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Posts posted by PO'14

  1. If I was GM I would trade all my picks next year..2016, 1-7 for Andrew Luck.


    BTW, if first round picks were that important, wouldnt the Raiders, Bills, Browns, Jacksonville etc.....be in better shape? Especially since these teams have been picking top ten for more than a decade.


    What im trying to say is....GO GET A GODDAMN QB!


    Orton went from Smoking Cigars and ripping into reporters to MR. HAPPY FEET with no confidence in 1 month of action.

  2. He got us again at a critical time, just like the pats game. IMO fins score FG on that drive not TD w/o the horrible call. Thats 6 point 1 score lead and bills are still very much in it. Everything changed after that call. I feel bad for Gilmore. Guy makes an excellent play, just how a coach teaches them. Its a disgrace to treat professionals like this.


    It was gilmores first and only good play of the game

  3. To counter that, this is probably the most talented team we will have in 3-4 years.


    Players likely not on our roster next year:


    CJ Spiller

    Brandon Spikes

    Mike Williams

    Jerry Hughes or Marcel Dareus


    The time is now. If we can just get in, I see us making a run like the Giants did in 07.


    Go Bills


    Fully agree with that statement! SAD ISNT IT?

  4. I was thinking about the game this week and it dawned on me that maybe the Bills are just not that good at this point in the season.


    Let me explain:


    -Our Offensive line is having a bad year with 1 above average player ( Glenn ) and a rookie who seems to be doing well for his first season.


    -Our 2 Running backs are injured and have been replaced by 2 career backups. One being called Boobie.


    -Our main target Watkins has been hampered by injuries all year long.


    -Woods is having a down year, Mike Williams hasnt panned out and Glash Goodwin is Fragile


    -Some plays have been called to a Tight called Lee Smith and Gragg doesnt seem to be much better.


    -The team is being led by an above average career backup who physically looks retro from the late 70's early 80's. ( cue in Napoleon Dynamite jokes )




    -Special teams have been a huge upgrade from last year. However, when your punt returner fumbles a ball that leads to a TD one can see why this team is struggling to win the big games.



    In conclusion,


    -Although the Defense is playing lights out, I feel that most Bills fans ( including myself ) have been suckered into thinking that the Bills are good.


    -Its time to keep expectations low until we get a real QB. Seems like the Bills will finish in the middle tier of the draft ( again ) and we dont even have a pick!



  5. I once tried sticking a finger up my ass during Bills games to see what the rage was all about. As the years went by I was Fisting and elbow deep. The last few seasons, I actually ram an official NFL sized football up my rosebud to get that tingly sensation. This year Im planning on using a CFL football cuz Ive been numb from KC, Pats, Houston and Chargers!



    Hope you feel better. The slippery slope to numbness is always a few tough losses away!



    I was traveling and went in the VIP American room to use the Internet and see the scores. When I logged on, it was showing Bills winning with the Ball. I then Refreshed and it was showing that the Jets had the lead. I will never forget that game.

  6. Bills were 2-0 and had a huge game at home against the Chargers.....Loss


    Bills were 2-1 and had a huge game against former QB Fitz.......Loss


    Bills had a huge game against the Pats......Loss


    On Sunday, KC's game was huge and in Classic Bills Form.....Dominate game, 6 sacks, lead in the 4rth......LOSS



    This will never get old:



    Nor this:



    Nor this:



    Enjoy ladies!

  7. Added Rules:



    1) The Watkins Rule. At any point in a game a referee can throw a flag against a CB that is holding, mugging, raping or hair pulling #14 Sammy Watkins. After the Flag is down, the ref must pick it up and negate the penalty.


    2) The Mckelvin/Chandler Rule: Opposing Wide Receivers can push off at anytime against Mckelvin. Usually they dont need it to get open but it will mind boggle the ref so that when Buffalo gets the ball, the call will be on #84 Scott Chandler.


    3) The Jerry Hughes Rule: At any point in a game versus the Pats if a Bills celebrates a play by tapping on teammates helmet, the Penalty will be of 15 yards for Unsportmanlike.


    4) The Kyle Williams Rule: When a referee sees a holding against #95, he must throw the flag, however, if that flag lands in the Kyle's facemask, the flag must be picked up and no penalty enforced.


    5) The Screw the Bills Rule: An opponent hitting a player when Out of Bounds will get a 15 yard personal foul penalty: Unless its against a Buffalo Bills player when they are down 1 score in the 4rth

  8. he didnt fall, he got juked but was reading tuels eyes and saw he was staring down another WR. Graham, who prob wouldnt have even caught it as he had his defender draped on his back...Tuel simply decided he was throwing there no matter what...which is why as a coach and madden player i run it there and take the FG if i have to...i hate passes to the flat or outside in the red zone...unless its 4rth down end of game senario you just shouldnt be throwing. Take 3 points or learn how to run the ball for a yard!


    thats 1 out of what 8 passes that were there...the other plays sucked and werent there. where was mike williams? the screen? the draw that we usually run too mcuh now it gets abandoned? Hacket gets 3 -4 plays stuck in his head and its all he'll run that day.


    If you read past my first sentence I used JUKE! Also, "he was reading his eyes" my as.s! Dude is on the ground and gets up and finds a gift. Give me a break. His job was to stay with SJ13.

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