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Posts posted by Turbosrrgood

  1. lol, you can almost guarantee there will be a piece on ESPN later tonight talking about how Gabbert "impressed" during his pro day, and now he's the top rated QB on most teams boards...or some crap


    Yeah, that sounds familiar for some reason...





    I agree with the bolded part. I think the big difference this year was Fitz, not Gailey. Fitz was frequently changing the called play at the line, scrambling, improvising. The play calling in the overtime games, however, was one dimensional.


    You make a good point about Fitz changing plays (sucessfully)...Did you ever watch Trent change plays? Whenever I saw him begin an audible I'd immediately smack my hand to my head (this repetition may have caused long lasting trauma), because it was sure to be a disaster.

  2. Wow, I'm embarrassed for anyone that had any part in that video, including SJ. I think people are hyping him up a little too much. The guy had a decent season, mainly because the Bills were always playing behind and Lee Evans drew most of the coverage. He's good at finding open spaces on the field, but has sub-average hands at best.


    Having said all that, I like the guy. He has a good attitude and doesn't take it too far when joking around. Even in that horrible video, he mentioned it wasn't all about him, but his teammates. He does seem to like being a Bill, it's hard to find players you can say that about...


    I'm pretty happy about the drop right now. I was also happy as a 6 year old when Ed Rutkowski fumbled on the one, so that we could draft OJ. Would you rather have had OJ or some meaningless late season win?


    You make a good point, I cared less about winning that game. At the time I was thinking about the possibility of Luck. Although his hands are scary bad. It seems like he can find ways to get open, then drops half of the passes.


    As far as OJ goes, the dude killed people and proved to be utterly retarded. Honestly I don't care, the man was a beast on the field, and played in the naked gun movies.

  3. Sorry, let me clarify. I don't think the Wonderlic makes or breaks anyone. But for the fans that aren't sitting in these interviews and doing background checks (ugh), it's one of our windows into the process. A QB who scores a 9 on a Wonderlic probably isn't giving the most compelling interviews and thus probably isn't thought of as highly as someone who scores in the 40s. At least that's the assumption I'm making.


    It's all a guess though. No one but the people doing the work really know how highly a guy is thought of. But I'd assume with his physical talent and a decent Wonderlic, Cam is probably doing pretty well during the interviews (breaking down football stuff) and thus is probably a legit possibility for Carolina.


    The wonderlic is similar to the combine in that it is just simply supplemental information. Impressions of players should be made from play and tape, with supplemental information serving to verify certain impressions. Having said that, it's nice to see that Newton isn't virtually retarded (Vince Young). While a 21 isn't a great score, it shows that his brain more or less works under the gun.


    Vince Young scored a 6, and anytime the slightest bit of mental pressure has been applied to him he cracks. The test seems to have at least a little value. Although Manning scored in the 20's I believe, and he is considered one of the smartest QB's in the league (Football smarts anyway).


    Exactly. Brett Farve is clearly not so bright off of the football field but since it's all he knows, eats breaths and sleeps, he managed to succeed on the field. It is like everything one of the measurablles relied upon t make decisions, just like college admission and hiring decisions are made. You take all the info together and try to make the best decision you can.


    I don't think Farve is the greatest example. He had one of the strongest arms in FB history, combined with decent mobility, and unmatched durability. He didn't win games with "smarts", just raw ability. Don't forget, this guy also holds the league int record, which probably will never be broken (maybe with 18 game seasons). For all his touchdowns, hes also thrown many passes right to the other team that make you say "WTF?".

  4. Okay, I know this isn't the topic but ...


    Let's say I write a pilot. It gets bought by a studio for $50,000. That studio then makes the pilot and shops it to the networks -- one of which buys the pilot and puts it on their fall schedule. I continue to work on the show, writing episode after episode with a staff of writers and that show becomes a hit. Both critically and in the ratings. It generates millions of dollars for the network and studio in advertising revenue, VOD, DVD, merchandising and syndication rights. The entire premise of the show was created by me -- you are saying that I am not entitled to a fair share of those revenues simply because I'm a writer?


