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Rivermont Mike

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Posts posted by Rivermont Mike

  1. Here's my offseason checklist:


    Bills Free Agents (all predicated on each player agreeing to these things):

    1) Re-sign Byrd. It's a must. He's a stud and a top-3 FS in the league, so pay him like one.

    2) Re-sign Carrington for a low guarantee, incentive laden deal.

    3) Chandler, eh..whatever. If he dies, he dies.


    Positions to fill in free-agency:

    1) Bring in a Guard. Doesn't have to be an All-Pro, but someone who's average or slightly better. Just better than what we have.

    2) Target Hakeem Nicks if he becomes available. He's young, productive, and exactly what Buffalo needs in terms of size. He's been hurt, but we have to take some risks.

    3) Bring in a linebacker for depth.

    4) Possibly a veteran QB backup. I think Thad is ok and wouldn't be disgusted if they went into the season with him as backup, but there's room for improvement.



    1) Gotta focus on offense, early. I think we need another big WR, no matter what we do in FA. Not sure if I like the guys at the top of the first round for that, but in the first few rounds try and get a big WR.

    2) Also in Round 2 or 3 target a high-upside QB. If Mecklenberger or someone like that falls in Round 2 or 3 to Buffalo, he'd be a good insurance policy for EJ.

    3) Get some Oline depth in Rounds 3 - 5. (not all the rounds, just get a guy somewhere in there).


    I'd like a big, fast, bruising Dez-Bryant-class wideout. I keep watching other teams' WRs going up for jump balls and winning.

  2. There's a storm coming in--temps in 30s and rain and wind during the game. This raises questions:

    1. Does this affect the Pats* dink and dunk game? Can we handle Blount?

    2. Does Lewis just need to game manage or are we going to have to open up the O to beat these jerks?

    3. Do conditions help or hinder Bills pass rush?

    4. Are you as worried as I am about ball security?


    GO BILLS!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!

  3. I like it, BUT...The 32 want LA, Toronto, and London because they see potential for more lucrative sponsorships and the ability to up the $$ for the TV deals by replacing weaker markets. Not sure how willing they'll be to cut in four more owners while keeping the lower-revenue teams.


    Still think your intraconference focus is spot on.

  4. No doubt Brady will be well protected by the Referees as usual. So stand by for a few 15 yard "Roughing the Passer"penalties. But if we are going to get flagged we might as well Rough the Passer good and proper so that Brady remembers it for next year. Hit him hard and often boys.


    Don't forget a couple BS PI calls, too. Can't have Nickell show up Marcia and 'Cheat.

  5. Now recently the game was moved to 4pm. I don't have league schedule in front of me, was this move by the league made to save New England from potential injury if early games decide final playoff standings?

    Nope--Broncos/Raiders simultaneous with Bills/Pats* I suppose that if the Pats* see that Oakland is ahead they may crank it up a bit, but I don't see anything but a Denver blowout of the Raiders.

  6. The Broncos play the Raiders. Manning has all kinds of personal and team records on the line. I'm thinking that the Patriots are probably going into this knowing that they get NO help from the Raiders. My theory: The Patriots, who have already won the division and know they have playoffs ahead, take their foot off of the accelerator just a bit because they are looking ahead to a long playoff march and trying to save a little. Knocking heads with the Bills in a hard-fought battle will likely not get them #1.


    That doesn't mean that Brady isn't Brady and we're not at Gillette--but maybe, just maybe, there's enough of a let-up that it gives our opportunistic D (the Good D, not the one that showed up for a few of those stinkers) a chance to disrupt the Pats. That might enable us to win a close one.


    This is my Christmas wish. Now I am going to go put out cookies for Santa and reindeer food on the front lawn. ; )

  7. 1) My condolences to Stevie Johnson and his family wrt the his mom passing away. I am not going to mention him today in terms of this game.


    2) I give Mario Williams a lot of credit. He is making SO much money. The team is out of the playoff hunt, and the man still brings it. I am proud to have him on our football team.


    3) Although I cannot say that I was thrilled by EJ today, I do see this game as progress. I do like the fact that he ran more often. There is no reason for him not to. Please don't construe this post as me hating on the kid. Again, I view this game as progress.


    4) On the sack in the first quarter by Kyle Williams, Branch was double teamed, and was actually pushing back the pile. I don't know if he is signed to a one year deal, but Branch is a player that we truly need to keep. He is making life easier for KW as well as Dareus. If he is due to be a UFA at the end of this season, Whaley should be calling his agent tonight. Seriously.


    5) I was proud of Robert Woods today. The kid really does go for the football, and he is showing that he can get open, as well as hold onto the ball.


    6) I don't know about you, but I was pissed when Marrone went for the 54 yarder under these circumstances. I would have rather went for the first down, or even punted.


    7) Life may be sweeter for this, I don't know.

