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tomato can

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Everything posted by tomato can

  1. You are right this has to stop! Then Bain has the nerve to ship in Chinese workers and tell the people train them how to take your job! WOW!
  2. Oh please Tom! Lobbyist work the halls of Congress daily on behalf of companies! So now its unethical for a large numbers of AMERICANS reaching out to a politician for some help with the hope of keeping their jobs!
  3. As a major investor in Sensata, Romney could gain from an outsourcing move that is likely to cut costs and increase the company's presence in emerging markets. Romney owns at least $7.8 million in eight Bain funds that collectively hold 51 percent of Sensata's shares, according to a disclosure report he released in June. When you are running for President of the United States at a time of high unemployment and a company that you are a major shareholder in is outsourcing jobs that doesn't bode to well with the American People when you are going around the country telling everyone you can fix the economy and put people back to work.
  4. Below is an article from the Chicago Trib. A factory in Illinois owned by Bain is set to close and all the workers will lose their jobs as Bain is moving the factory to China! What is ever more insulting is Bain shipped Chinese workers in and had the American employees train them how to run the equipment! That is absolutely repugnant. This has to stop, we want people off the Government dole yet companies like Bain continue to put more people on the Government dole when they ship their jobs away because they want more profit out of the company! Reason I say more problems for Mitt is because he is heavily invested in Bain and stands to make a good amount of money off this. The workers at the factory have reached out to Mitt for some help....two republican politicians have reached out to Bain and implored them to keep the factory here. Further more this has to stop in this country. I read an article over the weekend JC Penny in a cost cutting move is eliminating all of its clerks and going to all self checkouts. Where the heck are people suppose to work in this country??? Constantly jobs are being outsourced or eliminated to beef up profits for CEO's and shareholders! http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/breaking/chi-workers-at-doomed-bainowned-factory-appeal-to-romney-20120723,0,250857.story
  5. Was watching Forbes on Fox the other morning. Rick Ungar pointed out that The Tax Foundation had a tax calculator on its website and he calculated that the tax increase on the so called jobs creators making 250,000 to 300,000 a year would be an astounding 199 more per year! Know Rick Ungar does tend to take the liberal approach on a lot of things. Not one conservative on that panel challenged him on this NOT ONE! Mr Steve "we need to cut taxes more" Forbes sat there speechless! One of the panels conservatives heard what Rick Ungar was saying and said the 250,000 crowd were selling junk on ebay.....WTF! I keep hearing from an overwhelming majority of conservatives that the 250,000 makers are the small business owners, the real job creators, ect! Let the Bush Tax cuts expire and go back to the Clinton era levels. Taxes are at a 30 year low and so are jobs!
  6. Thoughts & prayers to the victims and their families. Tighter gun control, more gun laws, or taking away peoples 2nd amendment rights would not have changed the outcome. Bottom line criminals do not follow laws! Every time after a shooting spree some limousine liberal always want's to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it! It's not the answer to the problem. This was a senseless act of violence and its unconscionable that someone would set out to do this. I'm a supporter of the death penalty. I think the death penalty might do more to deter acts of violence than passing more guns laws.
  7. He says the LIBOR scandal is huge! http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/libor-scandal-huge-eliot-spitzer-132610929.html
  8. Mitt has a lot of work to do and a short time to get it done. He is faces a lot of scrutiny over the release of his taxes. Kerry faced the same scrutiny over the swift boat issue. While Gov of Mass they ranked 47th out of 50 states in job creation. His team stretched the truth a great deal that he was this big job creator while at Bain. Honestly I believe that people aren't buying the cut taxes for business lines that Mitt is going to deliver so they can create jobs and fire up the economy. Business will hire based on profits, not taxes! A lot of businesses just don't have the demand for their product and have no reason to hire a bunch of workers. The cut taxes line for business is getting old especially when the results just are not there. Mitt has to bring a different message to the voters to win them over. Obama wins easily because the Republicans don't have a really strong candidate. I don't believe that he wins because he has done some great job in his first term. I'm an independent voter. I haven't made a decision yet. Obama loses me with his stance on immigration, gay marriage, ect. Mitt hasn't shown me much either. Stretching the truth about being a big job creator in times of high unemployment is extremely disingenuous.
  9. I am pro-life so I don't want to see any unborn child aborted. But god forbid they can one day lead a some what normal life and the only job they are capable of doing is bagging groceries and breaking down boxes behind the grocery store. The way you talk you might want them disqualified from society for not improving their employability!
  10. I disagree with that. It takes an awfully unique person to want to become a doctor. Its not all peaches and cream. Think about all the school and everything else that you need to accomplish to make it to that point of being a doctor. It takes a really special person to want to take on all of that so they can take care of sick people. People come to you sick, depressed, overwhelmed with stress that is a contributing factor to many different illnesses and here you are doing all you can to try and help them. It takes a special person to handle that type of grind. The earning potential, social prestige, & family legacy is all perks that come with a difficult job. Flexible schedule? Not for most. Many doctors are on call 24/7, surgeons can be in surgery for numerous hours at a time, ER doctors working multiple shifts. Some over a long period of time may start to reduce the hectic schedule demands and their work loads. They are people like the rest of us, awfully special people in my eyes! So after the 9/11 attacks someone gives up his or her chance to go off to college in search of that golden parachute, that great wall street job, that financial security, and joins the military because their country needs them, because we were just attacked and are on the brink of war. Your telling me those people were motivated by money?
