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Posts posted by dogman

  1. I have notice that on occassion he drops the down to his left hip before throwing. It's as if he is pulling the ball out of his back pocket. Those passes are always late and inaccurate. Players that don't have a cannon for an arm (Marino, Montana) have to release the ball quickly. I didn't notice him doing that last year. Take a look and see what you think...

  2. 1. Clean out the coaching staff and the GM staff.


    2. Call the Ryan brothers and see if they want to coach together. Or one as a GM and one as head coach.


    3. If 2 is "no" see if Holmgren wants to be GM and Haslett wants to be head coach.


    4. See what the market is for Dareus. Lucky for him the focus has been on Mario, cause he has sucked as well.


    5. Trade Freddy to Packers, who are a running back away from a Super Bowl, and get a linebacker (or picks) in return. Sorry Freddy, but in the pros you are nothing but an asset.


    6. If you get decent picks for Dareus and/or Freddy trade up to get your QB.

  3. Time for the Bills to turn the page on Fred Jackson. Two star half backs is an asset a losing team cannot afford to keep. He's at the age at which he is likely to continue to get hurt. I'm tired hearing how good he is in the locker room or how well he is liked. That's only relevant on a winning team. There is no chemistry here to mess up. Trashard Choice is a nice backup. Might the RB starved Packers give us a couple picks? Better yet, a linebacker- AJ Hawk.

  4. Let us keep our eye on the ball.


    We should get a discount compared to other teams in other regions...

    1. We only have 7 home dates: that's a 12% discount right there.

    2. No guarantee this team will stay here.

    3. 10 years of incompetence: unmatched in the rest of the league.


    Really, if this team left a giant black hole whould not swallow up Erie County!

    In this state and in this region pro-football may be an unaffordable luxury.

  5. Went to a game versus the Browns (I think)four years ago. Sat in a friend's seat 7th row 40 yard line right under Ralph's box. I'm not sure I was old enough (47) for the language, abuse to players, drunks, fights that took place that day. One of the Brown's players threatened to come into the stands after fans, and that was during a vitory. Last time I will ever go to a Bills game. You'd be better off going to a soccer game in Manchester, England.


    I used to buy up a friend's season ticket seats when he couldn't go, and had similar experiences each time-although the Browns game was especially bad.

  6. Favorites...


    1. O.J. best I ever saw.

    2. Reggie Mckenzie: no one was ever prouder to be a Bill.

    3. Earl Edwards: Still remember him chasing Joe Namath all the way to the wall.

    4. Jim Kelly: so many thrills.

    5. Cornelius Bennett: Never understood what happened to his career.

    6. Conrad Dobler: kicked people in the nuts.

    7. Kent Hull: Warrior and underrated.



    Least... FYI not big on legends.


    1. Fred Smerlas: third and short-a guaranteed off-side penalty. Admitted to laying down in games to get Hank Bullough fired.

    2. Doug Flutie: Overrated and never won a playoff game with a very good team.

    3. Joe Ferguson: watched him walk around with his head down for ten years.

    4. Tom Dempsey: Sat in a torential downfall to watch him miss a 33 yard field goal to extend Miami's mastery.

    5. Ralph Wilson: Has held this town up for ransom countless times.

  7. I'm not sure that the statistics bare this out but it looked like the defense was more active and provided more pressure with Moats and Sheppard in there. Although he is not terrible I have never thought of Kelsay as a "play maker" and I'm not even sure who Sheppard replaced but I did notice that he was on the field and making an impact.


    Any idea if these changes will be permanent? We need play makers and guys that are always around the ball on the field. At the very least these guys need to get more snaps on the field.



    I noticed it too. That's why Merrimann is becomming a part-time pass-rush specialist. Riddle me this while we all praise the coaching staff... Have they ever heard of "stunting" their LBS? Does Merrimann have to always just plow into the LT. Can they once line him up somewhere else or have him stunt to the middle of the pocket?

    Doesn't Wannstedt coach the LBS?

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