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Bills Fan in Beantown

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Posts posted by Bills Fan in Beantown

  1. I don't want to re-hash all of the discussion about Marcell's potential suspension, but I would like to hear your thoughts on what the suspension of Dwayne Bowe for one game might mean for us.


    From ESPN: "The suspension stems from an incident on Nov. 10, 2013, when Bowe was pulled over in Riverside, Mo., for speeding and possession of marijuana.

    Bowe, a first-time offender, eventually pleaded guilty to amended charges of littering and defective equipment and paid $610 in fines.

    The passenger in Bowe's car the night of the arrest told police the marijuana found belonged to him and Bowe did not know it was in the car."

    Is Marcell in the same range? I think it is likely worse given the separate incidents and severity, but I don't know. I just want him on the field.

    [i didn't see another active thread discussing this so moderators feel free to merge if I missed it]

  2. I'm fine with the fact that if it is a "non-football" related illness/injury that the same disclosure requirements aren't required. My concern is whether we can plug him into the lineup a week before the opener (or in week 2, whenever it ends up being) and he'll still be able to perform like last year, or god forbid, improve from last year, without the benefit of camp. Thankfully Henderson is turning out to not be a complete mental case to at least hold them over because from the sounds of it, Hairston and the rookies aren't going to be able to fit the bill.

  3. Roger Goodell is a joke and he is turning the NFL into a joke...


    A year after the fact, you suspend the guy who is trying to replace the Bills' best player on defense?


    Getting caught with some weed is half as bad as beating the living sh*t out of your wife?




    *They need to make a rule that you have to be suspended, for any offense you are convicted of, during the year the infraction took place...this is bullsh*t.


  4. Going back a ways to 1974.... It was the height of the Steelers dominance and Buffalo went to play Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh. Buffalo managed to get off to a big lead then the Steelers started to come back. Momentum shifted to the Steelers as Buffalo had the ball third and long on their own six. Steeler crowd was sensed a comeback and were screaming as buffalo came to the line. O.J. Simpson ripped off a 94 yard touchdown run and the crowd turned into a morgue. Buffalo went on to beat the mighty steelers in front of their home crowd.


    Awesome. Before my time, so I love hearing about it. Thanks.

  5. So he smokes weed and likes to drive fast in the off season. Not going to cut him. In perspective, the Patriots had a guy on the team that was actually murdering people and they didn't think about cutting him until he was thrown behind bars. You can't tell me they didn't know what was going on with the guy. They also still have Edelman on the team that was arrested for sexually assaulting a woman at a bar.


    I would hate to see him work out his personal issues and have a long successful career on another team.



    You are joking, right? Do we really need to go thru the list? Should we start with the All Pros? Peters, Lynch, Byrd. How about Pat Williams, Antoine Winfield, Nate Clements, Poz, Greer.........man the list goes on. You can't have that short of a memory. :doh:


    Are you seriously crying about Poz?

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