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Posts posted by PO'14

  1. My delight from watching Vick getting pounded week after week is his Ego. He was demure and humble last season. He's been back to his jack***, whiny self this year. He will get yards and accolades, but there is a reason his teams end up losers.


    Way to spend 100 million, Iggles.



    Those are harsh words. I thought he played good after taking alot of hits in the first half ( hard hits that he is feeling this morning ). He showed toughness and grit and had a chance to win the game.


    His dog incident still makes him an ahole but to say that he didnt play well in the second half is just outright wrong. He gave the game in the first half and his team gave the game away in the second.

  2. I dont even blink anymore when I see a ref make a bad call. I just smile. Like when I had AA the other day on the final table at Party Poker and hero bets and I reraise and Hero goes all in. I turn over to my wife and say....Honey I got AA, dude just went all in, now watch how I lose this hand and win 62$ versus the top prize of 1300$. I smiled, watched his runner runner flush beat my trip aces!


    Thats how I feel about the Bills and Online Poker. NO MORE PAIN! You come to expect it when things are going to good!


    Lets be honest about this. When the Bills had the Lead at Half against the Chiefs, you cant tell me that you guys thought the victory was a given. Then when the Bills were down 21-0 against the Pats, you cant tell me that you knew that comeback was on. Then when Bills were down huge to Oakland, you cant tell me you thought they were going to win.


    Finally, on Sunday, after a 17-3 lead at half I had my first GOOD VIBE OF THE YEAR...and GUESS WHAT, IN USUAL BILLS FASHION ( whether it be the bad 2nd half or the hose job by the ref ) the ELBOW CAME DEEP WITHIN THE BORDERLINE and I felt a little something :o



    And this just adds to numbness Ive been feeling for years now! And this picture as well http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Dick+Jauron&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=595&tbm=isch&tbnid=1OxpHloquStf8M:&imgrefurl=http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/tag/dick-jauron/&docid=B6dEKpXphxhQfM&w=275&h=200&ei=RnWMTv7NK8XZ0QHIv42KBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1099&vpy=213&dur=105&hovh=160&hovw=220&tx=172&ty=84&page=1&tbnh=127&tbnw=169&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0

  3. I dont feel pain anymore for regular season play. Im numb from all the years of suffering and seeing the impossible happen time and time again.


    I do know however that if the Bills are in a playoff hunt and something like this happens, the pain will comeback.



    Here is a Tool song that remind me of the numb feeling I have from watching the Bills.


    Stinkfist lyrics


    Something has to change.

    Un-deniable dilemma.

    Boredom's not a burden

    Anyone should bear.


    Constant over stimu-lation numbs me

    but I would not want you

    Any other way.


    It's not enough.

    I need more.

    Nothing seems to satisfy.

    I don't want it.

    I just need it.

    To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.


    Finger deep within the borderline.

    Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

    Relax, turn around and take my hand.


    I can help you change

    Tired moments into pleasure.

    Say the word and we'll be

    Well upon our way.


    Blend and balance

    Pain and comfort

    Deep within you

    Till you will not want me any other way.


    It's not enough.

    I need more.

    Nothing seems to satisfy.

    I don't want it.

    I just need it.

    To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.


    Knuckle deep inside the borderline.

    This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to.

    Relax. Slip away.


    Something kinda sad about

    the way that things have come to be.

    Desensitized to everything.

    What became of subtlety?


    How can it mean anything to me

    If I really don't feel anything at all?


    I'll keep digging till

    I feel something.


    Elbow deep inside the borderline.

    Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

    Shoulder deep within the borderline.

    Relax. Turn around and take my hand.

  4. glad to see you guys are seeing positives with Spiller. It could be me who still has the sour taste in his mouth from him running the ball in the fourth quarter and not following Jacksons lead for the easy first down.


    Also, this stat is very off. He has only had 13 carries this year and in his last 2 games he has carried the ball 4 times for a total of 15 yards. Also against the Chief he avergaged 3.2 ypc on 5 attempts. It was the Oakland game that inflated his stats with 63 yards on 4 attempts.


    so 3 games of 3.2, 4 and 3 YPC is average.


    I respect everyones opinion. SO keep on staying positive!



  5. AND this? Perfect for the NFL and a nice change of pace from those "selling out, laying down, sucking up to the man". :lol:




    That would be sweet. Im in


    At least they sing it right. Everybody sells out and its all about the money!


    I couldnt open yours but there is one with the lyrics. I specifically like the last lyrics where he says he sold out and he wants you to buy his record.