    You could argue that I'm not owed anything more simply because without the network, I'd have no outlet for my product. The network and studios could air anything they wish -- however my show generates far more revenue than anything else they have or could have had that year. Without my show the network and studio would still make money from advertising. Viewers would still watch -- just not as much. With my show, the network and studio would generate MORE money than without it. The show is a product (yes, creative material in all its forms is still a product like any other widget) and my product makes more money for the studios and networks than they could make without it. But I shouldn't be given my fair share? How is that right? How can you justify that? How does expecting to be fairly compensated for the work that I created constitute being a leech?


    The problem with being a writer is that because everyone can speak and knows the alphabet, everyone assumes what we do it easy. It ain't. Writing material is hard work. It's a muscle you have to work to improve. But even then you have to have talent. Some people have it, some don't. Just like any other profession where you work hard and deliver, writers deserve to be fairly compensated. Fair in relation to the revenues generated. You may think 50,000 is a lot of money (and it is) but if my material generates 100 million, 50,000 isn't exactly fair compensation. It's easy to overlook the impact a writer has (or actor, director, producer, or even athlete) until you see (or read) a bad script/show/movie/play/game. We've all seen them. We all loathe them.


    The NFL players are in a very similar boat. The NFL can exist without the current players as many on this board have pointed out time and time again. The 32 owners can go out to any field in the country and find 55 players to fill out their rosters. They won't be nearly as talented as the current players. The product they produce won't be nearly as good or compelling. But there will be games played. If the NFL continued to use replacement players (and no NFL players crossed the line -- hypothetical of course), some fans would watch. Some would leave. Ratings would drop. Revenue would fall. It certainly wouldn't bottom out and it might even still make a killing in revenues -- but clearly the NFL would not be the entertainment giant it currently is without the talents of its current players. Ask yourself, would you pay for season tickets or for the Sunday Ticket if you knew you were going to be watching replacement players? Certainly there are those that would. But not as many as there are now.


    Now, if you were to replace all 32 owners and keep all the current NFL players, the product on the field would have a far better chance at remaining profitable and compelling. Because, after all, it's about the product on the field not how much money each owner generates. Sure, they're related, one can't exist without the other, but at the end of the day what draws fans to the game and what increases revenues is the quality of the product on the field. It's the same with entertainment, you could replace Warner Brothers with Farmer Brothers and not notice a drop off in the quality of the product if the talent stayed (the writers, actors, directors, producers and crew).


    NFL Players, like writers, actors, directors create the product that generates the revenue. Everyone is replaceable of course, and you could find diamonds in the rough that have the talent and abilities to create compelling entertainment. But overall, the quality of the product would drop significantly without these people. Far more so than if you replaced the ones who write them the checks.


    So I guess the question you have to ask yourself is what you as a fan really care about. Maybe you care more about watching the entertainment product produced by the men with the best fiscal bottom line, regardless of quality. Call me crazy, but I'd rather spend my entertainment dollars on the best possible product. Maybe that makes me a leech.


    Whoa, an essay...

  5. I feel very little sympathy for the either side, but especially the players. The minimum annual salary these guys make in the NFL is more than 99% + Americans will ever make in 1 year. Most starters make several million dollars a year....Oh, and they only work 6 months a year and can get endorsement deals on the side based on the popularity the NFL provides them. Who pays their salaries? The Owners?...Really, the FANS.


    Yeah the owners are greedy too, but they put the hundreds of millions of dollars down to own or start the team. They are the Bosses, whether people like it or not.


    No one is forcing these players to play for their "measly" multi-million dollar salaries. Top QB's get well over 100 million dollars per contract now...Sorry if I don't feel sorry for them.

  6. I believe that Robert Quinn is at the top of the Bills board. I've stated in a previous post that with inside information from Butch Davis, the Bills will be targeting Quinn in the first, Marvin Austin (also from NC)in the second rd and a QB in the third. The Bills have mentioned that they will play a hybrid defense and Quinn is the player in the draft that is able to possibly play both DE and OLB. Lindy's and the Sporting News both has him listed as a Shawne Merriman type player.


