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Posts posted by Turbosrrgood

  1. I really wish Rob Johnson had won that Music City Miracle game. Even though I wanted Flutie to start that game, I still wish Rob had won- his whole career would have been different with that one win. I honestly believe we would have gone to the Super Bowl that year to play the Rams. Oh well, that's enough dreaming for tonight. Wish I could go back in my Delorean and change that game.


    Rob Johnson actually would have been a pretty good QB if he wasn't retarded. And if he didn't take sacks every other play.

  2. I'd like to point out that English isn't like the other 1st rounders the Bills picked up on defense. Hughes, Lawson, Rivers, and Branch were all slightly disappointing prior to joining the Bills compared to their draft spot...However they were all still productive players.


    English is more comparable to Maybin in his disappointment as a pro.

  3. Wow, no. He was a total bust for SD, not to mention he played in a 3-4 defense his entire pro career (Schwartz's scheme is the polar opposite), as a supposed pass rusher. He has 11 sacks in a very disappointing and injury riddled career.


    The fact that SD cut him, when he was due to make very little speaks volumes.

  4. I generally agree with your post but the Rob Johnson stat might be the most flawed stat ever. http://www.pro-footb.../J/JohnRo00.htm He started 8 games in those 3 years!


    Lewis is a solid backup. some people think you are supposed to have Peyton Manning as a backup. Lewis is about average as a NFL backup QB. At the same time, his upside isn't as high as EJ's. EJ missed half of his 1st training camp, Lewis was in his 3rd. But overall, I'm very happy with Lewis as a backup who can win a few games in a pinch. But nothing more.


    That's exactly my point, those stats don't tell the whole story. Also it relates very well to Thad Lewis, who played in 6 games.

  5. The kid reminded me of Fitz when he made that throw and got clocked in the first Miami game. Other players gotta respect that kinda gritty.


    He kind of reminded me of Fitz with all of the short-medium passes he missed by huge margins. He didn't remind me of Fitz with all of the terrible sacks and fumbles he took.


    Thad is fine as a backup, and he was serviceable in that role last year. People who think he's ever going to be competing for a starting job are fooling themselves though.


    Oh yeah, and as far as the numbers go, Rob Johnson had 3 straight years with a 100+ QB rating...It hardly tells the story.

  6. The fact that people are suggesting we use TJ Graham ANYWHERE in place of Watkins is absolutely mind boggling to me. TJ Graham is the epitome of failure, and Watkins has a high of a ceiling as you get in the NFL. His skill set is especially suited to returning kicks.


    Why on earth would you not want your best players playing? Especially when it could be the difference between winning or losing a game? It may not be sexy, but KRs can be some of the most important plays of the game. Plus, KRs rarely seem to get hurt (anyone have stats?), so the whole controversy seems somewhat moot anyway. Terrance McGee got hurt all the time...playing CB, not returning kicks. I don't recall Donte Hall, Devin Hester, Cordarrelle Patterson, Percy Harvin, ..., getting hurt doing it either.


    Oh yeah, and for the record I believe that there is next to no chance TJ Graham will make this team. It would probably take multiple injuries. The Bills loaded up on tall prospects behind him, and gave a multi year deal to Barden. They want one of those guys to make it. If Goodwin is healthy, he is probably the guy returning kicks...But if not i'd be thrilled to see Watkins out there.

  7. This is why I asked the question about what is the "real" risk to returners. Your entrenched position makes it seem as though you believe it is a foregone conclusion a kick returner will suffer an injury, but I'm not so sure the statistics bear that out.


    This is exactly my feeling. I don't believe kick returners face a higher risk of injury. There are injuries on kick returns, but that usually involves the blockers/tacklers. Playing WR appears to be way more risky from what I've seen. Half the time it will just be a touchback anyway.

  8. I don't think its THAT crazy. And I'm guessing it's primarily just trying guys out in camp in case of injury or special need in a big moment at the end of a game.


    You want to know what your guys are capable of.


    I'm actually completely fine with it. Watkins has the ability to win games from the STs alone. Chances are this is just "giving him a look", but if they use him there during the season it's fine by me. Being a WR in the NFL takes some adjustment, but being a good returner is something he could make a huge difference with right away. The injury concerns are way overblown, I'd bet kick returners get hurt less than WRs do. Was there a single returner injured last year during a KO? Injuries usually end up happening to the blockers, and coverage guys.


    Give your players a chance to win the game.


    Didn't Moulds return kicks his first couple years?


    1st round WR's regularly return kicks as a rookie, especially ones with Watkin's skill set. Cordarrelle Patterson didn't make a huge impact as a WR as a rookie, but he returned kicks last year also and was amazing at it. No injury concerns there.

