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Posts posted by Turbosrrgood

  1. I think everyone sees talent but it was, and still is fair to wonder about his role as a NT in a 34. It'll be a challenge for the coaching staff to find the best way to utilize the talent on the field. With KW, dareus, and merriman there could be enough elite talent to make noise if used right.


    +1. KW is a beast, the problem is the Bills having him playing a position that he is not built for. Yeah the guy can penetrate, has a motor, and can make plays. But what he REALLY struggled with is holding up at the point of attack. When teams run at him he just isn't big enough to stop the O-lines push. We got creamed on short yardage and basically ANY run straight up the middle.


    KW is a great 4-3 DT, and I think would be more useful to the Bills as a DE, or situational (pass rush) NT when in the 3-4. On running downs in the 3-4 he is a liability. I like KW as a player, but we still need a real (big) NT.


    Oh, and saying he is the 3rd best player overall is a little ridiculous...

    Edit - I just read through more of that "ranking", other than Rodgers did he just pull names out of a hat? Manning (who single handedly kept that team afloat), right next to Champ Bailey (worst defense in the league)and behind Matt Ryan (much better supporting staff)? no Mike Vick? KW better than DeMarcus Ware...and where is Arian Foster?!?! What a joke

  2. I probably had similar feelings of optimism when the following events occurred:


    -- Tom Donahoe hired to run the organization

    -- Gregg Williams turned in the "best interview ever"

    -- Mike Mularkey informed us "Super Bowl is my password"

    -- Marv Levy returned to lead the Bills back to greatness




    That said, I can't disagree with the sentiments expressed in this thread. Buddy appears to be a pig in slop right now.



    Lol,that sounds like something I would say...


    Personally I have a little more optimism about this though, since the Bills are also changing in the FO (at least a little). They FINALLY got rid of Modrak, a proven loser, and they finally hired at least somewhat of a qualified GM candidate.


    The Bills actually had a draft that didn't have people wondering what the heck they were thinking...


    Chan Gailey didn't thrill me as a head coach, but the scary thing is that I was happier about him than the previous head coaches.


    Gregg Williams didn't bother me that much, as he was at least a very talented defensive guy and it showed.


    But Mike Malarkey? This might be the most overrated offensive coordinator in history... He ran the steelers offense into the ground, as soon as he left they became a dominant world championship team...No coincidence.


    I threw up in my mouth a little when I learned the Bills hired Dick Jauron as head coach. Historically bad coach, with one fluke "good" season. I immediately knew a few years of awful football would follow... It did.


    Like I said, Chan doesn't thrill you, but he sounds pretty good considering who we've had recently...And Nix seems to have at least some idea about football.

  3. My primary concern in this whole thing that the ultimate resolution is beneficial for the Bills staying in Buffalo.




    Which means, hoping the owners win. The bigger the victory for the owners, the lower the player costs and the pressure on small market teams.


    Personally, I don't see how the "union" has a case. Irreparable harm? Every single one of the active players in the dispute makes more than 99% of all Americans. Ironically, the ones suffering the most harm are rookies and udfa's (not in the "union" yet) who have never earned a paycheck, and can't sign. $100 mil plus players like Brady, and Peyton are heading this case? They make more than some of the owners do.


    Who pays for ALL of this? US


    The players aren't asking for more, the owners are asking them to take less and to play more. The unsustainable model has been sustained for 18 years with record growth and profits. The owners are the ones who forced this fight.



    You are right that the Players aren't asking for more, this time. But they scored a huge victory after the last CBA, which included a much larger portion of the profits (much higher salary cap). Ralph Wilson voted against this, since it made the Bill's less financially viable. The Bills also haven't even come close to their cap, since that agreement.


    "The unsustainable model has been sustained for 18 years with record growth and profits." That is incorrect, the framework may have been put together 18 years ago (and will continue) but the current agreement has only been in place for a few years (since the last CBA agreement, which the owners agreed to in order to avoid a work stoppage).