    Agreed. IMO Quinn is the only OLB that fits the Bills needs early in the first round. People always go nuts over useless combine information. The combine is a chance for scouts to get up close and personal with players, watch them move, see their demeanor...The actual numbers in track and weightlifting events do not translate in anyway to on the field success.


    Marshawn Lynch ran a 4.4 in the 40, yet was never considered anything close to a speed back in college. In the NFL? The guy runs with power, but can't outrun nose tackles...


    James Harrison (great OLB) ran a 4.85..The guy sure looks fast when he is rushing the QB...


    Larry Fitzgerald ran ran a 4.53 40....Pretty slow time for a top notch wide receiver, then why can't he be covered?


    The reason? These are track events where form, timing, and track training matter. Unfortunately NONE of those things matter in the NFL.


    Another thing that doesn't really matter...pro day stats. Both Jamarcus Russell and Brady Quinn got "raves" for their pro day work outs...how did that work out for them? Bottom line, watch the games, watch the tape, look at their system, watch them play against other NFL rated players....Thats how you determine if a player is good or not IMO...

  7. Bryan Scott is a better starter than Whitner, and I think we will be just fine with him. Having said that, yes of course we need depth and we will probably take a CB and Safety at some point in the draft.


    People keep clamoring to take multiple LB's in this draft. In fact if we can find ONE good LB early in the draft we should be OK at that position. We picked up Merriman, but we also Batten who didn't play last year, Moats as a pass rushing specialist, despite his detractors Kelsey played pretty well (especially towards the end of the season).


    We still need at least one more "starter" at LB, but our real concern has to be the DL. We need to get bigger and better up front. Then LB, then secondary depth. Throw in a OT some where along the way.

  8. Again, combine "track" numbers are meaningless. Watch Quinn play, he plays with speed and athleticism, BUT he also has power to run inside moves and fight off blockers. He also shows intelligence in playing against screens and reading the run. IMO he is heads over heels better than VM. Yeah he was suspend last year for violation of NCAA's ridiculous rules. Not injury, not drugs, not for killing someone.


    If we take an OLB at 3, he is the only option for me. Having said that, the Bills desperately need size and talent up front, or any OLB is going to struggle on this team...Dareus is looking good.

  9. I think Dareaus and Bowers would both thrive as a DE in our 3-4 or 4-3, they are that good.



    Give me Dareus any day over Bowers. Dareus has an extra 30-40 lbs on Bowers, and the Bills desperately need good big guys. There is no benefit to having a good pass rusher, if teams can just ran all over us instead of throwing it...


    Same argument against Miller. Miller and Bowers could both be great pro's, just not the Bills as the roster stands right now...

  10. The Good news, is that the its really going to be hard to screw this pick up.


    I keep seeing people say this...Oh if only I believed it to be true... After watching the Bills FO make picks for the last 10 years, there is no reason why they can't blow it once again.


    Personally I think Newton has more upside, but more risk as well. If we go with a defensive guy I'd rather go with one of the BIGGER, STRONGER, linemen. Dareus, Jordan, or maybe Quinn over Miller.


    Miller may be good and athletic, but he probably wouldn't do much better than Maybin if we don't add QUALITY BIG GUYS to our D first.


    You guys are so funny


    BOTH of those players are loaded with talent......BOTH of those players could end up being studs


    I think people get things so twisted this time of year.....if its not the guy THEY want then its a total failure.....



    Let the draft evaluators do their jobs. I trust Nix in this area. It could be a situation where they take a guy you dont want in the first but they know there is talent later in the draft that can develop into starters.....look at Moates for christ sake that kid is a fricken stud!


    Yeah they could be, but there have been other guys "loaded with talent" that have been taken in the past...

    Mike Williams (thought to be a sure thing at #4), Marshawn Lynch, CJ Spiller (yeah I know, its early), Aaron Maybin, JP Losman, John McCargo...


    We (hopefully) won't pick at #3 very often, taking the right guy is a huge deal.


    Also, I wouldn't call Moats a "fricken stud". He couldn't make on the field early in the year because he was awful against the run and in coverage. Later in the year he showed some ability on PURE PASSING downs. I like the guy dont get me wrong, but he's no starter.

