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Posts posted by dogman

  1. The "genius" did wait until the 7th round and started Bledsoe over him until he got hurt. Hardly knew he was a star. Developed him well, and surrounded him well. Has the "genius" won anywhere without Brady? Has he won a Supre Bowl since he stopped cheating. Interesting to find out if Brady or "Genius" ever wins without the other. That might better tell us who the "genius" really is.


    Trent Edwards?

  2. I so wanted Johnson to succeede because he had a much bigger upside than Flutie. Yet, a different offense, a different coordinator almost every year contributed to it not working. Unlike most QBs Flutie free-lanced a lot, so the type of offense he ran didn't matter much. So in the chaos that was the Bills' offense at that time Johnson just never could make it work. Although he left the field in Tennesse ahead-after an awesome drive to put them ahead. The Flutie fable worked in Buffalo because we so love the underdog.

  3. For all you "BooHoo, I wish we still had 'lil donte on our team" guys around here, maybe a little stats lesson is in order, and we can all finally put to bed the issue that the Bills should have kept him. In what I have personally witnessed, and now seen in actual stats, he is LUCKY that even our fanbase thinks he is a "middle of the pack" safety, the stats prove he was the 7th WORST safety to allow TDs against him personally. stats don't lie, let's all agree that the front office did the right thing for once and let that useless football bat walk.


    Linkie-poo: https://www.profootb...lowed-safeties/


    for comparison, our own Jairus Byrd ranked in the top 5 BEST.


    He sucks, he's gone, Can we all let 'lil donte go now??


    Excellenet post! Especially impressive for Byrd and Wilson to be on this list when they weren't often helped by a pass rush.

  4. Here's a little game I like to call....."WTF was the front office thinking?". Since it is slow in the Bills news category and I am burned out with analysis of "what ifs" in the upcoming Draft 2013, I took a gander at the Bills' drafting history (as I am apt to do each year before our Draft) and doubt anyone can find a more depressing draft than 2000. Take a look and if you think you can beat it, please feel free.



    2000 1 26(26) Bills Erik Flowers DE Arizona State 2000 2 27(58) Bills Travares Tillman DB Georgia Tech 2000 3 27(89) Bills Corey Moore LB Virginia Tech 2000 4 27(121) Bills Avion Black WR Tennessee State 2000 5 27(156) Bills Sammy Morris RB Texas Tech 2000 6 28(194) Bills Leif Larsen DT UTEP 2000 7 27(233) Bills Drew Haddad WR Buffalo 2000 7 45(251) Bills DaShon Polk LB Arizona


    Very funny. When you asked the question-that was exactly the draft I thought of...

  5. Bills players kinda sabotaged the team in their first Super Bowl by partying hardy all week. Also Kenny Davis hid Thurman's helmet in the second one so he could say he started in the Super Bowl-didn't he??? Mckellar caught that screen pass at his ankles in the last drive when he would have been better off dropping it. Kelly was likely trying to throw it into the ground to stop the clock. Bills players holding hands on the sideline during the "wide right" was an obvious jinx. Finally, Kelly stuck his wooden shoe into the bus engine so they would arrive late to the game. ALL SABOTAGE.

  6. Honest question: what's the penalty? I've never seen a raised leg called on a slide.


    Not sure, but if he's gonna do that then he shouldn't be untaouchable when he slides. Maybe a new rule for that-"If the sliding QB intiates contact with a player trying to avoid them-then they are not considered down and can be hit."


    We have two "Brady" rules already: tuck rule, and can't hit the legs. Why not a third one?


    By the by... Pats haven't won a Super Bowl since they got caught cheating.

  7. I will say that the name is disrespectful but at the same time it's interesting how this team is the only one that ever gets the finger pointed at them.


    Minnesota Vikings: Vikings - a group of people that were dedicated to exploring new lands and killing and raping everyone that got in their way.

    Oakland Raiders: Raiders - symbolized by a pirate which I'm sure speaks for itself.

    Buffalo Bills - Named after "Buffalo Bill" Cody who is famous for killing thousands of bison over an 18 month span and even had a shootout with William Comestock to see who could kill more bison and use the name "Buffalo Bill".


    Obviously these three don't apply because there are no longer groups/people like these but the question could still be asked if you wanted to be associated with a name that is more infamous than famous.


    EDIT: Not that it makes it right, but we should all realize that a lot of the racial terms were common place when the team name was created.

    I just think we should not name teams after a people we committed genocide against.


    Really this is one of the most intersting/intelligent conversations I've read on this blog-from both sides. Bravo!


    Much more interesting than "Should Traveras Tillman play the last game?'

  8. I am a small percentage Native American and I think it is in very bad taste, sort of like making NA's celebrate Thanksgiving in public schools. Depending on the geography you use and how the long actual genocide was and if disease is a part of it ( which was spread intentionally like a biological weapon of mass destruction in some cases ). Estimates range from 5 million up to 100 million people wiped out (with the goal during a bunch of the history of this particular war of doing just that) on 2 continents Or in our own country, the fact the people were put into camps (which Hitler copied BTW) and the children were educated to basically ignore and forget their own culture. There are about a hundred other reasons why this is a really bad and insensitive name sake for a football team. Call me PC (say I am extreme), I don't effing care, I can think of names for you too.


    Way to step up!!!

  9. Not supposed to reply but I will anyway. That whole "skinning Indians" thing is an urban legend with no historical evidence. It's much more likely that the term came from Natives themselves as a way of distinguishing themselves from whites, or at the very least as slang based around skin color. And the Redskins took their name in honor of their head coach from the 1930's, who was part Indian.


    Sorry, didn't know about the posting rule.


    Urban legends are for things like "alligators in sewers." One of the most honored books and most honored films is called "500 Nations." It's in there if anyone is looking for a source. There are many. Not sure if they knew any better in the 1930s. We should.

  10. "Redskins" comes from the cowboys skinning Natives and using some of their skin as bridles or chaffs. These were trophys. The common profile of a Native which looks similar to Redskin's logo was placed in post office windows when they had received money from the Federal goverment to pay for scalps.


    Since this was a government sponsored genocide I have no idea how someone could say it wasn't at least "insensitive." Especially for a team which represents our NATION'S CAPITAL!


    I wonder how many soccer teams in Berlin are called the "Lampshades?"


    How about the the Boston "Micks" or the NY "Ginnys" or the Alabama "Sambos?" Afterall, they should be "Honored."

    No I'm not Native-American, I'm just not wiiling to be disrespectfull to my fellow man. Especially for something as silly as sports. It's all good...cleveland+indians+cartoon.gif



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