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Posts posted by cwater10

  1. He hired Marrone, and served (poorly) as G.M. for a year. We may be a winning team if Manuel works out, and I'm cautiously optimistic on that front. I have a feeling we may end up becoming something like the current Detroit Lions, a talented team with a good, but imperfect Q.B. and a coach who occasionally throws games away (Jim Schwartz makes way too many mistakes that cost the team games).


    Tell me, what has Brandon done, football-wise, to show that he deserves to continue making football-related decisions? The fact that the Bills spend the off-season at his regional alma mater and the hire of a local coach tell me that Brandon might make decisions with regionalization and his personal relationships sometimes prioritized over simply winning football games.


    As to those who have launched ad hominem attacks for daring to criticize the regime (not you), please find a legitimate way to contribute to the discussion. Is it such a stretch to believe that Brandon doesn't make every decision with winning as his top priority?

    Perhaps I can be the one to interrupt what must be a really bad trip. You appear to be quite agitated and traumatized by the notion that Brandon is doing "football things" by executing his duties as CEO and President of a professional football team. This slip down the looking glass appears to be exacerbated by the omission of some fantastical, mythical football god who would, in theory, be more adept at doing this "football stuff". Don't look down! Because what you may see lurking down there below the ledge that you have found yourself are these mythical, fantastical "football guys" doing "football stuff" that Brandon has hired to do this "football stuff". They are guys named Nix and Whaley. One is walking away and one is walking straight at you. Do not look him straight in the eye! If you do, he will telekinetically burn a big orange "S" into the dark recesses of your struggling psyche. Be careful out there man. And even though these football dudes are invisible to some, it is rumored that they do indeed, now do the football stuff thinking down there in Orchard Park Wonderland. And just because neither of these invisible wizards hail from the evil kingdom of Syracuse, they still opted to listen when the football community of other football wizards whispered in hushed tones about one very highly acclaimed football coach whom several other football guys sought for their own football kingdoms. If only they had turned an run when they spotted the big orange "S" clouded from their view under that cleverly worn visor. Then we could all just climb back out of the chess board and resume screaming at the other demons that plague our daily hells....
  2. I know this going to be unpopular to say, but if Kyle Williams and Marcel Dareus can't get it done up front this season, then it's time the Bills look to replace those guys next season. I like both players, but the run defense has been atrocious for years now and it needs to be fixed. In the preseason, the Bills got shredded on the ground by the Redskins who were without RGIII. Last year, the run defense ranked 31st giving up 145.8 YPG; 2011: 28th with 139.0 YPG; and 2010: 32nd giving up 169.8 YPG.

    The Mayan calendar thinks this question is messed up...

  3. Which was awesome. But don't you think they could've signed at least ONE of the two between Levitre and Byrd, if not both?


    They did. They signed Byrd for 6.9 million. The last time I checked, that signing counts against their cap for this year and will result in Byrd taking the field for the Buffalo Bills in 2013. That signing needed to be taken into account when evaluating the decision on Levitre. Reality is real! As the man said, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

  4. Well, for one, vince, because none of those teams are paying $8 million for a guard.


    Sorry Vince, but that dog won't hunt. You are presented with a list that includes Eric Wood, Kyle Williams, Stevie Johnson, Fred Jackson, Mario Williams. Then you choose Urbik and Pears to illustrate your point about not keeping your top players. Really? BTW, I would guarantee you that very few NFL GM's, particularly that successful ones, would have been found throwing 8 million per in the direction of Andy Levitre. He is a solid and consistent player, but not $8 million solid. If your point is that the Bills have not been successful in re-signing their top talent in recent years, I beg to differ. Look back at the list and tell me that again. I don't see how you arrive at that conclusion when presented with those names.


    Would I like to go back and add Pears and Urbik to the list? Yes, without question. The Bills did have one of the top rated OL's in the league over the past few years. You don't get there without those type of signings. Or are you suggesting that success was all the result of A Levitre's awesomeness?

  5. +1


    That would be the same front office that has re-upped Eric Wood, Kyle Williams, Stevie Johnson, Fred Jackson, Leodis McKelvin, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Scott Chandler and numerous others as well as shelling out serious $$ for Mario Williams and handing over 7 Million to Byrd as franchise tag recently. What is it about reality in the salary cap era that proves so confounding for some fans? You have to pick your spots in today's NFL. It is no longer a viable option to keep every player that you would have in previous decades. Give credit where due.


    And next year when we are having this conversation about CJ Spiller, Byrd round 2, and Dareus, will you still be lamenting the lack of an $8 Million annual commitment to a guard? Which of those 3 would you choose Levitre over?

  6. They are horrific as journalists. As entertainers, they are much worse. I like to listen to sports talk when I drive, so I hold my nose and listen. I must say, the stench is growing out of control. BTW... what is the deal with that station and Lee Evans. To hear them tell it, The Bills just traded Jerry Rice for a roll of ankle tape. Evans was a stand up guy, but let's face it, he is not much of a receiver by 2011 NFL standards. Results are what matter in the NFL and his are not the stuff to build around. Good grief, let it go guys....

  7. What cost cutting? The only player where this is arguable is Evans. Everyone else was cut because they are not good. If they were cutting costs they would have released McGee and Kelsay right away and would not have re-signed Florence for $5M a year.


    What you said... I think you just caused a mass panic in some meeting room at WGR550. Can you imagine the horror if people start to suspect the Bills are not in the midst of a massive exodus conspiracy... Oh no! Take it back!

  8. The Reading Department has developed an on-line tutorial to help you prepare for the Reading portion of the test. In the Reading Comprehension section of the test, there are two types of questions that are designed to measure your ability to understand what you read. The PRACTICE TEST consists of twenty questions that will test the same reading skills as the Accuplacer using the same types of questions. After choosing an answer, you will be shown the correct answer as well as explanations as to why each answer is either correect or incorrect.