  4. Your welcome :thumbsup:


    Throwing for 4718 yds, 38 TDs and only 13 INT in his 2nd full year of playing collegiate football? Thats enough proof for me right there. Plus he's smart, he's got the size, the arm, the know how. The IQ. Top 10 pick



    You keep acting like I'm trying to say he isn't a good QB. I saw his stats from last year, every one did. He very well could be a top 10 pick (If he comes out, after all plenty of top rated guys like Luck, Brohm, Tebow, Locker didn't, and now there will probably be a tiered rookie salary system), never said he couldn't be. Of course that all depends on what he does next year, if he has a similar or better year its likely. If he pulls a Brohm or a Locker, maybe not. Personally I'd like to see him play for another year, and we all will.


    Obviously I'm a Luck fan though, (32 TD's 8 INT's, athletic, and a Stanford brain). He's pretty good too...

  5. Ummm....no u obviously have never seen him play. I never appointed him the best QB in history. Didn't even say he was the best QB in next year's draft so quit putting words in my mouth. What a lamer ...BIG THUMBS DOWN FOR U. :thumbdown:


    Lol at this comment. Because I said that a sophomore college player still has to prove that he should be a top draft pick (If he even enters the draft next year) means "I never saw him play". I saw him play, he's good. I never said he wasn't.


    Thanks for the elementary school response though.

  6. See I think if we DO get the #1 pick, then I'll take Landry! (Easily the best QB of the 2012 NFL draft.)


    But it won't happen - Landry Jones will certainly declare for the 2012 draft at the end of his junior season (after he & Oklahoma set all kinds of NCAA records on their way to the BCS title), but the Bills will also have a far better season than anyone anticipates - we might be able to trade-up to draft Luck mid-round, otherwise Buffalo will be drafting in the bottom third of round one.


    GO BILLSSS!!!!


    19 and 0 baby!!!!! :thumbsup:



    So you are saying he is better than Luck? Despite Lucks great year on a team with less recruiting power? Landry looked good last year, and certainly has 1st round potential...But let's not get carried away...


    I'm not knocking him in any way, I'm just saying lets watch next season before anointing him the best player in history...


    Despite the pessimism that the Bills have built up in me over the years, I also expect them to improve from last year. Probably will be picking in teens, making a run at the best QB in the draft tough.

  7. U OBVIOUSLY don't watch much college football and have never seen this guy play. :wallbash:


    Umm, yeah I do...And I never said I didn't like him as you are insinuating. The guy just finished his sophomore season, sorry if didn't appoint him the best player in history as you seem to be doing. I'd like to see him have another good year before I make judgment.


    You obviously have quite the man crush on him. He might end up being a great QB, and MIGHT end up a top prospect next year (if he even comes out) however right now he is just another college prospect...

  8. Landry has to prove his worth? U on crack? Easily the 2nd best QB in next year's draft.



    Uhh, yeah he has to prove his worth...Unless you want to draft like the Raiders. I never called him out specifically like you are suggesting, but he had one good season...good for him. So have many other QB's that have gone on to be busts in the NFL...

  9. which allows us to fill another big hold in Round one (O-line/TE/more D, perhaps even RB (don't falme, Jackson is getting old, Spiller is not an every down back).


    I'm not flaming, the Bills could use another productive RB for sure. I actually really liked the Johnny White pick in the 5th round this year.


    Having said that I really hope they wouldn't take a RB in the 1st next year. It's rare to find one that's significantly better than the RB's taken later in the draft. We can still "hope" spiller shows something.

  10. Theres lots of great talent coming out of next years draft.


    John Brantley, Andrew Luck, Kellen Moore, Matt Barkley, Terrelle Pryor, Kirk Cousins, Tyler Wilson, Landry Jones, Ryan Lindley, Nick Foles, Brandon Weeden, Jacory Harris.