    See how it feels, in the end

    May Lady Lullaby sing plainly for you,

    Soft, strong, sweet, and true.


    8) Between the first down pass that he allowed and the costly penalty (both late in the game), I thought that Gilmore was about to give away the game. But he came back with the late pick and I was thrilled. Btw, he also had a nice block on the play in the 1st quarter after Williams had that nice interception.


    9) Plays going to Summers seem to work more often than not, no?


    10) I have defended Pears for quite some time now. I still hold to the fact that in terms of the Bills, he is a good RT. We have had some horrors at this position. But he didn't play well today.


    11) Legursky was flat out awful. He was beaten and abused. This is too much of a weakness for an NFL football team to hide. Defenses smell blood and exploit holes this big.


    12) I give Chandler credit for manning up after his recent debacle.


    13) Kudos to Kyle Williams. He made great use of his hands today on pass rushing plays, and did all he could wrt the run.


    14) Yeah, I know that this win hurt our draft slot, and I don't really blame those that wish we would have lost. That said, I cannot think like this any more. Bills wins are so precious and few that I crave them. We are a mess, but we won a football game today!!!


    15) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    When the Bills were looking at 3 pretty easy games this was the one that made me nervous. Teams historically struggle when playing 3 straight road games in the 3rd game. With how poorly they showed in the 2 previous games my expectations are very low.


    I usually am in the boat of losing for draft position but this year I don't want that. I'd like to see many of things mentioned above.


    1. Can Marrone keep the team together?


    2. Can EJ play good on the road?


    3. Will Hackett please call some screens and dump offs to spiller?


    4. Can the defense get the timely stop? 3rd down and run defense have still been a weakness...


    I'd be happy with a few sacks and NONE of those heart-breaking plays (rushing or passing) where we just get gashed. Oh, and about a 30 yard sideline completion from EJ to Goodwin, please.

  9. Moderators: I did a search for this to see if it had been posted before. No results, but if it has been posted, my apologies and please redirect or remove it. Your choice.


    Language warning: ***F-bombs (but totally worth it)***


    This piece of video brilliance was posted to Facebook by the Charlottesville Bills Backers. It depicts, accurately, what is probably going on in tens of thousands of Bills' fans living rooms every Sunday.


    If it has been posted before, or if you've seen it already, it seems that the current situation warrants a little levity. Enjoy!


  10. Stocks? Shareholders? Cute and so 20th century. One word: Crowdfunding.


    Capital: 50,000 people x $10,000 each. $500,000,000.


    Owner: $500,000,000 investment, 100-year commitment to NFL football in Buffalo.


    You: Financially back an owner with the responsibility to hire a GM, staff, and represent at the NFL meetings. Your investment is in for 20 years but it is transferable to heirs, purchasers, etc. A resident of Buffalo not necessary, but contractually you agree to invest in NFL football in Buffalo over a 100-year span. Owner makes same commitment. The investment group can be from all over the U.S.


    Revenue: Stadium naming rights (not necessarily a Buffalo-based company--think "e- and national brands), ticket revenue, suite revenue, merchandise sales, TV money, a cut of event revenues at other events, and...wait for it...a 65,000-seat, publicly-funded retractable domed destination stadium on the Buffalo waterfront. Think Patriots Place, only in Buffalo. City becomes relevant because now it can host big events, Super Bowls, political conventions. Local economy gets shot in arm.


    Benefits to you: Lifetime PSL (transferable) and a steady returns on your investment.


    Benefits to Buffalo: Tax revenue, hotels, restaurants, tourism.




  11. It's been 48 years as a fan. I was in 2nd grade when Butch Byrd and Al Bemiller were special guests at McKinley Elementary's Father and Son Sports Night. So many aspects of the Bills, Buffalo, and my life are intertwined that it you take the Bills out of Buffalo, it's like taking a leg or an arm. They leave and I am done. No replacement franchise-EVER.


    On another note: The media loves to report on how many different NFL jerseys they can spot at Rogers. Get a clue, hacks, the people attending in different jerseys are there to watch an NFL game, not the Bills. It's a curiosity, like going to the circus. They don't travel to the Ralph, and this is as close as they'll get to real NFL football. Good luck building a fan base with that to work with, Jon Bon Jovi.

  12. The game was right up there among the worst regular season losses that I can remember--and I'm going back to the late Sixties era. Truly sickening, and sad when you're hoping for your team to just hold on instead of winning the game.


    Still, there's a good core of players on this team. I've been on this roller coaster too long to get off now.

  13. This team isn't ready to jump up into the playoffs. They are getting better, but need a few things to happen. EJM needs more experience, and the coaches need more experience.


    They need a truly clutch, go-to receiver (SJ isn't that guy, though he is a good receiver). It could be a TE, or another WR, but someone that is gonna make the clutch play more often than not.


    A lot of the problems are mental, emotional mistakes. Gotta get more guys that thrive under pressure into the lineup.

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