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Posts posted by The_Philster

  1. Teams ran over the Bills last year like a child stomping through a flower garden. Why bother to pass when you can chew up the clock and win? I can see why this or that Bills DB had some gaudy figure. I never knew that such was tracked - I guess it's something for an agent to bring up in contract negotiations.



    thing is, passer rating doesn't depend on how many passes a QB attempts...only how well they do with the passes they do attempt

    A guy can have the same passer rating throwing 5 passes as he could throwing 25 passes

  2. IMO Jones looked better than Nelson. Sure with Nelson it would be nice to have such a big target, but man Jones just looked right out there. The last time I saw an undrafted WR look so good for the Bills he became our Safety.

    considering he was the best safety in the NFL against the pass last year, I'd say that was a good move

  3. Receivers are going down too regularly in practice with knee and ankle injuries. There has to be an issue with the turf for this many guys to go down. First Hardy his rookie season, then Easley, and now Nelson. Not good.

    this was an afternoon practice, though....usually on the grass practice fields

  4. Did he pay the prosecutor? How did it work? Did his million dollar defense team perform some form of voo doo charm on the DA to get him to offer the plea deal? And did they use the same magic on the family (who was going to get millions in an inevitable civil verdict agains Stallworth anyway)?


    Help me out here fellas.

    read the article....his lawyers didn't want him to accept a plea deal...kept telling him he should fight the charges

  5. Terrible news!


    Can't help but want to learn more. How the :beer: could this have happened??


    BTW, BPD needs to find another spokeman. This guy comes a cross as a simpleton.- "ah.. yeah, that's a good question... um.. we're still tryin' to figger out who shoot who and ..ahh..if there was more than one shooter.. :P

    wanna hear the worst part about the police spokesman? He used to do sports on Empire and on WGRZ Ch2...got fired from WGRZ for giving video to an ABC station to use while he was in Philly covering a Bills game

  6. really people again with this-


    Bills aren't going anywhere



    3) I still do not see them going anywhere. Ralph has had a plan for a LONG time


    1. When Ralph passes, his wife Mary will inherit the team...no estate tax that way

    2. Mary plans to sell the team to Kelly's group of investors, which includes a guy with some very deep pockets

    3. The only thing we as fans have to do is keep supporting our team...a lack of support could cause Kelly's money man to back out of the plan

    4. This plan came out publicly, though not officially, about 2 1/2 years ago

    5 It would also be good for fans to stop talking about the team moving because all it does is piss people off..we lose the team and WNY's economy will go farther downhill fast

  7. Not a single person has ever said that killing dogs was worse than killing people...anyone accusing people of saying that should show proof of it or shut the hell up...dishonesty is a disgusting character trait and to debate using nothing but false accusations is pathetic

    Sure it would be absurd if people were saying that. But they are not.

    don't confuse him with facts...if you can't put words in his mouth, you can't debate with him apparently


    This is probably someone who was banned in the past or else forgot his login info...probably due to all the drugs

  8. Were Vick's dogs crossing a busy freeway against traffic? You're right, it's bull **** to compare the 2.

    no doubt...plus you have to factor in the remorse factor. When Stallworth had that accident, he was instantly remorseful and did all the right things. Vick kept committing his crimes for 6 years and still hasn't shown any genuine remorse...that dumb !@#$ think he was a victim...they should put that piece of **** in a locked cage with a pack of rabid dogs...then if he survives, he can feel like a victim

  9. I think Whitner has a point regarding about the Tampa 2 not being the best fit for him.



    This is yet another indictment on DJ along with many others - the worst being allowing Keith Ellison to play in the NFL. Looking back I think Whitner has made many more plays around the line of scrimmage than in coverage. Now maybe that is an indictment of Whitner's lack of coverage skills. Much like Trent the coaching change should be refreshing for Whitner but also is his last chance to make an impact other than being a career back-up. If he can't beat out Wilson for the job with a new staff he will be done as a starter in the NFL. I am hoping he can be a bit of a terror on blitz packages and around the line of scrimmage. With Byrd and the quite frankly outstanding group of corners the Bills have there should be plenty of opportunity for the SS to be in the action around the line os scrimmage and in the backfield.


