 hours ago, Hedge said:







    From the vice article:




    Two former Twitter employees previously abused their access to spy on users for the Saudi regime, according to the Justice Department.

    All tech companies face the issue of malicious insiders. Motherboard has previously revealed how Facebook employees used their privilege access to user data to stalk women; how Snapchat workers had a tool called Snaplion that provides information on users; and how MySpace employees abused a tool called "Overlord" to spy on users during the site's hayday.



    Seems to me it's time to regulate these platforms heavily... 

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  7. 4 hours ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ...better get your checkbooks ready...............


    North Carolina city approves ‘reparations,’ apologizes for role in slavery

    The council voted 7-0 on a measure to mitigate racial disparities

    North Carolina’s Asheville City Council apologized for its role in slavery and racial discrimination, voting unanimously to provide reparations in the form of community investments to help Black residents.

    The council voted 7-0 on Tuesday night on the measure to mitigate racial disparities. The reparations will not provide direct cash payments, as some have suggested, but will provide investments in housing, health care and career growth in Black neighborhoods.

    Councilwoman Shaneika Smith, who is Black, said the council had gotten emails from those "asking, 'Why should we pay for what happened during slavery?'"


    "[Slavery] is this institution that serves as the starting point for the building of the strong economic floor for white America, while attempting to keep Blacks subordinate forever to its progress," said Smith, as reported by the Asheville Citizen Times.


    The resolution calls on the city to create a Community Reparations Commission to make concrete recommendations of where to funnel programs and resources.


    "The resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority home ownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice," the resolution reads.


    "Hundreds of years of black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today," said Councilman Keith Young, who is one of two African American city council members and spearheaded the proposal.






    Sounds to me they've only approved allowing Federal Government (read Trump/Carson) Urban Enterprise Zones? SO now the question is, what specifically is Asheville doing the UEZ isn't doing?

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  8. In bed? That is a kind way of saying Quid Pro Quo.... 


    Let's be honest here, the public unions, including teachers and SEIU, are not only in bed with the Democrat Party, they are one of the major reasons our budgets are so high, AND that very Democrat Party even exists. 

    The only question you really should ask is why? And I'm glad you asked!


    Because the Democrat Party is always pushing for more money for those unions, KNOWING they will then be rewarded for more money coming back into the Democrat coffers from that same union! 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Reality Check said:



    I was labeled anti science when I posted this research previously...


    How interesting...





    2 hours ago, realtruelove said:

    This type of information is being actively and systematically suppressed but thanks to doctors who want to help people, we are seeing the death percentages fall with better overall outcomes.  You would think people would jump all over this but no.  Put your mask on and shut up.


    2 things caused all of this, and cost a lot of lives in the process. 


    First, the bullshiff article in the Lancet this article mentions. It was that article that made the Swiss and so many other quit using or prescribing HCQ.

    The article lied, and people died.

    Second..... Trump.... Trump was quick on the HCQ bandwagon, so the then of course the media, and people who simply don't like Trump, jumped on any opportunity to discredit HCQ.

    They lied, and people died.



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  10. 9 hours ago, RocCityRoller said:

    My own history is far left. 1990’s-2000 ish. I was a registered socialist. I did vote for Clinton I, and Obama I. I otherwise voted socialist in most elections.



    Thanks for sharing your amazing story!  I think in today society the saddest part of all is the divisiveness almost all of us face and I think it comes down to more political ideology more than any race or religion.

    Even the riots etc going on now, even though it's claimed to be all about BLM, it's anything but and totally political in nature. I had an old friend at work that was totally opposite of me, he is an admitted socialist and really likes Bernie Sanders. We were able to have a lot of really civil discussions over the years. I've since moved to a different location and actually miss those conversations. It's one of the reasons i enjoy this board so much though some of the extremists that try to incite can KMA.... 


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  11. 49 minutes ago, Magox said:


    I look back at the George Floyd and CoronaVirus early response from a PR and communication level and they should have been easy layups. 


    Show empathy, pretend to be a human and then take care of business with rule of law and the COVID response.   Rather than that, he shows very little empathy, everything always circles back to him and he gets in these infantile squabbles with people who aren't important.  It's ok for that schtick with his base during times when the economy and things are going well, it's another when times of crisis are occurring. 


