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Posts posted by PO'14

  1. The question wont be whether we will be competitive or not. The question is:


    Which player will make a bonehead move ( Mckelvin vs Pats, Mckelvin vs Chiefs, Wide Right Norton, Music Miracle, 55 yarder Dallas vs Bills on Monday night, Tuel Interception vs Chiefs, SJ13 vs Pittsburgh, SJ13 vs Falcons, etc....) that will cost the Bills the game.



  2. SO the Bills have 2 wins against the Pats in the last decade or so...AND NOW WE ARE GOING TO STOP BEING DOORMATS???


    ( Keep this on the downlow: Bills already lost the first game to the Pats at home )


    Ive said this 1 million times. Until the Brady retires, he will own the Bills. I hate the PATS SO EFFIN MUCH. Unreal to think that Brady has an .500 record or better against EVERY TEAM IN THE NFL!

  3. He wasn't on anyone in particular. The Bills played zone most of the game. Whomever lined up on gilmore's side on any particular play is who he guarded, until he sometimes passed them off to someone else playing zone. On a smaller percentage of the plays they played man, but he still just started on his side of the field, which was usually the right.


    Agree fully.


    And when the ball was passed towards GIlmore, it usually was a reception! Have a great night big boy. Traveling to the beach tomorrow.


    GO BIlls!

  4. I just have to say Pears Sucks with a capital S. They can't get one yard with Pears flopping around on the ground. Cujowhateverhisname must be really bad if he can't take this guys job. I beginning to really question Woods too. They can't run with these guys.

    I love this D but the lack of a running game is going to do them in. I can't believe they won and only converted one third down. Is that right?


    Pears has yet to properly block 1 defender on a screen play.

  5. Considering he was going against one of the top 5 WR in the game, who caught 8-120 in his first game back, and he gave up maybe 50 yards and no points and made a couple good stops coming up on runs, in a win, where the Browns scored 14 points, and the Browns had 26 total yards passing in the second half, I would say 7-8. I don't care if he gives up a couple short passes.


    Fair enough. He made adjustments in the 2nd half. But as a #1 CB, he was terrible in the first half.

  6. He could have and should have lowered the boom on the first big gainer for an extra 1-5 yards but I liked the speed and athleticism. After those two plays that worked so well I fully expect us to never see him the rest of the year" because other teams may expect it.


    and it was against little midget Leonhard but after watching the play, he was protecting the ball and satisfied with the play.

  7. 1) All Preston Brown, Bradham and Spikes did today was kick peoples asses. This is one trio of tough, badass linebackers.


    2) The pick by Orton in the early second quarter (in the end zone) was a bad one. It actually looked like a rookie mistake. More on Orton to come.


    3) Gilmore was getting beat on short passes in the entire first half. I must however say that he came around and had an all around good game.


    4) I am concerned about Cordy Glenn. He looked like a plodding Right Tackle today imo. I don't know what his problem is but it is a concern.


    5) I live in a silver mine,

    and I call it Beggar's Tomb.

    I got me a violin

    and I beg you call the tune.

    Anybody's choice,

    I can hear your voice.

    Wo-oah what I want to know-oh,

    How does the song go?


    6) Sammy Watkins is hobbled. There is no debate here. I really do hope that his condition doesn't get worse.


    7) A few have you have taken me to task about my praise of Mr. Searcy. Don't get me wrong, I love the dialogue but there is no longer any doubt how much value he brings to this football team. Once again, he will be a head coach some day. This man is PURE football.


    8) This game appeared to be slow today in terms of the footing. Nobody looked THAT fast. Do you agree? In the Alabama game last night players on both teams were flying all over the field. Maybe it was be me.


    9) In the credit where it is due department, Orton came around and was able to hit Woods with some truly nice passes. The TD to Hogan was also a great play.


    10) The passes to Gray were very good, however strange, no? The guy looks like Hercules and ran out of bounds. Plus, he seemed to be alone on both of his big plays. I admit it, I didn't know that the man was on our football team. I had really no idea what was going on lol.


    11) This defensive line reminds me of the one in which Bryce Paup had 17 1/2 sacks and was the NFL Defensive MVP. They take turns having great games and feed off of what is happening with each other. Mario was doubled all day and I think held more often than not. His fellow linemen were able to take advantage of this. How great is that?! My hope is that the Bills offer a big contract to Hughes right now. He is a modern day Bryce Paup imo.


    12) I really like Marrone, but I am not his biggest fan in terms of being a head coach. That said, he was great today. It was his best game ever in terms of taking control and managing game and the clock, or so I think.


    13) I am on a personal quest to be a better person. I won't go into this but I am going to regress just a bit. Watching KW knock that little obnoxious twit on his ass was a sight to behold.


    14) Congrats my friends. We truly do deserve good days.


    15) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Just cuz you are being a better person doesnt mean you have to wear rose coloured glasses. Gilmore was awful today!


    I like the rest of your post!

  8. This was written by Dan in the forums before the game.


    "My Thoughts on the Game:

    I honestly can't remember a season like this in all my years of following this team. Since the start of the season we've had a new owner, Kelly Tough, a new QB, a Snowvember, bitter losses, a beat down destruction of the Jets, the wonderful support for Talley, and now... a must win game to enter December with visions of meaningful games in our heads. It's been such a crazy year! ...and we have another 5 games to go.


    At home, against the Browns, we need to get another big win this week. But, it won't be easy. Sure, the Browns are the worst ranked Defense overall that we've faced all season. But that's largely due to their run defense. The Browns are currently ranked 29th in the league against the run, giving up 135 yds/gm. However, their pass defense is ranked 8th, as well as their scoring rank. Hence it seems easy to run on them, but not score so much. And what is our offense's weakness... running and scoring.


    So, I expect a pretty close game. It also won't surprise me to see the Bills get ultra smart and come out throwing, no way anyone will expect that! Seriously, this should be the week we get our run game back on track. I certainly hope so. If we can't do it against the Browns, it just can't be done.


    Here's what I'll be watching for:

    1. Our Offensive game plan. Of all the games to pound it on the ground, this should be it. Hopefully, we do and we find success.


    2. Donte Whitner. All I want to see from him is Freddie plowing over him with a big stiff arm. Is that too much to ask? Otherwise, I expect him to be largely a non factor. Imagine that.


    3. Mario Williams. He's been an absolute terror the last few weeks. I look forward to him destroying Hoyer.


    4. Marrone vs Pettine. These two should be quite familiar with each other. It'll be interesting to see who comes out with a better game plan, a more fired up team, and ultimately who makes the better adjustments at half time.


    Go Bills! "




    If anyone watched the first half and the start of the third quarter it was PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS etc....against the 29th ranked run defense.


    DAN, I nominate you as the next OC!

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