    As an aside, I have given Marv a ton of crap for his performance as GM. Wouldn't it be odd/sad if the players he drafted blossomed under a new coach especially an old southern boy instead of his Ivy league bust HC choice.

    Truth be told, Marv was little more than a figure head as GM. He selected a coach, but after that, his job was mostly PR. Jauron had the final say on what players to bring in with input from Modrak in regards to college players and John Guy in regards to pro personnel



    I think Donte's major obstacle the past few years is, he has been asked to do too many different things. I like that he did whatever he was asked to do w/o complaint, but it hasn't helped his excelling at any one thing. He was the defense's "Swiss-Army Back" and was given very little freedom to just let loose.


    Now this is just a guess on my part but I think he's being a bit polite when he points to the T2 scheme, instead of the coaching the past few years.

    I think you're right. He gets a lot of grief because he's not making lots of big plays all the time but players have to be able to be in position to make plays and as much as he was moved around into different spots and positions, he wasn't always in position to make big plays but he rarely makes mistakes which tells me he is at least a good player, even in a defense not suited to put him in position to make plays. Hopefully this new system is going to be better suited to Donte and he can silence his critics
  10. Really dude.


    The Philster is a very good poster over at the Billszone. I can read what the guy was saying. Sorry that his sentence structure was not up to snuff but I enjoyed the post.


    This board seems to be eat up with poeple like yourself. Get your post total up and add nothing to the conversation.


    Thanks for the post Philster and taking time out of your day to offer a good opinion on this board.

    Thanks, although I haven't been on the Zone in years.

    Regarding the topic, this issue of Trent's is the only thing that really holds him back, IMO. Whether fixing this problem will make him eventually become a great QB is anyone's guess but if it truly is gone from his game, the QB position might not be a major weakness for the Bills for the next few years. :worthy:

  11. A lot of us have seen it. At MNF against the Cowboys, Trent was already looking at Lee Evans before the snap and watched him throughout his route all the way until DeMarcus Ware tipped it and Terence Newman picked it off. Luckily, the Cowboys threw it right back to us when Romo threw to DiGiorgio but it didn't erase the fact that a serious flaw in Trent's game was exposed. He has a 25-24 TD-INT ratio over his career and he's stared down receivers a lot over the course of his career. Drew Bledsoe got away with it with that rocket arm of his but Trent's arm, although good, is nowhere near Bledsoe's and it's been costly. It's a habit I've seen out of him frequently.

    I thought with the new coaching staff this year, that issue was going to leave his game. At the Open Practice this year, instead of staying on the sidelines like most fans, I went to my own endzone seat to get a better view of where Trent was looking...and he was still at it...he was watching Roscoe throughout the pass routes and even before the snap when he threw to him. I couldn't see a whole lot of where he was looking at last Saturday's practice but when I got done working yesterday, I started focusing on Trent during team drills....made some very nice throws. That part wasn't surprising, though....he does have a decent arm with some good accuracy. The part that I didn't believe was that I saw him actually look off safeties...not staring down his receivers. For example, on a nice bomb to Lee where he ran a 9 route down the left sideline, Trent didn't look his way til just before he threw the ball...he was looking over to his right, drawing safety help away from Lee. Whether that play was a case of Lee actually being his last option instead of the primary receiver on that play, I don't know...but Trent was looking away from his intended receiver quite a bit yesterday...a lot more than I've seen from him in his previous 3 years. If he can keep that up when the bullets are flying in a real game, I think he could become a very good QB for us

  12. I'll never tire of hearing this...





    As fast as CJ runs, I think he'd only be able to say every 20 yards

    "Spiller at the 50, the 30, the 10, and in for the TOUCHDOWN!!"

  13. * The four locally produced Bills preseason games will be seen on WKBW in Buffalo, 13WHAM in Rochester and WTVH in Syracuse with League blackout rules applying


    I didn't think preseason games ever actually sold out. Are we actually going to get the 'skins game in Rochester?

    The Kid's Day game has sold out for the past several years, actually

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