  6. How is it that he never even got on the field for a piss poor Bills defense, yet he can get on the field for what should be(but isn't for some reason this year) a very good Jets defense? Something just doesn't add up to me...not saying he looked awesome or anything, but the Bills never even attempted to utilize him, while the Jets are attempting to utilize him...makes me wonder if it wasn't something personal between him and Gailey...



    Read the Post prior to yours!

  7. Brady is a wuss because he is so good!


    However, that rule is ridiculous. The QB can fake and bring the ball back in and then throw to another receiver. However if he fakes and the ball falls out of his hand, its called an incompletion.


    Stupid Rule!


    And by the Way, Brady is a wuss.

  8. Kudos to those that think Petty was the best!


    How about some Tom Sawyer and Closer to the Heart


    or How about StinkFist and Vicarious


    or How about Cinnamon Girl and Keep on Rockin in the Free World


    or How about anything but some Pop Crap like Madonna!


    I dont mind the older stuff, but it has to be artists that can actually play live.


    Madonna at the Superbowl...Which Football fan wants to watch that stuff at half time?

  9. Considering there are only 16 games in a season. Last weeks game against the Bengals would have been a huge win. Smith being used in zero to small amounts is not a smart idea in my opinion. With Fitz struggling last week and many times we were 2nd and 3rd and short, we could have used him about 3 times in that game.


    How about this for a change...Going Wildcat and actually throwing it for once! Isnt he supposed to be a great passer?


    IM not in favor of Wildcat, but last year he was successful and this year he has been successful in the few times we have used him.


    Oh well, this is just my opinion.


    Cheers all

  10. No need to look at stats at the moment. We played the CHiefs and won. We played the Raiders and won. We played against the Patriots and won. Brady ( and I hate that MoFo ) is leading the league in yards. We played the Bengals and shut them down in the first half against BAD field position.


    THEN THE LET DOWN CAME IN. Fatigue, overconfidence, bad execution...you name it. **** happens.


    I dont think they played bad defensively until the 4rth quarter. That rookie made great catches and Dalton scrambled a few times and made some lucky completions. **** happens.



    I remember years ago when the Defense was great and the Offense was crap. I rather a great offense and entertaining game rather than the Losman, Edwards era!

  11. I finally got approved by the administrators.


    It might be late but here are my thoughts about Sundays loss to the Bungals ( and somewhat the year do date )





    1) First Half Turnovers were huge. Great job by the defense. The D had a difficult second half but when considering the field position differential, our Defense did an excellent job.


    2) First down execution was excellent.


    3) Although off target, Fitz did a great job of getting rid of the ball and not getting sacked. ( its ok to have an off day )


    4) With a terrible second half, the Bills still had a chance to win the game.


    5) Moorman is a stud kicker.


    6) Special teams were good again


    7) Chandler is a great target and weapon to use


    8) The O-line is doing a good job this year ( maybe Fitz is just that much better than Edwards and Losman )



    Things to improve on, or hoping Chan goes back to the basics


    1) Second and third down executions were terrible. Often the Bills would get 5-9 yards on first and then end up kicking it away. The ones that stick out for me are the deep passes and......Going with Spiller so many times instead of riding the stud Jackson.


    2) Spiller doesnt have the experience yet. IMO he should not be touching the ball in important situations as he is not getting it done. How does he get this experience you might ask...Maybe more touches in less important plays ( when losing or winning big ) or using Mcintyre to open up seams for him. Although Jackson opened up a hole for him in the 4rth and he didnt follow him.


    3) Im not a big believer in Wild Cat, but seeing that Fitz and Jackson were having trouble, why not try it a few times.


    4) The Defense and or Offense not playing 60 minutes. I dont care that they give up lots of offense as this year has been all about offense. I dont care that the Offense doesnt put up 30 points. What happens to the great teams is that when the offense doesnt show up, the Defense steps up and VICE VERSA.




    To all of those that say that the Bills played a terrible game. Lets divide it up and agree that they played a terrible second half. People wondered about the LET DOWN after such a big win against the Pats. This let down came in the second half. They came out flat. Its normal. All teams do so from time to time.


    However to say that the Bills didnt deserve to win...that is a crock of doodoo. The refs played a huge role in this loss. Winning ugly and winning pretty still equals to one thing, A WIN! And I truly believe that the Bills would have won the game had the Fix not been put in. The momentum was shifting and that terrible call against Stevie totally killed the Bills. Whoever cant see this, doesnt understand the ebb and flow of games. ( just chalk up another hose job against my beloved Bills )



    This Sunday at the Ralph lets hope that Chan acknowledges that the play calling on 2nd and 3rd down was terrible. Lets also hope that the Defense continues the many turnovers it has created thus far!


    Cheers to all

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