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Posts posted by PO'14

  1. Yes, a good OC can sense if his guy is in the zone or not. All INTs are not the same, sometimes the defense just gets you, and you just don't see a guy. Many variables there. I personally did not blame Hackett for the Tuel play last year. It was an easy play, you just had to be willing to take a hit if you saw a blitz pre snap. Tuel saw the blitz and made the mistake of deciding where he was going to throw pre-snap. A cardinal sin of QBing in the NFL. But that was not on NH. Hackett doesn't seem to have a feel for the game. It's not that he's never aggressive , he just seems to not be a good judge of WHEN to be aggressive and when not to be. That's what I have issue with. Orton was playing well vs Jets and the Jets had a wounded secondary. Yet NH plays it close to the vest when he got gift turnovers from Geno Smith on the Jets half of the field. That game should have been over with at halftime, so fans were annoyed. Orton was off since the opening drive yesterday and NH gets a great drive start at the KC 25. Time is no issue, in fact keeping it on the ground and using some clock makes sense. Orton has been erratic and Watkins has no burst. Give KO some high percentage passes, throw in the flat to RBs and keep the chains and clock moving. Take a shot if you see it, but not 4 shots to the EZ when you can get a first down and at least leave yourself a 3rd or 4th and makeable, get it? The guy can design some decent plays but he sucks at calling them.


    I dont know how many times Ive had to debunk this theory. The defender that was on SJ13 fell and got up exactly where the pass was intended to the other receiver.


    I swear the Bills are cursed. THink about that...SJ13 juked his defender so bad that he fell. When he gets up the ball is in his hands. That lane should have been clear for an easy TD.


    Today I explained to my friend all the sh.it that happened in yesterdays game and he couldnt believe it. He also witnessed Mckelvin Fumbling against Pats. I told him it was Mckelvin again. HE LAUGHED!

  2. What drives me crazy is that I believe this team is built to have success in the post season. When the pressure is on and things get tight that is when the dominant d's especially with the dominant lines pay dividends... Just need to sneak in... Obviously yesterday's game was big...



    Sarcasm at its best! Success in Post season when 80% of their players have never been to the post season!

  3. My last comment for today....THIS A BILLS FORUM! Whoever is complaining about OUR BRADY complaints can join the Patriots Forum!


    My Name is Frank, I am Biased, I hate everything about the Patriots, Jets and Dolphins. If you dont like you can suck an egg!

  4. The Refs have so much man love for Brady it is sickening for a straight guy to watch.


    In the Denver game after Brady was sacked on a play, the head ref jogged over and helped Brady get back up. Brady was slow to get up, but this buddy ole ref did him a favor and lended him a hand.


    I was like WTF? Part of the game is wearing down the opponent. How nice was it of this ref to go help his buddy Tommy boy get off his ass when he just got pancaked? Refs are supposed to be unbiased. This was a clear case of favoritism.


    Let him get up himself. It is part of the game man. Part of the game..... Maybe they have to burn a timeout there. Or maybe they get a delay of game because he doesn't get ready for the next play in time. Or maybe Brady has to come out if for a play if they blow the whistle for an injury.


    No doubt in my mind, those refs were biased, especially the head ref.


    I wrote the same thing on the previous page.


    Yesterday, I rewound that play cuz I couldnt believe what I saw. Its so blatant. The ref started running towards Brady before the play was even over and before the Tackle was even finished.

  5. As a fellow "victim" of the law school scam, the issue is that these schools were almost uniformly inflating their employment statistics to lure in their prey. And it's not just bottom tier diploma mills. I attended a top-20 law school and the employment placement statistics made it seem like it was a slam dunk that I'd land a $140k gig so long as I put in a decent amount of effort, and that I was virtually guaranteed of something in the $80-100k range just by graduating. Turns out these schools are very creative in how they report their employment numbers and do things like set up students with temporary school paid gigs to pad their numbers, only to leave you with no legitimate legal employment opportunities. Maybe the top 20% of my class did well and landed the high-paying biglaw jobs, the next 20% found some type of mid-law or government job, and the remaining 60% were left to scramble for sh*tlaw or non-jd positions.


    Still, I blame myself for going to law school when the only thing that interested me about it was the potential salary. I was shortsighted and I paid the price.



    So did I when I bet on Manning in cold weather at Foxboro!

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