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Posts posted by miserable_fan

  1. Manning is a top 10, best in the game not even. You have to look at where Manning has played. In a dome against the AFC south, very easy conditions and competition. Marino is #1, Brady #2 . I would put Manning in the same area as Jim Kelly with Kelly a liitle better. Brady and Marino played all their home games outdoors against AFC east(outdoor) opponets when on the road. Who the heck has Manning played. Houston(dome)terrible secondary for years. Jacksonville(enough said) and Tennessee. Thats 3 expansion teams. I wish the Bills had the Colts opponets. JP Losman would still be here and a future hall of famer. Manning is highly overrated.

    Kelly was better than Manning? Wow, I want some of what you're smoking.


    If we had Manning since 1998, we'd have a superbowl for sure. He's the greatest I've ever seen play the game imo.

  2. It is an emotionally charged rant. However, feeling sorry for me while something is important for me and perhaps not that important for you is a sign of stupidity. Because you don't feel the same about an event/situation does not give you the right to judge. Yes.... the Buffalo Bills are my life (certainly other things are important as well) this is a thread about being a sportsman....... not a father/husband/employee. If you'd rather talk about those things, find a forum that discuses that. Otherwise...... STFU! pansy!

    grow up.


    i was just trying to offer some perspective.

  3. Last week I expressed my displeasure with regards to the deep plays on 4th and short. Well, I guess I got my wish cause I didn't see that happen this afternoon.


    However, I am seeing alot of short plays on 3rd down that wouldn't get us to the yard sticks. I felt a little bit of deja vu, as this took me back to the Jauron days. Even if we make the grab, the corners will tackle our receivers instantaneously.


    Please comment with regards to this trend -- if you see it, or even if you disagree with me. Most balls were dropped, tipped, intercepted or incomplete anyway, but this terrible playcalling/decision making has been driving me crazy as of late.


    And the piss-poor defensive calling and execution goes without saying... Nothing new there.

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