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Posts posted by rockpile

  1. and not gloat. There are a number of people who are devastated today. So please, have a moment of silence for Dan Rather, Pete Jennings, Katie Couric, etc.



    Actually, I am not one to gloat (much). But after watching the slanted pap represented nightly as "news" when it is pure editiorial opinion, those you mention deserve to be devastated.


    The ones I feel sorry for are those who can WATCH Peter Jennings and think he is presenting objective reporting of the news. :)


    Teeny Little Minds.

  2. The off the street spaces were all gone when Bob and I got there at 8am

    they did open up around 8:45.  If you don't care where you park, it doesn't matter when you get there. I personally leave the pole around 11- 11:30 to go to the fieldhouse and then watch warm ups when the gates open



    Were there long lines waiting outside Lot 1, coming from 219 to the Ralph on 20A ? My preference would be to park near the traditional spot. :)

  3. The real problem is most fans on this board have never actually played the game and are therfore very marginal in their knowledge.  Girls especially subscribe to "Go Go Buffalo,Bills All the Way" not understanding the psychological intricacies that go into every game. 



    I know several women who have forgotten more football than I'll ever know. :D

  4. Probably a variety of reasons for it, but there were ALOT more voters at my polling place than usual.  I actually had to wait about 20 minutes to get a ballot, which has never happened before.


    I have no clue what it means in the grand scheme of things.


    Please make the required pot reference in your responses.  :D



    Were you the last registered voter in line? :D

  5. I'd piss in a cup on your desk anytime.  Never done drugs and don't understand the allure.


    Of course, the fact that my dad worked for a beer distributor and I'm Irish may have played a roll...  :D



    Um, I read somewhere (yeah that's it, I read somewhere) that a few hits off a doobie is no different than having a beer or two. It is all about moderation.


    BTW: I'd pass the pee test, too!


    This is Rockpile and I approve of this message.

  6. I believe that if we just give the players more time - it is a new system they have to learn, you know - that everything will be just fine.


    I am going to watch some political advertisements now, and then replay the debates. I need to be informed before I cast my vote.



  7. Sadly Ken, I'm not so sure it does.  I think the powers that be simply write-off the 1 or 2% who vote Green, Libertarian, Independent, etc.   :lol:


    One thing I respect though, especially after having the opportunity to meet you in September, is the audacity you've displayed by throwing your hat into the ring.  Forgive my crassness, but that takes some serious balls.



    In addition to KRC's points, it has been noted that if the Nader vote in 2000 had gone to Gore in Florida, Gore would the incumbent today.

  8. Rockpile...

    Come on!  I have always respected your posts.  Are you serious?



    Never said I was not going to vote! I just wanted to see the replies - which were very informative (for the most part :D ). Gave me a couple of additional things to think about.


    So far, me, Mrs Rock, two daughters (both mail in ballots) and one son are confirmed voters, btw. I am waiting for a call from daughter #3 to remind her.


    Gee, would you respect me less if I did not vote? :D

  9. Yesterday's paper showed quite clearly that NY was a Kerry state and was a shoe-in for the respective electoral college votes.


    Today's tv news said that Kerry was the overwhelming winner in NY, based on latest polls.


    Since I live in NY, the media has already decided for me.


    So, unless I am in an undecided state (of residence :) ) and the EC decides the next Prez, not the popular choice - why vote?


    I am curious as to the response.

  10. Dude I don't fear anything so can that crap. Yeah enjoy WM finally sitting TH on the bench once and for good.


    OK :doh:


    Enjoy a KO return for a TD. Enjoy the fact we now have the #1 KR in the league and bobby April has righted the ship.


    OK :o


    But don't be giddy we are still one of the worst teams in the league. Don't be giddy we beat two teams with 3 wins between them.


    I'm not. :D


    Be happy when we can start winning on a constant basis and doing it against teams with winning records.


    OK :(


    First, welcome back. I mean that - you know me!


    I am merely giddy today to NOT hear that the Bills are still learning a new system. :angry: I will be giddier if they beat the Jets next week, especially since I will be there.


    I am not settling for mediocrity, just let me enjoy the moment, OK? :)



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