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Posts posted by Turbosrrgood

  1. Those numbers ARE spectacular when taken in context of the number of carries he had. No one can argue, from the 2012 season, that he was not a REAL threat to take it to the house every time he touched it, on the ground or through the air. A player like that, when used correctly, will change the opposing D with or without the ball in his hands. Those are the type of playmakers that need to be on the field all the time.


    You missed the point. No one is saying 6.0 YPC is not spectacular...However just having a good YPC, doesn't mean he's a dominant RB. In fact by all other measures he certainly has not been. That's the point. Maybe he can be, he's shown signs...but so far he has not done it for a full season, even that season.


    Rob Johnson had 3 straight years with a 100+ QBR, 2 of those over 110, it does not mean he was a spectacular QB. Pointing to one good stat for a player, and suggesting that can be used to sum up his success as a player, is not realistic.


    I didn't say all those numbers were spectacular. The only numbers I said were spectacular was his 2012 season where he had over 1700 yards and averaged 6.0 ypc- something nobody managed to accomplish last season.


    You said...


    I'm sorry but I couldn't disagree more. "1 single solid season"; Averaging 6.0 ypc on over 200 carries is spectacular.



    Certainly you were suggesting that you thought his season as a whole was spectacular, as opposed to just "solid". His argument was a fair counter to that. You were suggesting that the YPC number alone made it spectacular, he proved stats that suggested otherwise.

  3. Love you Mrags.....but I guess you didn't watch OJ in his first 3 years? Or does that not count because it was the 70s?


    53 ypg 5tds , 61/5, 53/5 in his first 3 seasons. He wasn't used correctly? Or he wasn't good? Or was in the OC? Or was he just not a good RB his first 3 seasons?


    In fairness, he was simply pointing out that those numbers were not spectacular in response to a previous poster who suggested they were.

  4. Sure 6.0 YPC is a good number...The rest of his numbers have been average at best, and that number doesn't at all mean he's been a dominant RB in the NFL. He still only had 1200 yards that year, not exactly spectacular. Let's be realistic, we've all watched Spiller, and we all know what his strengths in weakness are.


    Spiller has big play break out ability, but as we all know has struggled big time with consistency. No need to get all overboard one way or another.


    No matter what he will get one more season to show whether he is that "spectacular" guy, or the guy who can't find running lanes (or he gets hurt again). Then we can start talking about whether he should be allowed to walk or not.

  5. I didn't read the whole thread so this may already have been stated but I did read the article. I think CJ can be used a lot like Sproles in NO. Then you have Jackson and Brown not to mention Dixon to pound the rock. Exciting. Teams will be so worried about CJ and Sammy, you will have all kinds of options.


    I've been saying this about CJ since he was drafted. Gailey did indeed use him like that a bit, but Marrone Hackett seemed clueless what to do with him last year. Marrone went as far as to laugh off his abilities as a pass catcher. Spiller will only go as far as Hackett/Marrone let him.


    The other problem is Spiller himself, will he actually be able to stay on the field for more than 2 plays at a time before taking himself out? He has done this every year as a pro, under Gailey, and Hackett/Marrone. I'd imagine that's part of the reason why the Bills loaded up with Brown and Dixon.


    One big positive though, the Bills seriously addressed the Oline this year with huge run blocking guys. If even a few of them pan out, this should help the run game in a big way. Especially Kouandjio.


    Long story short, if Spiller can't learn to hit a damn hole and GO instead of misreading his blocks, and getting confused in the backfield, this is his last year as a Bill. Look at the guys brought in. both can hit the hole and go esp. up the middle and Brown is very fast and can hit the perimeter.


    I know fans cling to certain players, but it is clear this staff says its time to crap or get off the pot performance wise. Spiller needs to quit pulling himself off the field and be more constant not just hitting the long run here and there


    Unfortunately I believe this is all true. As far as hitting the hole, I think it's pretty clear that Spiller will never have that great vision and especially patience that other RB's do. He needs big holes to be opened for him, and a game plan that gets him in space. If he gets those things, he still has a chance to be a game changer.