  11. We are really suppose to believe this? I guess Walmart & McDonalds should have no trouble filling those $7.75 hours jobs now! http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/09/report-83-percent-of-doctors-have-considered-quitting-over-obamacare/
  12. Of course they do! They all want to grandstand! I don't buy into that grandstanding. I give the credit to the hard working men and women who used their trade skills to build that. Everyone knows that its the tax payers money that was used to build these things, they made it possible. The only thing the pols made possible was the news conference to say they made it happen. My point really was when the Feds fund these projects, or states & city governments put up bonds to do these projects people cry its a waste of money to keep the public sector unions working or its doesnt create any economic growth and no new net wealth because its just a transfer of money. Know these states and cities can't fund a lot of these projects, the JP Morgans and Citigroup, and some others are like a slobbering dog over a bowl of water on a hot day getting these multi-billion dollar trust lined up to fund these projects. Yes they are going to build it much cheaper using cheap materials and cut corners, but they are going to charge triple the price to do it. All so there shareholders stocks go threw the roof and they can make mint! And the cheerleaders will come out, thats economic growth and how you create new net wealth! Yet the money is still be transered from the tax payers!
  13. Good article about infrastructure projects. After careful consideration I am going to take the conservative approach about these projects. Tax payers can't afford the costs associated with these projects. Plus there is really no new net wealth created. These mega projects are turning to private investors to fund them. But hey the schools systems are failing, why build new schools? The bridges might be old, but throw some paint on them and they will last another 40 years. I also noticed at the end of the article that Indiana's great Govenor MD privitzied their toll ways and the prices doubled. Illinois dems took a lot of heat for doing this to pay the bills. Looks like Indiana repubs quietly did the same thing in 2006 to pay the bills. http://southtownstar.suntimes.com/business/13688116-420/more-mega-projects-turning-to-private-investors.html
  14. I guess we will have to wait and see if those projections are remotely accurate. Fact is programs like SS, Medicare, and Medicade are much needed. People need to stop abusing the system. Yeah the post office is in trouble and it has been heading that way for sometime. Plenty of blame to hand out to both sides for kicking the can down the road. We all seem to agree that healthcare reform was needed. Maybe this is the starting point and it can be tweeked so it does work? That's my point they (Mitt's people) have opened up this can of worms by overstating jobs created. Yes they created jobs and yes they lost jobs. I believe it was Bill Kystol on fox news that stated while Gov of Mass Mitt ranked 47th out 50 states in job creation and that is going to be a problem for him. What they need to do is put their plan out there to the voters and tell them why they think it will work. Stop stretching the truth on the jobs you claim to have created when the facts don't support the claim.
  15. I am not going to call you a liar. I will take you at your word. I have watched so many people debate this and the cost on fox news and I have no idea who is trying to be truthful and accurate. I have even watched a few doctors on some programs that think the new law is a good thing because healthcare reform was needed they just weren't happy about all the new regulations and paper work that comes with it because they felt it would slow them down from treating people. If Mitt is President I wouldn't expect him to run the country that way either. What I am getting at is you often hear people associated with his team refer to the fact he created all these jobs while at Bain. That is not totally true. Private Equity sometimes creates jobs, sometimes they don't. I am sure they did create some jobs while he was at Bain and I'm sure they lost some jobs as well. People on his staff sometimes come across like when he was at Bain that they were just interested in taking over companies and creating a bunch of jobs. Not true, the main objective was to make money and protect the shareholders.
  16. This is the problem with the media. I am watching fox news and they have a 4 person panel discussing the new healthcare law. 2 of them are telling me how bad this and the sky is falling. The other 2 are telling me how good this new law is going to be for everyone. The viewing public have absolutely no idea who is telling the truth and who is out right lying. A quick question about private equity. Isn't the main objective to turn a profit and protect the shareholders? It's not like they come in with the main objective to create jobs. It seems to me if they happen to create some jobs great but that's not really there main objective. For the record this is no knock on Mitt. I don't believe a lot of the stuff I read in the papers, to many times the facts take a backseat.
  17. I agree with this. I really believe that there are a lot of people out there that want to work. I still say while healthcare reform was a noble cause to take up does it really matter if you can get affordable healthcare when you have no job, can't pay your mortgage, can't make your car payments, can't put food on the table to feed your family?
  18. The unbelievable part is that the people building these homes are all very wealthy people. Screw Derk Jeter. If he wants to build a mansion on the coastline in Florida then let him pay to re-build it when a hurricane knocks the thing down! This guy has made a fortune playing baseball. They are always looking for places to cut money they need to start right there and then move on to cutting the tax subsidies for John Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, & Scott Pippen to name a few. They all own large acres of land and let someone farm a small area of that land and pay 200 in real estate taxes! Bon Jovi neighbor was pissed. He got 10 acres of land and paid $200 in real estate taxes and she had one acres and paid almost $6,000 for the year. I totally agree! Flat tax all the way!
  19. Oh okay. Sorry I took it the wrong way. But yes the dems and repubs are promoting socialism and the people, rich, middle class, & poor love it. The big major corporations love it also.
  20. Take the blinders off. Both dems and repubs help perpetuate this stuff with the laws they pass.
  21. He did a piece on all these freeloaders. From the wealthiest all the way down to the poorest. Corporations, business, and people do everything they can to pretty much freeload. How can anyone say that people in this country are against socialism? 20 million a year baseball player Derek Jeter, rocker John Bon Jovi, billion dollar a year corporations, all the way down to the 25 year old college drop out that is dressed like a homeless person pan handling on the corner and raking in a 100 to 150 bucks a day tax free yet that person ain't homeless. All of them are freeloading off the government! If you didn't see that piece by Stossel last night you should.
  22. You have to follow the draft closely. There always seems to be a few running backs and wide reievers that come out of college and end up seeing a good amount of playing time. Other than that you pretty much have to watch the injury report in the preseason. I am in 2 highly competitive leagues myself. Fantasy Index is a really good site. You can actually put your leagues scoring in and they will rank your players accorddingly. I think a cheat sheet is like $8. They have a season package that you can purchase as well.
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