    The tutorial also has links to websites that will provide additonal practices to strengthen both your vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. Links to study skills sites are also given to provide you with time management, test-taking and various other study strategies. The menu on the left provides links to all of these sites.


    Good Luck!

  9. i'm not trying to be difficult here, though it might seem that way. but i hadn't realized the deep rut of futility in which the bills have sunk over the 11 years and counting can so quickly be overcome by ... a uniform change.

    i mean, i can see people buying into the hope of the Bills signing T.O. or drafting C.J. Spiller, or cutting Trent Edwards or firing Dick Jauron. that's actual change, though even in those cases it didn't change much in the end.

    what escapes me is how a team going from a dark blue to a lighter blue, or adding a stripe or patch is actually considered a valuable plus.






    You are missing the point jw... Do you remember the movie, Major League? Do you remember when Charlie Sheen's character changed his look and lost his effectiveness? Do you remember the fans in the movie going nuts when "Wild Thing" came out of the bull pen rocking the look from the days when he was dominant? They sensed the return of good days. We are those fans... and we are ecstatic over anything that even hints at recapturing a bit of those glory days. That... and the reality that the current uniforms are horrific. It is difficult to root for a team that looks like a troup of clowns... Apparently, we won't have to any longer.

  10. I'd like to know that Stevie J is not wasting any concentration on what he is going to do after he scores. It's all fun until someone drops any easy TD catch in OT.


    Sorry, but none of us can know that. It is just as likely that such anticipation is what drives him to make plays. Human nature is unpredictable. What drives one man to success or distraction is neither uniform in nature nor unversally applicable. It's too easy to overthink this stuff... Let Stevie be Stevie.


    "Ignore what a man desires and you ignore the very source of his power"


    -- Walter Lippmann

  11. But you are exactly correct in your observations of this board, what is a terrible thing for the Patriots or Jets, or Dolphins, when done by someone on the Bills it is totally fine.


    I read this thread and find myself wondering if I have just been awakened from some kind of Rip Van Winkle nap. When did celebrating and showing personality on the field become such a "terrible thing"? This is not the US Senate. This is professional sports. We pay good money to watch plyers compete and to be entertained. Professional athletes have always celebrated on field. I remember Bruce Smith and Darryl Talley's sideline routine about "What time is it? Showtime?" making us all 'smile. I remember Bobby Chandler celebrating touchdowns by spiking the football off of the giant Buffalo mascot that used to roam the end zone back in the mid 70's. Thurman Thomas had the habit of performing the first down gesture to get the crowd going. Fred Smerlas and Jim Haslett led a "Chorus Line" dance at midfield after a victory over LA in 1980. It was great. We were Talkin' Proud, not bitching about it.


    Cornelius Bennet invented the move of standing over a quarterback with arms folded after a sack. Bruce would sometimes flop around wildly and pound the turf after a sack. Billy "White Shoes" Johnson did one hell of a TD dance and was loved for it. Harold Carmichael used to roll the football in the endzone like a pair of dice. Joe Namath guaranteed things. Muhhamad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard endeared themsleves to the world with their clowning and antics in the ring. Earl "The Pearl" Monroe would make defenders look like fools, just because it was fun. Mark "The Bird" Fidrych talked to the baseball between pitches. We loved them all and we missed them when they left the game. Hell, Babe Ruth famously called his shot... Its sports... They are competitors... It's what they do... It always has been this way and it always will be.


    Please, people... lighten up. As Stevie would say:


    Why so serious?

  12. I just hope the year hanging around T.O. has not put Johnson on the path to "It's all about me", where he becomes more of a distraction to the team, than anything else. Not only have we seen the touchdown celebrations, but he has also done some lesser gesturing even after a catch.



    Good grief! Or maybe the year hanging around one of the top receivers of all time hepled him emerge as one of the top receivers in the league. You want "been there before guy"? You already got him. He wears #83. Good luck with that. I'll take the guy who plays with passion and isn't afraid to have some fun with it.

  13. How dare he write a positive piece, and feel good about the Bills? So, what, none of the whiny bitches want to post today that Jerry was finally teabagging the Bills and Fitzpatrick in his column today? I'm surprised. For as many of you who whine about how WGR blows (yet you all still listen to it, despite claiming not to), and that Jerry sucks because he's critical of what has been pretty much the worst franchise in the NFL over the last decade, where are you today?


    I thought, after reading today's piece, some of you would be throwing confetti, like you were at a Bills game in 1991. Or popping open the champagne, because Jerry wrote a feel good column today.


    Come on whiners, rejoice, today is your day. Jerry seemed to have some fun watching the Bills yesterday. He even seems to be a little bit of a fan, which some of you want so dearly. Today is your day.


    Speak up. Give Jerry his props. Just think if they beat New England! Jerry will be gushing with Bills pride. And then, all of you that wish he was Chris Brown instead of Jerry Sullivan would be ecstatic.


    Go Bills. ONE WIN over the Pats would be sweet, for you, me and for our boy Jerry Sullivan.




    OK, so every so often... perhaps once a year, Charles Manson goes before the parole board and does his very best to pass himself off as sane, if only for the day. Unfortunately for Charles, the parole board knows his history and has the advantage of viewing his behavior over a period of many years. Invariably, in unison, the board rolls their eyes and declare their unanimous conclusion that although the effort is appreciated, one day of appearing rational does make you fit to rejoin our society. We need to see much, much more of this over a much longer period of time, before we will even begin consider your request.


    Disclaimer for the analogy impaired: I am not comparing poor journalism with the atrocities put forward by a psychotic mass murderer... </outrage>

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