  6. The Metrodome was supported by air, not roof trusses as I mentioned. And I think you just reiterated my point for me. Thanks! :thumbsup:


    You said structures can be built without foundations as part of your analogy, I was simply pointing out that huge structures are often created without a roof as well, and certainly don't require "roof trusses". I hardly see how your point is reinforced, or has legs to stand on...but you're welcome! :thumbsup:

  7. Rapier-like wit aside, you're actually not too far off in your not terribly analogous analogy. A structure can be built on bare ground with no foundation, but it is the roof trusses that hold the walls up and keeps the structure intact.


    I sure hope the roof wasn't keeping this structure intact.



    Of course any football stadium can be built without a roof at all.

  8. I won't bore you with the details of my shoulder dislocations, multiple separations, the subsequently shredded ligaments that accompanied them other than to say they are the reasons why I had to be taught to throw all over again. I mean, what good am I to my beer league softball team if I can't make the throw from short to 1st, right?


    What I learned leads me to believe that many of you talk about throwing mechanics like you have a clue but don't really know much about it. If you want to correct that - or if you want to learn 'sup with EJ - just read on...


    In a proper throwing motion, about halfway through the elbow should be right around a half-foot in front. This ensures your arm is at the correct height and is referred to as the neutral position because there is virtually no stress on the muscles or joints. It's a position where the shoulder and elbow are at their safest and strongest as the elbow, wrist, and ball can continue through the throwing motion on a single plane. This allows for maximum power and maximum accuracy.


    When, halfway through the throwing motion, the elbow is not far enough in front it means the arm is too low. And when that happens, the shoulder will seize up a little to prevent too much stress from being placed on it. And since it never achieves the neutral position, the shoulder twists causing the wrist to swing out past the elbow creating a sidearm throwing motion. This type of throwing motion compromises accuracy because the elbow, wrist, and ball are not moving on a single plane. And because the shoulder doesn't achieve neutral position, energy is used to compensate for the twisting in the shoulder instead of propelling the ball forward which compromises power.


    If the elbow is too far in front, the arm is too high and, like before, the shoulder never reaches the neutral position. The elbow, wrist and ball move on different planes, and the shoulder never achieves neutral position. Like the sidearm throw, power and accuracy are compromised but it's actually worse because when the arm is too high, the ball has to be released from a higher position - and that means it's being released too soon in the throw and you lose A LOT of power.


    Think of playing catch with your 6 year old nephew. Sure, you slow your arm speed, but you probably do more than that because you don't want to drill him with the ball and catch a lot of crap from your otherwise cool sister. Chances are you kind of put some air under it and float it to him so he has a chance to catch it. And whether you realize it or not, what you're actually doing is releasing the ball much earlier in the throw than you otherwise would.


    And that's why EJ throws a lot of floaters on intermediate and deeper passes: He's carrying his elbow too high halfway through the throwing motion which robs him of accuracy and power, and he has to compensate for the elbow being too high by releasing it too soon and causing the ball to float or sail.


    It could be due to excitement, pressure, tensing up to make a big play, gritting his teeth, whatever, but once he settles down and starts getting his elbow ti hit neutral halfway through the throwing motion (through repetition and muscle memory), sailing and floating those intermediate passes will go away.


    And here's the bonus: On short passes his elbow achieves the neutral position, but because his muscle memory has him overcompensating for the lack of power on the intermediate passes, he tends to throw those too-powerful bullets. As he settles in and begins to hit neutral on the longer balls, his touch on shorter balls will improve dramatically.


    Or we'll be looking for another QB in a year or two.



    *drops mic

    *walks off stage


    So you are an expert in the field, just from having an injury? Or did you stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night?

  9. no....he isn't all that good, we have a backup, and I think we should be looking for free agents where we actually have gaping holes such as OT, TE, and CB. We don't have the luxury of taking fliers on people in positions where we don't need them, like drafting CJ Spiller when we already have Marshawn Lynch.


