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Rivermont Mike

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Posts posted by Rivermont Mike

  1. How'd you get on it?


    If you are on it, can I mail you post it notes with a few tips to give to Pettine every now and then? I have some really great ideas to try out...


    Congrats, all. Have fun weighing in on traffic flow, the brand of mustard to use for concessions, and what 2014 home game will be the white-out.

  2. Well you are incorrect. There are plenty of excuses. No where near running out. The question do you pull the plug on EJ after a handful of games and half the season injured? Easy to say draft someone but all you are doing is putting quarters on a slot machine. You give every QB a couple of game then the hook?





  3. I don't feel like looking it up but how many 7 game winning streaks has the franchise had? '65? '88? '90? '91? Likely only 2 of those years. I'll check back in after a few hours after someone does the research.




    I aspire to be mathematically alive in December. That is the true test of a great season in this era.


    I do, too. That will make it a great winter. But what about the Bills?

  4. I've been watching this team lose for 14 years now. But seriously, this kid is a bonafide STAR among boys!

    He's playing off-the-hook great, and I have a feeling he's pulling up the LB corps with him. Fun to watch. The dive over the line was classic. If he'd have hit the runner square, he would have crushed the guy.

  5. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/week-5/bills-notebook-byrd-ready-to-go-but-marrone-puts-up-stop-sign-20131004


    All along, Byrd has said (paraphrasing), "I'll get out there when I'm 100%." Marrone has seemed to take the position that there's really an injury and never suggested otherwise. Then, Byrd says that he is ready, and Marrone holds him out citing a "short week." This at the same time that he's got two banged-up RBs and others at <100% in the game. Is it because Byrd wasn't ready? Was he really more hurt than he claimed to be and Marrone's staff said to hold him out (there's something to be said for playing in front of a national audience)? Is there something else going on?


    I'm just wondering why the hell Byrd wasn't on that field last night.

  6. With all due respect to analytics and mathematical models, e.g from PFF....:


    "The very first PFF Sig Stat, it is a number that tells you who got the most pressure relative to the opportunities they had to get it. It goes beyond using the sack as the be all and end all when it comes to judging the effectiveness of a pass rusher, measuring their total pressure (sacks weighted more heavily than hits or hurries) against how often they rushed the passer. For the mathematically inclined it’s: Sacks + (0.75 x Hits) + (0.75 x Hurries)/ Pass Rushing Snaps x 100 = PRR"


    ...what this model doesn't take into account is the effectiveness of the O-line guy playing across from Williams on any given play. I think that Mario should be producing a lot more, too, but if you're going to hang your hat on analytics be sure that they are looking at the whole picture. Go Bills!

  7. I'm done with "grades" for performances of different offensive and defensive units. If you want to write intelligently about how one unit or another influenced the outcome, that's fine because you're acknowledging that the team plays as a single unit. Assigning grades is misplaced journalistic self-importance at its worst. Do I need some hack to tell me that the O line played badly? No.


    You want a grading system? Try this: When you lose, the team gets an F. When you win, the team gets an A. Great teams win because one unit compensates for the weak play of another, but they are all too interconnected to single out one unit versus another. I understand that they all have their own coaches, but on game day, all that sitting in separate meeting rooms goes right out the window.


    Go Bills!

  8. Eric Wood and Manny Lawson.

    They've both been great in both games and we haven't heard hardly a peep about either.

    Maybe Marrone's Bills are going to be one of those teams where you don't hear a lot about individual players (other than EJ, Stevie, Mario, and CJ) and the others just do their jobs. Like Easley blowing up that guy on the kick return.

  9. Good for Marrone. He needs to send a message to the fans. This is not the passive Bills defense of the past few years. This is a wild blitzing defense that will be exciting to watch. He needs to build up interest. He needs to make people want to come to the games. He's doing that pretty well.


    I also like the way Marrone gets mad on the sidelines. Must be a lineman's mentallity. He almost reminds me of Carl Mauck from a few years ago. And that's a good thing.


    Pettine wanted this D to have a personality. Now it does. A little smashmouth football sounds good to me.

  10. After two games, the Bills are averaging about 20 more plays per game than last season (source: Chris Brown blog). This raises questions for me:


    1. Does an up-tempo attack favor run or pass, given the Bills personnel likely to start?

    2. Is Kolb's slower pace due to rust? Will H and M demand that he pick it up?

    3. Can a quarterback with a propensity for checking down run an up-tempo offense?


    Feel free to add other questions or issues that the new pace raises for the Bills. IMO, this is long overdue, but I recognize that we had deficiencies in personnel and coaching.


    (Actually, I'm trying to get the discussion off of EJ's knee? ; ) )

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