    If we're looking at QB next year and don't get the number 1 pick, then I'll take Landry.



    Luck is obviously the stud of next years draft... I see no chance of him pulling a Locker or a Brohm, and dropping his value. This is who the Bills should target, smart, athletic, good arm, flat out talented.


    Just say NO to Barkley, USC QB's tend to struggle in the NFL, and Barkley looks bad even in college.


    Terrell Pryor? If people didn't like Newton, wait until Pryor talk starts...


    Brantley looks interesting, but it's way too early to determine if he has real talent. Chances are he won't be coming out next year anyway.


    All the other guys still have to prove their worth.


    Unless Fitzpatrick really does something amazing, you better believe the Bills will at least consider a QB early on next year.

  11. Or maybe you keep the little talent you have


    Personally i think paying "top safety" money who doesn't even deserver to be the starter on his own team is a little ridiculous. I'm sure Nix realizes like many of us do that Scott played better then him in almost all aspects of the game, and now they have Searcy...Why keep him when the ALREADY have better players.


    Please... :lol:


    We both know Whitner has been on the field more than Scott and Wilson combined...




    he has no ability to locate the football while it's in the air. He usually has no idea where the ball is when it's coming down on long passes. There have been opportunities in the past where he was actually in position to make a play, had semi-good coverage, and yet he completely whiffed.


    Excellent point, he does this ALL THE TIME. Whitner thinks about one thing, and one thing only...Hitting, and hes not even good at it. Half of the time he lines a guy up, hits him with eyes closed and arms bunched up then just bounces off him...


    Whitner is KING of the "back tackle". Instead of lowering his shoulder and delivering a big hit, he turns and thrusts his body back first.


    I can honestly not remember ONE time when he deflected a pass away from a TE, causing an incompletion.


    Sad to see him go, I will not be.


    Exactly, meanwhile Bryan Scott was the exact opposite. He stuck right to TE's, and made sure tackles.

  12. I thought that Florence was mostly terrible the entire year last year, after a very good first year.


    Everyone is welcome to their opinion, but I think you are in the minority on this one.


    To me he looked solid in all aspects of his game, and in some instances was able to really shut down receivers...There was a reason why they were attacking McKelvin so much...Florence was good, McKelvin was not....


    Actually I thought he was pretty good with SD, which is why I thought the Bills had a rare good move at a good price when they picked him up.

  13. He has been hated since day one, and the only thing that would have changed that is if Ngata had been a total Bust, and Whitner had been a Pro Bowler from Day 1. Even if he was a "good player, he still would not be accepted because he isn't an "elite player" and he wasn't who everyone else thought the bills should take at that point.


    Quick Stat Comparrison from NFL.com


    Bryan Scott - 55 Games, 12 PDef, 1 INT's, 162 Tackles, 0 TD, 6.0 Sck's (Stats since becoming a Bill)

    George Wilson - 63 Games, 14 PDef, 8 INT's, 148 Tackles, 1 TD, 3.5 Sck's

    Donte Whitner - 69 Games, 18 PDef, 5 INT's, 323 Tackles, 1 TD, 1.5 Sck's


    Looking at those numbers, how can anyone sit there and say that Whitner isn't atleast a good player, and yet say that Scott or Wilson are much better?


    If you wan't to use those numbers for comparison, you really have to use games started at least...And even regardless of who is starting, Whitner has seen WAY more playing time than the other two. Also, I am not a stat person JP losman and Rob Johnson both actually had decent stats at times...but watching them play was awful.


    Having said that, I don't think Whitner was awful. I just don't think he is as good as a 1st rounder should of been, or NEARLY as good as he thinks he is. Watching the both of them play, Bryan Scott certainly looked like more of a playmaker when he was on the field. He was physical, stuck to TE's like glue, and was a solid tackler...I think he should have, and should be, starting over Whitner.