    This might be nit picking, but the Bills already signed Chandler and Moeaki, to go with Gragg. They also signed Graham (a starting CB, as depth) behind Gilmore and McKelvin (2 high 1st round picks). Plus the draft is coming up, where the Bills may very well look for yet another TE to go with all of the ones already signed. I agree with OT, but I have to generally question your opinion of where more FA's are needed. Also, replacing a backup QB, in no way prevents filling FA holes elsewhere on the team. In fact, I can't remember another offseason where the Bills had so many FA signings that directly addressed huge issues on the team as they have this year.


    But I do agree, no need for Freeman on this team.

  10. I thought someone was going to pin a thread where the title stated "insert washed up, useless nobody QB name here"... "What do we have to lose?"


    Are threads like these ever going to end? I could understand if it was a player with some serious success, like a peyton manning, or possibly Russel Wilson several years down the road in his career, but Josh Frickin Freeman? If anyone can site an example where some talentless nobody, never has-been ever signed with a team and became an all pro, then maybe it might be time to just lock these threads right after they're posted.


    Kurt Warner

  11. To answer your question, just watch the MNF game last year. I think that game answered all of the questions that any curious GM's had. He's not good, then combine that with possible substance abuse problems and huge work ethic questions...why would anyone want him?


    Any day he is better than Thad and Tuel. Bring him on.


    That was proven false last year. Again, watch the week 7 MNF game with Freeman, Thad beat the Dolphins 24 hours earlier.


    I don't like Thad at all, but facts are facts.

  12. This only makes sense if the Bills can move up without losing next year's 1st round pick AND to select Clowney.


    **Disclaimer, I think the chances of this happening are slim to none.


    But I agree with the above statement. You don't trade up to the #1 overall pick for a RT, so throw Robinson (The Bills already have a very good LT, so adding a RT is the result regardless of where he plays) out of the mix. I'd also doubt they go with one of the sketchy QB's in this draft. Clowney is a rare talent, and the only one that makes sense. Plus the Bills do have a need opposite Mario.


    Still, this probably isn't happening, and it probably shouldn't happen.

  13. new NFLPA President Eric Winston: "No 18-game season on my watch"


    The owners, however, are widely expected to expand the playoffs following the 2015 regular season, and Winston indicated that the players can accept that. If the NFL is going to add games, it's going to add two playoff games. Not 32 regular-season games.




    Now they just need to kill off the extra playoff games, which are a way worse idea.

  14. He's still out there... I wouldn't mind having Cromartie, Gilmore, McKelvin, and Robey...


    From what I remember he has always been a good corner, I Dont know why the Jets cut him? Anyway... any thoughts?


    Get it done Buffalo!!!


    Crack is a dangerous drug

  15. http://www.nfl.com/n...sser-scout-says


    Anonymous scout's take on most of the top prospects. FWIW, I found it interesting.


    I feel dumber for having read this. An anonymous "scout"...These could be the comments of a random homeless guy for all we know. Just some columnist trying to get publicity. Saying Manziel is already better than the guy who just won the super bowl says it all.

  16. I saw that he was released, and it piqued my interest. He's the type of big receiver that could be useful to the Bills (huge improvement over Graham at the least). However I believe he is a bit overrated, and certainly injury prone. If they could get a deal on him sure, I'd be interested. I think you'd have a hard time getting any WR to give the Bills a deal to play on what looked to be a disastrous offense last year though. He's not worth more that a couple mil on a short, low guarantee contract IMO. Other teams will be interested.


    I saw someone mention Nicks, and it's the exact same situation as Harvin. Good big receiver that can't stay healthy. I think Nix was certainly better in his prime, but I believe those injuries have already taken a permanent toll on him. He didn't look good when healthy last year.


    I'm still a fan of the Bills trying to target a high end WR with 9 pick (or trade back if necessary). Watkins/Evans could be better than those guys, and they would be much cheaper.

  17. My concern is if they dont make TE a prioriy early then it wont be a priority at all



    That's really not a rational concern, considering how deep the TE position is though out the draft. I think the best tight end in the draft is ASJ, and he could very well go in the second round. Niklas also could be a very good, and very complete TE in the 3rd. Fiedorowicz is another Niklas style TE that could be very good in the 4th. Keep in mind guys like Hernandez, Graham, and Gronk were not 1st round picks. The idea that you have to reach for a TE in the top 10, or even the 1st round to have any hope for success is proven false by history.