  11. 5.4 forty is crazy slow. Can he feel the heat and step up or out and see down field and will he know the blitz is coming and be able to hit the hot receiver. These would be better skill sets but in todays NFL with eloborate blitz packages and over loads he could have some real trouble unless he plays behind the best O line and blocking RBs in the league. Sadly that does not describe the Bills. A 5.4/40 would likely make him one of the slowest Qbs in the league and that time will get worse not better with time.


    <Rex Ryan could probably run a faster 40 time...The 40 time its self doesn't necessarily mean that much for a QB. But when a guy that is supposed to be a "Pro Athlete" runs like that it has to raise red flags. Clearly this guy doesn't train athletically, and just simply isn't athletic. Is that necessary for a QB? Maybe not, but Mallett, reminds me of Drew Bledsoe, just worse...and an A-hole. He wouldn't last 1 game behind the Bills O-line.

    So a 5.05 when Rivers was a young man at the combine, before an ACLs and two MCLs (and still played in the Championship game unlike a certain crybaby). So I'm thinking the 10.8 might not be too far off today.


    This is a good point, but in my mind a 5.05 is a LONG way off from 5.37. Plus, when you watch Rivers play, he moves around pretty well (more so before the injuries). Mallett does not, this guy is a statue...easy target in the NFL.


    Brady ran a slow time, but he is a much different player than Mallett. Very quick release, throws a lot of short accurate passes. Mallett is a gun slinger, and needs more time in the pocket.


    To put things in perspective, Terrance Cody...One of the biggest, fattest blobs ever to be drafted into the NFL, ran a 5.54. When you are in that time range coming out of college, and you weigh less ~100 lbs less...thats a bad sign..

    I bet Peyton Manning runs a 40-yard dash at something close to that, and nobody says he can't survive in the NFL.


    FYI, Peyton Manning ran a 4.8 40 coming out of college, Marino 4.89...Mallet does NOT = Manning lol

  12. 6'1 235, 4 year starter at ILB for the chargers.... Undrafted rookie FA out of college, 31 yo.


    Sounds like an excellent pick up for 2-3 years to play alongside Poz or spell A. Davis while we develop some young talent. And would be relatively cheap (~2-3mil/year). Finally get this - He can COVER TIGHT ENDS (at least according to scouts inc.)




    Cooper has developed into a quality starting inside linebacker for the Chargers. He has an excellent nose for the ball and is consistently one of the leading tacklers on the team. He is quick to recognize blocking schemes and to locate the level of the ball. He does a good job of using his hands to keep blockers off his body. He hits with authority and shows a good last-second closing burst on tackles. He has excellent lateral range and gets very good depth in his pass drops. Although he lacks the size to make a lot of plays against taller tight ends, he shows good route recognition on underneath patterns.


    I thought the same thing when I saw that the Chargers weren't going to bring him back. He is probably better than any of the ILB's we have now. Plus he and Merriman played together, and when they were healthy it was quite a combo. Would be a decent pick up IMO.



  13. This is always an interesting topic. I love football, so naturally 2 more games sounds great to me. However there are several very negative aspects to this (Personally I don't see any real benefit to either side of adding a bye week).


    -An 18 game season would change the game as we know it. In a league that is getting bigger and more violent, and where most players struggle to stay healthy all season already, adding two games would make staying healthy a rarity. Because of this rosters would have to be extended, and additional injury rules put in place. It would change the way teams draft, as they would have to put greater weight to a players durability. Of course it makes all historical season stats pretty much garbage. An 18 game season completely changes statics.


    -This would be harder for small market teams. Small market teams will have a harder time filling an entire extra stadium every year, while teams like Dallas would have an even bigger financial edge.

  14. Lol, just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't mean they are "making stuff up". People are entitled to their opinion. Taking half a page to call others opinions "garbage" without refuting any of them makes you sound like a mad little kid.