    How many times did Whitner go for a big hit last year, not use his arms, bounce off the guy, and have him run for a big play...Way too many in my opinion...Thats supposedly his strength...

  14. Why would this determine him being the starter? He was a draft pick of the former regime and the current one had no ties to taking him in the draft.


    No argument here, it SHOULDN'T have any impact on him being a starter...But high draft picks always seem to get the benefit of the doubt. You could also use his higher salary as a reason...You know the ownership doesn't want to be seen with another overpaid high draft pick riding the bench...even though we all see through it anyway.

  15. Whitner was never anything more than an average saftey in the box, with poor cover skills. He can't cover a TE to save his life. Yet he talks as if he's a 10 time pro bowler.


    Hey kind of reminds me of Keyshawn Johnson, high draft pick that was never anything more than mediocre at best. Of course he believed he was the greatest ever...


    Bryan Scott is flat out better then Whitner in all categories and should have started last year. The only reason he didn't was Whitner's high draft pick and self love...


    PS: He was another Bills reach to begin with, most draft "experts" had him going at the end of the 1st, early second.

  16. I agree with all the points made by the OP...Not that this says much, but Florence was probably the best defender on our team last year. Certainly the best DB. If he leaves we have NO top level corners. Mcgee used to be, but can't stay on the field, and hasn't played at a high level in a few years...McKelvin? Just another under performing Bills high draft pick. Way too many big plays against, and lots of penalties.


    When was the last time the Bills spent any real money to keep a good FA? They have the money, they definitely have the cap space...but we all know how this will play out...

  17. Yeah. Sapp did NOT like Fairly at all. Said he didn't use his hands.


    Thats actually pretty interesting, I wonder if Fairley ends up struggling against much stronger and more skilled O-linesmen in the NFL. I think his great quickness and strength, along with attacking instincts will still allow him to succeed, especially next to Suh though.


    Dareus really seems to have ALL the tools, the pressure is on to produce...The Bills have to get it right one of these times...right?

  18. The Bills made the right choice here, there is no question that Dareus is more built for the Bills and a 3-4, with Fairley built for a 4-3. Plus the Bills definitely needed size and run stopping power. No question Dareus is better in both categories, and in my opinion is simply better overall.


    I did really like Fairley though, loved watching him in college. I was happy to see him go the Lions, a Suh/Fairley combination is just downright scary. If he shows half the ability he did in college, that line will be unblockable. LB's on that team must be licking their chops...


    Dareus best 3-4 lineman

    Fairley best pure 4-3 lineman

  19. Did I miss something? Whats with all the excitement and threads about a 7th round draft pick and now being compared to someone like Wilfork? Didn't we just draft Dareus? Isn't this guy a long shot to make the team based on the mix of young prospects and vets we have on the DLine anyway? I fully admit I don't know much about this guy, so am I missing something? Was he a beast in college and just slipped or something?


    lol +1

  20. Wow, since when did all the Bills fans turn to optimists? lol. I am excited about the pick since it was our last of the draft, high ceiling, low risk.


    But come on, seriously? The guy has never played in an NFL game, or even a mediocre level college game for that matter, and he is being compared to one of the best NT's in football? There isn't even any tape of him playing. Does he know anything about playing in the NFL, or against the big, athletic, experienced )O-linemen in the NFL? Does he have the proper leverage, or the smarts to understand the playbook? Stamina to play more than 2 downs in a row? Heck the guy was 450 lbs a few months ago. Remember mike Williams? He was similar in size, and drafted number 4 overall. Size+numbers does not necessarily = success.


    My hope is first, just for this guy to be good enough to make the team. If he can do that, MAYBE he could be develop into a real player like Jason Peters did. I want him to succeed as much or more than anyone else, reality just tells me odds are against it...

  21. I'll say this Turbo…


    Kelsay improved, partly because the Bills played more 4-3 and partly because he got more acclimated to playing linebacker.


