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Posts posted by dogman

  1. Ken Whisenhunt?


    Who dreams up this crap! Why would the Bills fire a mediocre head coach (Gailey) for another proven loser?


    Has anybody seen how bad Arizona played under Whisenhunt? This is total madness.


    The next idiot idea would be to hire Jim Haslett as head coach.



    Who dreams it up? The Buffalo Bills. It's their track record. Buddy is a re-tread who is likely to hire a re-tread.

  2. Three of us sat in a living room in Canisteo NY watching the game. Two of us were going home at half-time except the pizza hadn't arrived. By the time the pizza got there the comeback had just started. Pizza guy said he smelled gas in the apartment. After he mentioned it we all smelled it. We called the gas company (1-800-IGO-BOOM) . They said to evacuate the building. By that time the comeback was in full mode so we sat in a gas filled apartment and watch it. By the way we did have a gas leak and the gas repairman watched the game with us as he fixed it.


    I remember an on-field fist fight between Howard Ballard and I think Glenn Parker. They were throwing haymakers over a missed assignment, but the announcers didn't seem to notice it in all the chaos.


    Anyone else see the fight?

  3. A piece of this that is rarely talked about is the way kids are taught to tackle. Players used to be taught to turn their head to the side and tackle with their shoulder pads. Since sometime in the late 1970s coaches began teaching them to square up and stick their facemask into the player. Probably a superior method-except for all the brain damage and stuff.

  4. In Fred Smerlas book "By a Nose" he wrote about the guys laying down to get rid of Hank Bullough. Never forgot that, and I think we are seeing it again this season. Not all, but some. Also, I always thought his admissions should have kept the "human off-sides penalty" off the wall. I'm not sure some of these players even remember what a 100% even feels like. They really have not been pushed by the experience of a "high stakes" game in so long.

  5. 200m is a bit extreme. It's a 9b industry. If owners take 200m and players take 100m suddenly you've already hit that 9b annual number without even talking coaches, staff, nfl offices, STADIUMS, debt, pensions, refs, insurance, etc.... I don't doubt he's getting well paid, but I've never seen this 200m number until your post.


    I'd guess this team clears about 30m a year for him, and even a good amount of that gets tabbed for future investments in the team.


    Good point. Although during the last collective bargaining conflicts the NFLPA claimed that the owners hadn't included all the revenue and had grossly underestimated their total revenue. Who knows they're a private business. Although they still have their hands out for public money. Pretty sure I got that number from Chuck Dikerson's radio show years ago. Not real reliable, but I'd love to see some courageous public official challenge the owners on that.

  6. Whether or not it is smart or not to keep him on the bench.


    CJ Spiller is really bad in pass protection. Like seriously bad. Teams are starting to blitz more when CJ is in there in obvious passing situations, so not only does this prevent him from running a pattern b/c he has to stay in and block, but it also gets a blitzer matched up on a sub-par blocker. Teams do this a lot against the Saints as well... but they have Brees who can make plays better than Fitz can. It was a bigger problem than usual on Sunday b/c of all backups on the OL going against a good Rams DL.


    If you get a chance watch what happens when CJ has to stay in and block... it's not pretty.


    CJ definitely needs the ball more... but this is my reasoning on why he is out of the game so much.




    Very True-Nice observation.


    A smarter coach would solve that by having a fullback on the field or a double-tight-end alignment.

  7. Not a big market for a 31 year old RB who can't stay healthy. Green Bay has been a running back away from winning another Super Bowl. The only possible time to trade him was in the last off-season.


    But he's good in the locker room-something only losing teams care about.

  8. He's on a secret assignment trying to find out why Gailey and Fitz are coming back next year. Latest rumor is that Fitz is Buddy's secret love child, and Gailey found Buddy's wallet and won't give it back.


    Tressel is on secret assignment from the league to find why Gailey and Fitz have guaranteed jobs next year. Latest rumor is that Jim Kelly has asked Buddy to drive the price of the franchise down so he can buy it.

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