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Posts posted by gumby

  1. Yeah so I kind of agree.


    Except that it wasn't rape. I think they ran off together.

    And we know what Robert and the Lannisters did to all the Targarian children. Ned's honor and love for his sister is one thing. But he was saving his nephew from a merciless death.


    This is the theory I agree with. Ned Stark always spoke highly of Rhaegar Targaryen. Not something you'd expect from someone you kidnapped, raped, and killed your sister.


    "But general manager Mike Maccagnan went on The Michael Kay Show on Monday and stated that he's "excited" to see what Geno can do if he's the starter this season."



    Why wouldn't he be. Geno Smith won the job last year and if it wasn't for IK Enemkpali sucker punching him Fitz wouldn't of even been on the field let alone overvaluing himself today.

  3. i think he has a chance to surpass EJ as the backup, but it's a steep hill to climb IMO since EJ knows the offense, has already been throwing to some of these WRs for years, and has much more game experience. He's not good but most backups aren't (hell some starters aren't). I would be shocked if it happened.


    I certainly hope not. If Taylor gets hurt the Bills have to play EJ. Cardale Jones should be treated like a redshirt player. He should be just there to learn, don't rush him.

  4. There is a difference between a bad pick and a "whiff" or a "bust." Whitner and CJ Spiller were not whiffs or busts they were talented guys who have had some good seasons in the NFL.


    But they were bad picks. They were bad picks by the Buffalo Bills for exactly the reason Badol has explained. They were top 10 picks at non premium positions without being the rare special physical specimins to justify such investment on a team that had questions at Quarterback, tackle, receiver and corner.


    Whitner's career has had its ups and downs but juat because he has had some pro-bowl years does not mean the Bills' decision in 2006 was justified.


    I agree with this.


    I always thought him being drafted so high was a case of drafting for position instead of BPA. It was my belief at the time that the Bills had targeted Michael Huff and when he went with the 7th pick to Oakland the Bills just went with their #2 choice at safety.

  5. A few observations:


    The lease ends in 2022. By the time the team finishes their due diligence and cuts through all the bureaucratic red tape required for a project that will hover around the $1 billion dollar mark 6 years might be barely enough time.


    The NFL is moving towards becoming a global product. Games are held annually in London now. By 2018 there will be a game in China. It will not end there. Do you really think the NFL execs care if the average fan will be priced out of their stadiums? You will either pay more or you will be passed by. Please don't take this as an defense of the NFL, to me it's just the reality of the situation.


    Tailgating will be a thing of the past. When the NFL execs look out over their parking lots and they see people eating and drinking do you think they see passionate fans for their product or lost revenue? Do you think they'd rather have you grilling hot dogs and hamburgers in the lot or buying them, at their prices, in the stadium? They'll use the public drunkenness as an excuse to put an end to it but make no mistake its days are numbered.


    Why would a new stadium lure corporate dollars when the old one wouldn't? Suites are suites. You get the best service, amenities and food no matter what the stadium is like. No, building a new stadium just jacks up prices for the average fan making it even harder for the average fan to attend games.


    The NFL doesn't want the average fans in their stadiums anymore.


    In the new reality that is the NFL the Bills need a new stadium. If Buffalo can't or won't build one then maybe Buffalo doesn't belong in the NFL anymore.

  7. You guys shouldn't take these things so personally. The writer is from Atlantic City. If any of you been there you'd know it's a giant dump. The writer is clearly writing for his own readers to make them feel better about their own miserable lives. It doesn't matter to them if it's accurate. The article is saying to the readers "you think you got it bad at least you're not in Buffalo." And even though it's not correct the overwhelming majority of his readership will never go to Buffalo so they'll never know the truth. It's a common human reaction to make one feel better about there own situation.

  8. I always find it a little curious that Rex is labeled a clown yet a self-obsessed tool who had his defense carry him off the field after the Detroit game like he won some stinking championship is a better option.


    My belief is a lot of the anti-Rex fervor is because he came from a hated division rival. If he wasn't a long time Jets HC I don't think there would be this much hostility.

  9. All this angst over the Bills losing a bunch of has-beens and never-wases.


    Mario "part-time" Williams won't be missed. You could of gotten more production out of a tackling dummy last year then the Bills got from him.


    The way this board has trashed Leodis over the years I'd have thought more than half you guys would of packed his bags to get him out of town faster.


    Nigel Bradham?.......who?


    Remind me again who were the big spenders last year....How did that work out?.....'nuff said

  10. People are still arguing the pros and cons of Fitzpatrick? He's a low end starting QB.When he needs to make plays at the end of the game that will either mean victory or defeat he fails far far more often than he succeeds.


    I don't care how many TDs he managed last year a team isn't going anywhere with that guy at the helm.

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