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Bills of Boston

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Posts posted by Bills of Boston

  1. I was at the Bucs game as well.. 8 rows behind the Bills bench and these were the highlights


    1. Freddy showing legit heart trying to fire people up during most of the first half.

    2. Pettine turned around to face crowd for a good 15 seconds during a stoppage in play, looking completely beaten

    3. Marrone and my friend was adamant about this.. did not talk to a single player for almost an quarter in the 2nd half.. just pacing around staring at his shoes.

    4. A bills fan, who had enough beer and enough of the losing.. really got into it with Brooks... Brooks had to be calmed down by teammates and we were a section over so I couldn't hear what it was about

    5. Met some great fans in the section and around the tampa area for the weekend


    Go Bills

  2. Last night was a tough loss, no doubt. That game was the Bills for the taking. To instead lose that game, stings, but I can't feel too bad about it. Then I read Sully's article and I actually can't believe it but I tend to agree with him.


    This is a team headed in the right direction. It seems to me that every game it looks more and more like we have the right pieces in place to be a good team in this league. EJ continues to improve (hopefully he's learned to step out of bounds now), Woods looks like the real deal, Kiko is playing lights out (that dive over the line was incredible), and while the coaching staff has made some mistakes I think overall they are doing a good job.


    I know Bills fans want (and deserve!) playoffs right away, but we have to remember we have rookies all over the place. Realistically, next year was our year for the playoffs before the season began and it's looking no different now. If that happens, I can live with it.



    Thank you... just thank you

  3. I'm so glad someone started this thread.. because I couldnt possibly agree anymore... They all make their mock drafts based on every team having 0 players.


    We as fans only have their mocks to really go on for "value" and you can just see it in their faces when things don't to according to plan.. ya know their "not hired by an nfl franchise to scout" plan


    I'm sure you all remember the rumor that one team gave Nassib an UDFA grade... awesome, that team was probably the Colts who don't need a QB.

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