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Posts posted by gumby


    I know you don't mean me, but since I mentioned seeing people that apparently want him to fail, I'll put in my 2 cents.


    The skepticism isn't what lead me to make those comments; after all, I myself came into the season skeptical that EJ would take the reins. Rather, it's the apparent satisfaction that some folks appear to be drawing from seeing the kid listed 3rd on the depth chart and hearing chatter of a possible parting of ways. IMO, no real Bills' fan would be excited about the team's only 1st round pick at QB since 2004 possibly washing out.


    I don't think the back and forth has anything to do with being a fan of the Bills or not. It's more of a message board thing where people feel the need to be right so they go to ever more extreme positions to be seen as insightful or witty. It's a game of one-upmanship to be king of the message board.

  2. Why do we hear Rexy every. Single. Day. Of. Our. Lives.


    Dont you have some work to go do? Dont you have a couch in your office to go sleep on, so you can wake up at 4 am and watch more film?


    Why do I feel like I'm watching Rex Ryan's reality TV show?


    I guess he's supposed to be a good coach, but . . . this isnt really a Buffalo way to approach a grinding-ass job.



    You're right. Look at all the success local teams have had doing it the "Buffalo way."

  3. It's my understanding that Brady can't take this to court just because he doesn't agree with the outcome. By signing on to the CBA which regulates the governing of the league in respect to all 1700+ NFL players Tom Brady wittingly or unwittingly agreed to the procedures that were used to prosecute him. The idea that the NFL is investigator, prosecutor, judge and jury is weird but that is what was agreed upon to save time and money. Unless Roger Goodell's motives were corrupt or he did them for an improper motive the penalty will stand.


    So look for Brady's team to go after Goodells character because that's the only way they can move forward. Good luck to them in proving corrupt personal motives.

  4. I think the NFL will hand down a harsh penalty on Brady. They threw the book at Peterson and Rice. Now I know the incidents are not at all similar but with the current mood in the country they open themselves up to charges that they have different levels of punishment based on the color of your skin. My belief is that the NFL will do what they need to do to avoid that.


    Also don't be surprised if Belichik gets at least fined if not suspended.

  5. If they were burning the American flag instead of drawing cartoons then people would be told to keep quiet and respect others rights to free speech. The art of Mapplethorpe and Serrano was championed as expressions of free speech and had to be tolerated if we wanted to hold onto our beliefs of a free society.


    But that was easy because nobody was coming to kill them for their expression of free speach. It's curious how people stand up for human rights and the constitution when its easy. It's sickening how many are willing to throw their rights away when the going gets tough.



    "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Evelyn Beatrice Hall

  6. Todd McShay was on the Mike & Mike show this morning. When asked what's next for him now that the draft is over he said the "suits" at ESPN gave him a choice between writing draft grades or doing a 2016 mock draft. He chose the mock draft because he thinks draft grades are stupid.


    So with that in mind I wonder how many of these draft grade articles are being forced on these writers and they have little interest in doing them. So they just put out something with little effort or insight.

  7. My opinion is that if the Bills do bring in another QB (Locker, Sanchez,etc.) EJ will be given his walking papers. Bringing in Cassell to push EJ makes sense, bringing in a second guy indicates what they really think about EJ.


    I don't see how you get there, either. Whaley Rex and Roman have been aligned all along in saying they would bring in at least 2 QB, preferably one a vet.

    Frankly, having a vet backup and drafting (or keeping around) a promising rookie is SOP for every well run team.

    Doesn't mean they think EJ is the likely starter, but doesn't mean they are looking for "anyone other than EJ" either, unless they do cut him.


    That why I led off with "Seems unlikely". But you also threw in a caveat "unless they do cut him". So do you think there's a chance of that happening?


    If I had to put money on it I'd agree and say EJ is most likely going to be the starter this year.


    But at the same time I can certainly understand a POV that would say why would Rex Ryan want to go that way? The Bills are ready to win now. Some could argue their window is opening, if only they can find a QB that's ready to go now. If you are Rex Ryan do you want to wait on a QB that needs developing? Who's to say what the team will be like the following year? Major injuries, contract disputes, or a host of other things could radically alter the team in only a years time. It might not happen, but then again it's not that uncommon in the NFL. And if this is what Rex Ryan says, his last NFL coaching job, do you want to risk a chance to win now when virtually all the pieces are in place to do so?


    I don't know. I'm just throwing the possibility out there.

  9. Or there are only two QB's on the roster and one of them was undrafted and are looking for insurance. Not saying they aren't looking to replace EJ but they still need depth assuming this McCown thing falls through.


    And those other two QB's are going to be well gone before the Bills even pick.


    That's why they didn't talk to the top 2 QBs. You're probably right but it seems to be that they aren't too happy with EJ being the starter.

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