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Rivermont Mike

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Posts posted by Rivermont Mike

  1. Truth is, good teams win at home and find a way to win on the road and at "neutral" sites.


    What i got out of the interview......


    Holy **** we lost Byrd, we better announce this now to save face!


    Timing just seems odd to me is all. Almost like this was planned way in advance.


    Im happy, but just seems odd to me.


    In two years, the Toronto series will be back, but there will be new uniforms. :beer: Go Bills!

  2. I was 32 and well into my career as a Bills fan when that ball sailed off target. That was supposed to be the moment that compensated for all the horrid games I listened to and watched from 1967 forward. That was supposed to be the reward for decades of loyalty. I had moved out of Buffalo 11 years earlier, and that was going to be the moment that demonstrated to my friends and family in New Hampshire what it means to be from Buffalo.


    We got to watch them win three more championships and lose three more Super Bowls, but that moment was the single most distressing moment in nearly 47 years of being a Bills fan--before or since (and there have been some *bad* moments). The only thing that will erase that moment is watching a clock tick down to 0:00 in a Super Bowl that the Bills win. I didn't cry when Norwood's kick went wide, but I have a feeling there will be a couple tears when it's my team that's running that Lombardi trophy around the field.


    Go Bills!

  3. Great. I was reading all the "fire this one!" and "we're doomed!" posts and getting all settled in to my between-season-disgruntled-Bills-fan mode, and then you went and posted this.


    Now I am FIRED UP and ready for the 2014 season to begin. GO BILLS!!! PLAYOFFS, BAYYYYYYBY!! WOOOO!


    Seriously, amazing closing speed and he hits like a guy a foot taller and 50 pounds heavier. Wow.

  4. What these sad-ass Tosh wanna-bes are doing is confrontational and deliberate. And yeah, if they're doing it in front of a group of their sad-ass buds, maybe it's not bullying but they're relying on strength in numbers.


    Your comparison to drinking, driving fast, and hunting is dumb. I may drink too much, but I'm not picking fights or getting in a car and driving. I may drive over the limit, but not on a crowded highway. And when I hunt, I'm following safety guidelines. All these things are inherently dangerous, but I'm using common sense.


    These guys are trying to pick a fight. Or...they're too damned stupid to realize they can jump up on someone with a dislocated shoulder or other injury and end up charged with assault. Or...as I said they're going to do it to the wrong guy and get their asses kicked. And, hey, it's all on video. Geniuses.


    Get drunk off your ass, yell at other teams' fans all you want, but keep your hands off. Just common sense.



    Yep. Once you violate a person's personal space and make physical contact, it crosses a line. The fact that it was an edited videotape which showed only what the videomaker wanted us to see doesn't mean that the immature practice didn't escalate into some bad feelings. They just didn't show us those instances.




    And as Jeff pointed out upthread, the videomakers chose easy marks to dunk on.


    Agree on the physical contact crossing the line.


    Look, these *ssheads will continue this until they "posterize" the wrong guy and he punches one of them in the throat. Just a matter of time...

  6. IMO all signs point to another 6-10 record next year. We would have to trade our whole draft to move from 9 or 10 to get Winston with the top pick if that is the case. It ain't gonna happen, but I wouldn't mind if we traded someone like Byrd or Stevie plus a late round pick to make it happen. Winston is going to be a stud in the NFL. Big, strong, fast. Like Cam Newton except more accurate. I think if we decide Manuel isn't the answer then we have to do whatever it takes to get Winston next year


    Please explain "all signs point to another 6-10 season next year." I'm interested in hearing the analysis that's leading you to that conclusion.

  7. Agreed! I left things off on my list so we could all have a little fun after an awful ending. Doom and gloom isnt going to get us anywhere.


    I appreciate the post. It's been a long, dispiriting drought, but it is still fun to imagine a year when the pieces fall into place and we're back in. I want that as much for my hometown as for my team.


    It feels like D line and secondary are okay. QB, OL (including TE) and receivers need a few key pieces, as does LB. Close...

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