    He still has time to turn this around, he just has to have a laser focus on his campaign and stop getting sucked in to these stupid skirmishes with people who are of no significance and stop with that stupid damn tweets.  Not to say don't tweet, but only tweet things that advance his agenda.


    I'm still going to vote for him because the elections are that important and he, the senate and the courts are the last checks against this Maoist cultural revolution. 




    While I agree with the empathy or as GG says, his "public compassion gene" and the childish squabbles. However, it's the very fact that he does fight back that keeps so many in his corner.

    Remember during W Bush, he was called literally every name in the book, and accused of almost everything short of colluding with Satan. And never once did he punch back, not even criticizing a scuff on Pelosi or Reid's shoes! Hell, he was so lacking controversy I think he only ever vetoed ONE BILL! Then Obama came along as a POTUS who had the best opportunity EVER to unite the country, only to tear it apart even more and fanning the flames.


    Look, we all know Trump isn't nearly as conservative as most of us prefer. His opponents haven't only called him every name in the book, but they have tried everything they could (so far) against him including impeachment and he keeps fighting back. He doesn't take the crap they dish at him and it's this that makes most of America like him so much.

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  12. An apparent targeted murder they say?

    Decapitated body of tech CEO found in NYC apartment, sources say





    An electric saw was found near the body, which was described as a 33-year-old man. The victim’s arms and legs below the knees were removed, and body parts were found in plastic bags found in the apartment, the sources said.

    Police sources believe the victim to be Fahim Saleh, a venture capitalist and the CEO of the Nigeria-based motorbike startup Gokada.



    Sorry, nothing "APPARENT" about this, he really pissed someone off... 

    • Sad 1
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  13. 13 minutes ago, The Guy In Pants said:

    We can practice all new military and medical tech on pedophiles and extremely violent criminals. This way; we get a 100% “this is what it does to the human body” and not have to rely on the animals.


    Sorry, but as a Marine I have to disagree. As long as they are truly a nations military and not the despicable terrorist type who hide in civilian clothes, they deserve an honorable quick death. So my agrument is, all military technology should always be with quick death by design. 

    Pedophiles on the other hand, have no honor nor do they deserve it in return.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, whatdrought said:



    There's a somewhat obscure Vigo Mortenson film called Hidalgo (at least I think it's obscure). In that movie, Vigo is in Arabia participating in a horse race when it is believed he has taken "privileges" with a sheiks daughter (a large misunderstanding of course, as he's the hero) and the sheik has quite the emasculation plan for him... I am of the belief that said plans should be implemented in our society for such people.... 


    Would I be safe to guess it was a slow painful death that included, but was not limited to, castration?

  15. Meanwhile, in other pedophile news:


    Pedophiles rebranding themselves as 'Minor-Attracted Persons’, seek same protection as LGBT community: Report


    The report has claimed that anonymous users have also come up with their own rainbow “MAP Pride” flag, with some even arguing that they should be celebrated as a niche group alongside the LGBT community.

    Not just that, the anonymous users have also created their slogan just like the LGBT community. Some of those slogans are, “#MAPPride” and “#Mappositivity”, reportedly seen as an aim to present pedophilia as part of society’s wider move towards sexual freedom. The unidentified users have posted memes online proclaiming “Gay MAPs are amazing” and cartoon characters saying, “Repost if you think maps should be able to date minors.” One such account was @SandMapMinorva, which has now been suspended. The message posted on that account read: “Minor-attraction is natural.”


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  16. 3 hours ago, shoshin said:



    I've been watching this too but I wonder how much their lag is on this given this warning.  


    Weekly mortality surveillance data include a combination of machine coded and manually coded causes of death collected from death certificates. Percentages of deaths due to PIC are higher among manually coded records than more rapidly available machine coded records. Due to the additional time needed for manual coding, the initially reported PIC percentages may be lower than percentages calculated from final data.

    Notice they post it days later though as this one was posted June 9 for the week that ended June 4


    And if you have been watching it for a while as I have, then you haven't seen any upward adjustments after the fact either

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