  9. People need to keep in mind that this is PFF, and a bingo roller could probably come up more accurate information. This is as meaningful (probably less) than any of us putting together our own list of this kind. But what the hell, I'll bite. I seriously doubt Hopikins, Moorman, or Searcy are starting...with the first two not making the team.


    My biggest concern is Chris Williams at LG . $5.5 m guaranteed , cut by Bears and Rams. I hope Marrone sees something that others did not .


    Marrone see's someone who is clearly better than Brown or Legursky, who probably shouldn't be in the NFL at all. It's an improvement, not necessarily a long term solution. Be happy they at least tried to address it, unlike last year.

  10. Yikes.


    Hopefully there are some good players that are cap cuts later on because relying on Stefan Charles to replace Dareus is a disaster.


    First off, if anyone "replaces" Dareus, it's going to be Branch. Secondly, I get the feeling you haven't actually watched Charles. Everything he's shown so far in the NFL has been pretty good. The coaching staff has been very pleased with him going back to last year, so I'm not sure what you are basing that opinion off of?


    I see.


    Pettine seemed to eventually make them, but sometimes it was too late.


    I was more referring to Edwards/Wannstedt, but Pettine had some issues with that as well. Particularly in the run game. The Pats in particular would find easy holes in the run game against Pettine, and he seemed completely unable to stop those same plays later in games.

  11. Dareus is unquestionably an idiot unfortunately. Even if he's lucky enough to avoid suspension, he might have screwed himself out of his 5th year option (which pays quite well). It's not guaranteed until next year. With Branch and Charles, the Bills aren't likely panicking, but it's obviously disappointing.


    It's funny that you bring up Schwartz's system. I've been reading about his system and came across this 2008 NY Times article today http://www.nytimes.c...wanted=all&_r=0


    Not sure if that article has been posted before but I see now why this is the guy that the FO went for. He's the Billy Beane of DCs apparently.


    This was indeed a good read, and makes me think about Schwartz a little differently. One thing that caught my attention is that the article suggests he is good at making in game adjustments...Something that no one on the Bills coaching staff has been good at for quite some time, and this has been among my biggest qualms with the Bills coaches over the last 5+ years...especially on defense.

  12. I understand the fact that he hasn't been cleared to play yet but since we were unable to pick a tight end AGAIN, we should bring Finley in for a workout and at least have a look see. We may be able to get him at a minimal one year deal.


    I get that we have 5 tight ends on the roster but none of them really bring anything to the table and not all of them are gonna make the team anyway. We need that game breaking player at the position. Finley is that guy. If he could be had on the cheap I say we take a shot


    No thanks...Even at his best, Finley took a lot of heat in GB for underachieving and much of his success can be attributed to playing with Rogers. He also has pretty poor hands for a TE. Even before his most recent, and extremely serious back issue ( His neck was basically broken, and his spine has been fused just a few months ago)...He was fragile to say the least... I'm very skeptical that he will ever return and be productive.


    The Bills are already giving injury riddled Moeaki a shot.

  13. a hand full of games, and you think he hit his ceiling?

    OT's play, and get better for a decade. I say we see what he's got, and keep the best talent.


    Yes, that's what I said. But he's had 15 starts over 2 seasons, and played in more than that. He also couldn't stay healthy when he was given starting roles. I certainly think that's sufficient to form opinions on what you can expect from him. And from what I saw, I don't expect much.


    He actually played better at LT (still average at best) than RT (deficient) IMO, from a pass protection standpoint...But was terrible on both sides run blocking. Best case scenario is that he can be a backup in the NFL.


    Also, he'll be in camp (If he can pass a physical)...So they most certainly intend to see what he's got, and I'm sure they will indeed keep the best talent.

  14. Hairston is a non-factor for this team. He was decent for a 4th round pick when he played, but that was about his ceiling. He was average at best as a pass blocker, and extremely disappointing as a run blocker for his size.


    More importantly, the Bills have stocked up at the position since he's been here. If we need to worry about Hairston, that means bad things have happened to this team, and guys like Henderson or Kouandjio haven't worked out.


    I think Hairston is unlikely to make the team, simply from a reliability and depth perspective. Pears barely makes more than Hairston this year, and would be a much more proven backup. Plus you have guys like Henderson and Richardson, that are likely ahead of him on the backup depth chart already.


    Does anyone know if Hairston is in his final contract year?


    If he is, do we keep the guy, especially if it is at the expense of a younger guy we want to develop and who we could have for more than one year?


    Yes he's in his final year...But if they kept him it would likely only be at the expense of Pears...If they don't keep Henderson, it's likely because he did something stupid...Not because they feel Hairston is better. Henderson could also be a PS candidate, if they wanted to keep Hairston.


