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Posts posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. As soon as JF2 came in I knew he would be the only story. That's ok, maybe Peyton will think hes safe and let down his guard since Cleveland was the only team that mattered in that game. I'm not whining but as I watched the game I listened to those two fools fall all over themselves gushing about the Browns blah blah blah. Even with the Bills leading by 10 late they still expected a Browns comeback lol. Idiots I say!!

  2. Looked like the higher-ups at HQ wanted to give JJB a chance to lead the comeback. No other explanation.

    I said the same thing, but nah? Right?


    All in all I think it was pretty cool that Johnny Football made his debut against the Bills...and that KW knocked him on his arse with the sack, fumble TD they robbed em of. Great way to welcome him to the NFL

  3. Preston Brown was all over the field today

    Re-Sign Searcy please

    Robert Woods is a 1a receiver..honey badger don't care he lays it on the line every game

    I don't know why it seems this team just muddles along through large parts of the game sprinkled in with some great defense and frustrates the heck out of me??

    On the sack fumble TD of JF2 I feel like the NFL was like, nah give the kid another shot but NO...Graham said No Sir!!!

  4. It does suck to see Moeaki making plays now since the Bills took a chance on him and paid him while helping him rehab in the hopes that he would heal and make the team this year but he couldn't stay healthy so he had to go. This regime has cut the cord on some good players a little early it would seem but all for the greater good of the team?

  5. Eugene Parker is a prick, straight up


    Byrd was great his rookie year and really good yr 3 but the guy could definitely sniff out the ball. He became a complete asshat when his contract came up and his "injuries" were amateurish. Searcy is one of the top cover safeties right now and he just quietly goes about his business game in and game out. Oh BTW it's a contract year for him, do the Bills sign him?

  6. Cordy Glenn is an excellent LT but why not move him inside to LG and swap Henderson over to LT. Urbik could slide back over to RG and u give Koindjo a shot? Or maybe u go vet combo with Pears/Hairston work in for playing time? Atleast one side of the line is open for business then. I think Glenn would throw a fit and they don't wanna piss him off. The reason Pears keeps playing next to Henderson is more of an on field mentor type? Either way I'd like to see a big Samoan guard on the field at G, maybe 2.

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