    Its not the highth that makes him open when he is not....the kid is a fricken Clydesdale and I dont care what anyone says....4.6 speed is REALLY fast for a huge physical presense like that


    Not trying to pick on you, but a Clysdesdale is a terrible comparison. They are massive, extremely strong, but very slow. The exact opposite of Ebron, who is undersized, not particularly strong, but very quick. Thoroughbred might work. I've said this before, but he overwhelmingly played from a WR position, not inline TE.

  18. holy Crap. Folks here are relentless.

    Ok. I think the screen door on a submarine is the biggest problem. We may have the worst O line in football. I agree that SJ13 is not "elite". The only thing is, elite is a phrase I have not used. At all. Now, try to understand I have NOT compared SJ to anyone. You did. What I did imply, is that a talented O line may grant more time to EJ. This may help EJ progress. This and an off-season may develop into stevie having a break out 1000 yard, 10 TD season..... Oh wait... He had three..... Why are we cutting him again? Oh yea, he sucks. He didn't turn EJ into Joe Montana. (or Thad, or Tuel)

    Back to my actual point. Get the QB some good protection, and stop the run. If Watkins is available you have to take him, but he won't be.


    Ok, this is a bit ridiculous. 2 Years ago people were saying the Bills had the best Oline in football, when our Oline was a mess with injured players and 3rd stringers...But because PFF #'s something something blah blah, in front of the quick release Ryan Fitzpatrick they were the best ever....Now with a healthy mostly solid line in front of a carousel of injured inexperienced QB's, an injured and confused CJ, they are the worst ever. The dramatic over reactions are always entertaining.


    The Bills have one of the best center's in the game, a very good young LT, a good but not great RG, and good pass blocking but terrible run blocking RT. We had ONE major hole, LG. Combine that with panicky inexperienced QB's, a rookie OC, and an injured/misused CJ and you have terrible overreactions.

  19. Couple things:


    1) Davis and Ebron are the same height and Davis is only 4 lbs bigger. That said, Davis has freak speed.


    2) You got me interested in ASJ.


    3) Are we sure Marrone didn't unse a TE like because those we his options? Gragg was an undersized 7th rounder. Chandler was our leading wr and split out a decent amount. If he had better options at TE, maybe he would have tried different thing. But it does seem like EJ loves throwing to the TE (like most young QBs). I'd love to have a more explosive palyer than Chandler, who is solid but limited.


    Yeah I didn't mean to combine the speed size issues. My point was that he is not that big (nor is Davis), and he isn't the athlete that Davis is (whom some here compared him to). I will admit that he is still a very good athlete for a TE, and like I said, he could become a very good pass catcher in the NFL...However a complete inline TE he most certainly is not, he is a glorified receiver ala Hernandez. I'm not saying Ebron isn't talented by any means, but I don't think he's a top 10 talent.


    Actually Marrone used the TE a TON. As a matter of fact Chandler was the top receiver on the team. Chandler IS an inline TE, despite his deficiencies blocking. My point was that Marrone had more of a pure pass catcher in Gragg, and elected not to use him at TE because he did not consider him big enough or a good enough blocker despite the fact he looked better catching the ball. He said as much himself in the preseason. Ebron compares much more to Gragg than Chandler (even though he is far more skilled than Gragg). My point was that Marrone had the option of the inline TE, and the more pass happy split out TE type...And went almost entirely inline.

  20. +2....I just wish more people "got it" when it comes to TE...fans see Graham and Gronk and assume that means 1st Round TE, but then fail to see that neither of those guys were 1st rounders...moreover, the better TEs over time, Gates, Witten, Graham himself, and the new-comers in Julius Thomas and Jordan Cameron were all 3rd and 4th round guys...just say, Fiedorowicz in the 4th...


    I'm a fan of Fiedorowicz if we don't take a TE earlier. He's like Niklas, with less proven production.

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