    IMO Blaine Gabbert may or may not be good in the NFL, but he hasn't shown enough production to be the #3 pick. It's great to be highly touted, and be "trained in a pro system"(despite not playing one in college). In a system that has made other "non-nfl" QB's look great, Gabbert did not. I watched several of his games, and the talk was often about how Gabbert was not living up to his high recruiting status. The Bill's have too many holes to take another underachiever.

  15. you don't see the horny/horney thing? you don't have to know anything about hornell to get the joke. Go to the dictionary and look up horny. You will get it then.


    Yeah, I got the "joke". But really? Hornell does not translate into "Horny" in most normal peoples minds. Did anyone really think that was funny? I guess it's nice to see a post on something other than "at #3 we draft ...", but that was a little weak. I think commenting on the headline "Wang Pushes the NFL's Boundries" would have been funnier.

  16. I agree, but the real problem for that now is that the media experts are expecting Carolina to take Gabbert at #1 so it may be a moot point what the Bills think of him.


    IMO, there is about as much of a chance of Jamarcus Russell winning the NFL MVP this year, as there is of Carolina taking Gabbert at #1...Despite the fact that he sucks, they took claussen early last year....THEN they took pike as well. There is no way Gabbert has shown enough to be #1 over the more proven talent in this draft, especially to a team that just drafted TWO touted QB's last year.


    Now I'm not officially a Newton for #3 guy, but I'd pick both Newton or Mallett before I'd pick Gabbert. He does have top ten hair though.



    IMO, Newton>Gabbert, Mallett=Ryan Leif/Drew Bledsoe Combo


    Anyone who thinks Ralph is cheap on players should just do a quick Google on NFL Payrolls. The Bills don't spend the most, but they do spend more than average.



    Payroll is alone is not useful for determining Ralph's "cheapness". There is a minimum and maximum salary cap (or at least there was), meaning teams payrolls are only going to flux so much. Ralph was adamant about not spending up to the cap limit, and was public about it. In terms for what you actually get for that payroll, the Bills got shafted by the Ralphs long term "friends" that he has had running the organization. Lol, we didn't even have a GM (must have saved him a fortune)for a while. And while Chan is a step up over Jauron IMO, he was basically the cheapest guy he could get.


    It seemed like Ralph was putting legit resources into the team back in the Donahue days, but when that proved futile and they passed the last CBA he went into full penny pincher mode. It's like he gave up

  18. Uhh, those numbers don't prove that Ralph "isn't cheap", they just prove the Bills management has been awful. I know some want to be loyal to the life long owner of the Bills, but defending his cheapness is a sign of denial.


    The last several years the Bills have been intentionally living under the salary cap.


    The only free agents the Bills have seriously gone after have are all have careers threatened by injury, or are over the hill (Merriman, Sanders, TO (no one else would take him, we got him cheap), Cornell Green). Making them far cheaper than in their prime.


    What about the few years with NO GM and a marketing guy leading the organization?


    Selling us out to Toronto to "Widen the market" despite the fact that no one in Toronto gives a @#$% about the Bills.


    Hiring the cheapest coaches money can buy...


    I second the comment on the apparent lack of an effort to keep the team in Buffalo, post Ralph.


    All this despite the fact Bills have not had trouble selling tickets.


    Face it, Ralph is cheap

  19. Nobody talks about Bryan Scott, but he is and has been better than Whitner when he plays. Whitner has had the edge simply because of his draft status. Scott is bigger, more physical, and can cover tight ends better than Whitner. Whitner only does one thing well, he hits somewhat hard. He is awful in coverage. While he hits hard, unless it knocks the guy down he won't get the tackle. He always opts to "hit" over tackle, which leads to big plays when the guy stays on his feet. He almost never breaks up passes because he is too focused on going for the body.


    If we could get him cheap, fine...Since we can't, I'd say no thanks. Wilson or Scott would both be better as starters, actually, they have been.

  20. Overrated anyway. Don't forget, the guy played in a cover 2 defense with a tremendous pass rush. Buffalo's defense could not be any more different. We are already a tiny 3-4 defense, we don't need an injury prone 5-8 guy that hasn't really played in 3 years.


    Thank you chargers.


    Start Scott, he is better than Whitner anyway.

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