    Richardson is all but a lock to make the team. Other than that there are no other young guys to worry about.


    I still think Hairston is battling Pears...One of those two certainly gets cut. I personally think the Bills move on from Hairston. He wasn't a Marrone/Whaley guy either.

  15. Sal Capaccio@SalSports 7m

    Very good and interesting read forecasting CJ Spiller's next deal by @Spotrac: http://www.spotrac.c...r-455/ …


    I'm a big fan of that site. I think there's always more to it than just pure numbers, but the article is well explained and the end result looks realistic. Of course the biggest impact on Spillers value will by far be what he does this year, which is impossible to predict. If he rushes for over 1500 yards and 10 TD's, those numbers could double.


    I don't think he's going to be had for that cheap. He can make a much stronger case than Bush that he was mis-used or that his production wasn't as high due to playing with bad QBs on bad teams.


    I have a feeling that a team out there is going to give him a top tier deal.


    I there's a little bias towards a Bill in that comment. This is all opinion, but I feel the early part of CJ's career has been very much like the early part of Bush's career. He's even more comparable to Chris Johnson (who by most measures has been more successful). Also, you have to keep in mind what has happened to the RB market in recent years. Teams seem unwilling to provide any sort of large contract to RB's.


    Again, it all comes down to this year...But if he has another mediocre season, those numbers are right on. If he lights it up, they'll be low.

  16. I'm for any owner that keeps the Bills in Buffalo long term. I still think there is next to no chance he becomes the owner, and he's just publicly advertising himself. I also don't trust Trump in the least, even if he did buy the Bills, nothing would stop him from selling them again once the clause in the lease expired and profiting big time.


    No one loves Trump more than himself, and despite what he says publicly he doesn't give a **** about the Bills, Buffalo, or their fans. He's after the spotlight and money, always has been

  17. I dont think he's great in the sense of the word that he's up there with the best of them career wise, I mean he is great when he's put in those positions, and can one day be mentioned with those guys if he could do it consistently. I alluded earlier that he had numbers that were up there with the rest of the leagues best, IE Adrian Peterson, but that was not consistent as you point out. That's why we need to get him in the best possible situation, and that's not what Hackett had done last year. He tried to fit Spiller into HIS offense, why not create plays for Spillers specific skill set?


    I agree, and I think most Bills fans feel this way. I was ok with trying to do certain things with Spiller, but when they didn't work they shouldn't have just kept doing those same failed things over and over. Hackett's shortcomings affected more than Spiller, but the whole offense IMO. I could go on and on about that, but I'll stop here.


    Certainly there are many things working in Spillers favor this year. A much improved oline (on paper), the coaching staff in their second year, better WR's (less 8 man fronts?) and hopefully EJ/CJ will be healthy.


    This is the year if he's going to show us that next step.

  18. Fair enough


    Maybe it's a case of seeing the past as a little rosier than it actually had been, but I don't really remember him struggling at all that year. I guess that's where you look at the stats.


    Well my opinion is this, CJ was used mostly as a change of pace back that year, which worked very well for him. He ran mostly out of the shotgun, and was used on screens. When he has space, there's no question he can excel.


    The issues I have is that he has yet to show he can handle the load of a #1 RB. In 2012 he had some good games as a starter when FJ was hurt, he also had some where he didn't do much, but even that sample size was small. Everyone knows Spiller has rare speed and the potential for big things...I just want to see it full time, for a full season (this season!), before I can refer to his NFL success as great or spectacular.

  19. No I get the point, with Spiller, for that year, you have to change the idea of "dominant RB". He was dominant, defenses had to gamplan for him and gameplan again, and they STILL could not stop him that year. He was unstopable when he had the ball. Thats dominant!


    Ok, we are switching from stats, to opinions. If you're opinion was that he's dominant, I'm fine with that...However I was simply countering an idea that his 6.0 YPC somehow made everything else not matter.


    The fact is, he had a very long stretch that year where he wasn't very productive, including an 8 game stretch without topping 100 yards, and 5 games in which he ran for less than 50 yards. My opinion of his season from watching it, and from the TOTAL picture from all of the stats, not just one, is that he was very inconsistent and it was not a dominant season. He had some dominant games, and dominant plays...but IMO, that's not enough to be considered a top RB. If he does it for a full season, then I'll believe.


    People get so defensive about their favorite players, so I'll offer this disclaimer. I don't think CJ sucks, I DO think he can have an amazing season if everything works out (gameplan, Oline, Health). I just think he's had only one pretty good season in the NFL, and even that one wasn't consistent.

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