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Posts posted by gumby

  1. They should scrap the game altogether. Instead they should have an NFL version of Comic-con. Bring in the players to meet with the fans for a weekend. Set up exhibit halls, cool displays, interactive activities, have the players sit down and take questions from the fans.


    I think you'd get a lot more players coming if they didn't have to put on pads and hit each other for a meaningless game.

  2. I believe when a player only meeting is called it's a sign things are going off the rails. But I do agree there is no leadership in that lockerroom. To think that coaches exert leadership inside the lockerroom is fallacious. Coaches rarely if ever enter the lockerroom, that is the domain of the players.

    You look at all the successful teams in the league and they all have clear leaders on the field. Who on the Bills is that?

    Rex has his issues and he was a disappointment this season but I'm not going to blame him for lack of leadership inside the lockerroom. That falls squarely on the players.

    When Jerry Hughes (as an example) screws up with a dumb penalty who is he answerable to? The coaches? yes and I'm sure he hears about it from them but it needs to be more than that. What player on the D is going to pull him aside and tell him in no uncertain terms that his personal fouls is unacceptable? I don't get a sense there is anybody doing that and that to me is a big problem.

  3. He could be having nagging injuries or the more likely reason is he's just not a fit for what Sean Payton wants to do. You see the same thing in Philly. Murray is a damned good back but he's not suited for Chip Kelly's offense. What Chip needs in that offense is McCoy and for what ever reason shipped him out.

    I'm coming to think that a lot of players are very specialized in what they can do. Just look at what is happening with Suh down in Miami. Maybe some of these draft picks and FA singings aren't so much busts as they are trying to put a square peg in a round hole.

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