    My specific observation of Kelsay as a linebacker is that he's still a bit too clunky and doesn't "break down" on his tackles well.


    There were numerous times last season where he was right there to make a play…did everything right…but then missed the tackle. But he was close to big plays a bunch of times.


    Also, he continued his maddening propensity to lose outside containment and get fooled by misdirection. To be generous to Kelsay, I think that's partly because he is one of those players that plays with an insane intensity and tends to overreact to plays. Like Spiller learning to be patient as a runner, Kelsay, when he plays the second level, needs to actually tone it down a bit and be more disciplined in his assignments.


    I don't know and am not assured that he will take the next step and become a good linebacker. Some guys just can't play in space.




    Yeah I hear you. I'm by no means saying he's a great option at OLB, I am saying that currently the Bills have no better option. You can rotate moats in, but if you think Kelsey can't tackle in the open field, watch moats...The Bills are really weak at the position, and unfortunately no one on the team has proven they can play the position every down better than Kelsey.

  22. lol, I like the optimisim, too bad I can't share it. I think will Fitz will be ok, but that probably won't be enough. I really hope Spiller shows something more, but Jackson has already proven he is the starter, and that he should be. Highly unlikely spiller will get anywhere near those numbers.


    I think the key to the Bills season is all on the defensive side of the ball, if they play better the offense will have more chances and less pressure.


    I agree that Dareus and Merriman have to be the studs they should be in order for this defense to become solid. Actually the whole defense is really in flux. We don't know who will play the other LB positions, Kelsey and Merriman likely, but who on the inside, will we even have Poz (overrated, and only useful in a 4-3). Whitner and Florence (our best defensive player last year) are gone. That leaves Mcgee (can he ever stay on the field?) and McKelvin/Williams/Corner competing for the other spot (yikes). Byrd/Wilson/Scott/Searcy at safety (we're ok here). We still don't have an answer 3-4 NT, they already said Dareus will be a DE. As much as we all like KW, he is too small to anchor against the run, and should play the other end spot and/or situational pass rushing. Troupe showed nothing last year, can he improve? I know we all have hope for the mysterious giant Jasper we picked in the 7th round, but does his size translate to success on the field? That could actually be the most import factor of all, since it's our biggest weakness.

  23. Kelsey gets all the trash talk, but he was arguably our best LB PERIOD last year (I know, that doesn't say much). I really don't understand crap thrown his way. Have people actually watched him play? He was the only one big enough to actually make tackles at the line, and towards the end of the year really seemed to grasp pass rushing out of the 3-4.


    There was a reason why he was always in the game. Suggesting Moats/Batten could start in his place is a little ridiculous to me. Moats shows some pass rushing ability but looked absolutely lost and confused in all other situations. IMO, he was a horribly bad tackler in the open field, and had no coverage skills. Moats is a good situational player, thats it. Batten is a late round pick who has never played in the NFL, and is a conversion guy...I just hope the guy can fit in as a backup/SP teams guy, let alone start.


    Is Kelsey a "great" 3-4 LB? No. Does he do the job, and is he the best OLB the bills have other than Merriman? Yes.


    Ironically I think he and Williams (despite the fact he shouldn't be a NT, too small) were the only members of the front 7 holding their own last year.

  24. Florence was good, our best DB by far last year. I think the Bills would love to keep him, but good luck getting our owner to pay fair market value for him. I have a feeling there will be many teams interested, driving up the value.


    Whitner sucks, let him go, especially for the money he is asking. Bryan Scott is better, and should have been the starter last year anyway.


    Ayodele is just an average player, guys like him are a dime a dozen. I think the Bills can, and should, do better.



    Key to point out here is that the Bills drafted all for all of these positions in the first 4 rounds, Williams, Sheppard, and Searcy. Pretty good picks at that IMO, on paper at least.



    I hope we can keep Florence, that would be huge. I'm not optimistic about the chances though, the rest of them...cya.

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