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Everything posted by 12thman

  1. bruschi on the tackle..how many hits does he have now? is that a stat?
  2. enough of bruschi, i hate susi kolber
  3. Tim Anderson sucks, on the other hand nice sack schoebel
  4. Big deal, just let it go, he's gone. We just lost to a 1-4 team, we're garbage.
  5. why not, because they are 1-4..I don't care about their record, we need to show we can win on the road period and for that reason this is a must win.These next 2 games go along way in determining how much longer Holcomb is in. Like you say this is a team we should be expected to beat and should beat if we are a good team. If we can't beat the raiders why should we expect to beat anyone decent on the road. we need momentum going into NE. 3-5 i think bills start thinking about getting Losman back in there.
  6. This is the real test to see where we stand. If we believe this to be a playoff team there is no question we to have to go in there and win, no ifs and buts, it's going to be tough but these are the type of games we need to win. Oakland may be inspired to give it everything it takes to win, we just need to lay a whippin on them. A loss here would send us to NE in a tough bind with the possibility of being 3-5 at the bye, at that point with the remaing schedule, playoffs would be a huge reach..4-4 i can deal with at worst Just my thoughts before the upcoming week, this game makes me nervous because its huge in my mind.
  7. well my brother was telling me about howard stern solution, i dont know if anyone actually heard it but something along the lines for Bush to come out and say the war was a big mistake, we are pulling our troops out and you have 1 hour to hand over osama or were dropping the nuke..you'd have osama in 15 minutes
  8. Well, I like Robert Horry as a pick..and as much as I don't like Manu Ginobli, I think he would have been a better pick
  9. No way Duncan should have been MVP, he had a terrible series..This why the NBA just kills me, he was the obvious choice before the series started!
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