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Posts posted by aussiebills

  1. I was very very high on Kuechly until i watched his Clemson Game missed some protections didnt look fast, but he can fight off blocks very well. He is explosive but not quick sideline to sideline he is quick back and forth. He knows how to keep his eyes on the QB and cover. I think he should be our pick still though.

  2. Thats cool I can hold up my end of any deal I have no problem with that Banned me by my IP address to make sure but when I am right your gonna owe me a "You Where Right"


    I keep hearing fans say its the city is why he hasn't signed Well its not the reason why it's Ownership, coach staff & GM they play it safe & cheap & players know this you can't blame Mario for using the Bills to make another team pay up because we all know the Bills won't match the offer


    Until Mr Wilson gets serious or sells the team the team isn't not going to be a contender

    If Super Mario accepts then he will be the highest paid defensive player in the NFL, i think they r serious this time bud

  3. Just as an update - ESPN reported at 10:58 PM ET that Mario Williams is staying in Buffalo another night. This was first reported in the early evening, were they waiting to see him go to bed to be sure? And better than that, it's an AP report, not a word of anything from James Walker. In case you were wondering though MIA signed a no name DB...big news. TG's all over this on twitter...jus sayin'


    Here's hopin for some good news tomorrow! Go BILLS!!!!

    who is this DB

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