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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. That's a fair opinion. I just don't think "disinterested" deserves to make any NFL club, regardless of being 20% more productive than a #6 WR. I don't think it's about who they kept, I think its about what Rodgers didn't do to earn his way onto the team. We can all agree that Rodgers is far more talented than Hogan or Easley. What we are disagreeing on is if Rodgers earned his way on to the team or not. Titus Young says hi.
  2. I guess where we disagree is about Rodgers having to earn his way onto the team. Fair enough.
  3. Fair point but he was booted out of the SEC, no? Why? Was it because of a lack of commitment and dedication to his craft? Was it something else? Who knows? I understand what you are saying about him being more physically gifted than Hogan/Easley and I'm sure you are correct. However, if he didn't do enough to make the team, with all that talent, then why is this an issue? The guy did not earn it.
  4. Fair enough Kirb, but aren't there thousands of guys with talent? At some point don't you have to earn your way onto the squad?
  5. Why? Are you looking for the Bills coaching staff to fail? Don't you want the Bills to be a successful franchise? I guess I don't understand why people are grumpy about cutting Rodgers. The guy did not do enough in camp to make the club, right? Can you explain why you think it was a bad move?
  6. Does this remind anyone else of that time Shula broke his foot and had to ride a lark on the sidelines? And because he had Marino at the time he was forced to catch up to the yardage markers at a snail's pace when Marino hit a long pass?
  7. Seems like this thread is a perfect launching pad for all of us to tone down the vitriol that has permeated the site over the last few years. We're all Bills fans fans, each entitled to our own opinion, and healthy discourse is the lifeblood of a robust and active fanbase. To that end, I'm removing my signature that called out another poster and embarking on a campaign of presenting my own opinion while respecting differing opinions with both ears (and mind) open. Go Bills!
  8. I do believe there were phones and credit cards in 1993, right? Or was the only way to secure a ticket for that game to physically drive to OBD?
  9. Don't you think that pre-draft analysis was super lazy though? "Marrone coached him at 'Cuse so he's going to take him?" Seemed like people put no thought into it and then were upset when the Bills didn't follow the lazy script that these folks had laid out in their minds. No one knew Nasaib better than Marrone and Hackett at draft time. That they didn't take him speaks volumes about how they felt about him contributing at the NFL level.
  10. It's never that black and white though, is it? Seems like if a poster has a positive take on any specific thing OBD does they are labeled an "apologist" and if a poster bashes OBD for a specific move they are labeled a "hater". The concept a single poster being able to objectively applaud one move while criticizing another has been lost. It's a shame.
  11. What in the heck? How is this even a thread? Nassib? Seriously?
  12. Pettine should be embarrassed. His boys just got humiliated.
  13. IMO "not remotely ready" sez he didn't see all of Buffalo's games. That said, Manuel has a TON to prove and IMprove on in 2014. How hard is he going to work in the os? Is he going to go the early career Brady route and earn the parking spot awarded to the player that puts in the most work in the offseason? Is he going to shore up the accuracy issues that plagued him in his rookie year? Is he going to grab the team by the balls and lead it? Crap, is he going to stay on the field enough in 2014 to answer those questions? We'll see.
  14. It's lemon squeezy man, he refuted his own points.
  15. Look dude, you made a claim that was proven to be incorrect. Just move on. You are embarrassing yourself with all this rationalization.
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