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Posts posted by Happy

  1. 7 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    The Saints say they kept Taylor in the pocket all game.   They can take credit if they want, but so far as I could tell, the Bills didn’t try to get Taylor outside the pocket. 

    Good write-up again, Shaw.


    I have to believe this is Dennison trying to drill it into Tyrod to stay in the pocket and make quick passes.  Problem is that this is not the type of QB Tyrod is; just look at last season, he prefers to not stay in the pocket.  In the pocket, Tyrod holds on to the ball too long and does not trust the route or receivers.  Dennison is trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, kind of like what Rex did last year with the D.  Not a new take, I know, but still applicable.


    I think at this point, if Tyrod is the starting QB like McDermott insists, the offensive game plan needs to change in a major way.  More play action and scrambling, and less pocket passing, which will allow Tyrod to do what he does best.  Right now, I see Dennison's offense and Tyrod's abilities as being completely incompatible.

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. 21 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:

    I think all their early success has made them hungrier for turnovers as well, and they are getting sloppy.


    I just don't get the Tyrod love or the Tyrod hate. He is going to get you around 200 yards and a TD without turning it over, plus a few nice runs to extend drives. You can win a lot with that, and you can lose a lot with that too. But when we win he's amazing and when he lose he's awful.


    Yet he is the same guy. Nothing changed. It's just that a "play it safe" QB is only taking you so far.

    You might be on to something here, makes sense as far as explaining the poor tackling.

  3. 44 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ...team overachieved and defied all odds getting to 5-2, beating clubs that I'd bet the vast majority penciled in "L's" for....it is year one of a hugely transitional period from FO to Administration to coaches to players......seriously expecting a quick fix overnight to competitiveness in ONE off season?......HOPING the drought is over versus the cold reality of it ain't happening in one off season is fact that one can come to grips with or dream on..


    I think most of us were expecting an, at least, somewhat competent offense that could score points as well as an OC that could gameplan to our player's strengths.  Maybe that was too much to expect.

    On defense we started out well, still a mystery as to why the complete 180 in defending the run and tackling.  I'm not one of those who think Darius would have been a game changer; he played 1/3 to 40% of the snaps during his time here this season.

    In summary, no, I was not expecting 13-3, though I thought 10-6 was a real possibility.  It was trending that way up until two weeks ago.

  4. 21 minutes ago, NewDayBills said:


    What does that mean? Of course he's the owner, my major concern with Terry is whether or not he understands football because if he doesn't he is essentially going to hire people with eyes of faith instead of interviewing candidates based off of knowledge and facts. Trusting people at face value is something that should not be done. The less hands on Terry is, the lesser our chances of finding competent coaches and a franchise QB. It's essentially just going to be luck of the draw, kind of like shooting at a target blindfolded.

    The first line of my response was tongue in cheek.  But Terry actually said something to that effect.  Wasn't very comforting at the time.

    After the Rex swindle, I think Terry sought out input from an external source.  I suspect that is how we got McDermott and Beane.

    Terry and Kim should be hands off, their football IQ appears to be well below that of an average fan.  

  5. 27 minutes ago, NewDayBills said:

    How does he know he is hiring and trusting the right people then? You need an owner who knows X's and O's otherwise he's not going to bring the right people in. 

    When Beane was hired and Whaley was fired, I thought Terry said I'm the owner.  So there's that.

    But how do we know he's trusting the right people?  We don't.  I am certain that someone had his ear this past offseason and he listened to this person.  Polian maybe, but I speculate.

  6. Just now, GunnerBill said:


    Nope.  It's on McDermott and Brandon Beane.  I don't believe for a second Dennison has not asked for an upgrade.  The Carolina two love what Tolbert "brings".  


    I'm not advocating firing Beane or McDermott.  I am in this for the long haul.  But the Tolbert catastrophe is on them IMO.

    You could be completely correct.  But my point is Beane is not responsible for the game day roster and how the players are utilized.

  7. 7 minutes ago, dave mcbride said:

    Jerry Jones makes Goodell look like a paragon of virtue. 


    Completely agree here.  I've heard some interesting stories from a long time (since 1970s) Cowboys fan who has done business deals with Jerry Jones on the Star Complex.  Jerry is not a moral man.  I agree with Jerry that Roger needs to go, but for completely different reasons.

  8. Just now, GunnerBill said:


    Whose fault is it then?  He is the #2 back because Beane and McDermott want him to be.  Otherwise why have they done nothing but boomerang sign and release Joe freaking Banyard (a scrub) as competition? Because they want Tolbert on the field.  That's why.  


    Definitely on the coaching staff - McDermott and Dennison.  Beane does not dictate game day roster and packages run; assuming Beane got Tolbert it is probably because the coaching staff wanted him.  Completely agree that there was a major failure on coaching/FO in picking up a legitimate RB2.

  9. Saw these articles this morning regarding Rog's contract extension situation.  Good 'ol Roger values himself quite highly.  I don't see why he deserves:


    • Roger Goodell has reportedly demanded $50million a year, up from $30million
    • He also 'wants the use of a private jet for life and health insurance for his family'


    Here are the relevant articles I read.  They're fairly concise so you won't spend a lot of time reading fluff.


    UK based paper but extensively covers US news


    NYPost link

  10. 1 hour ago, ROONDOGG55 said:


    I think you're both spot on. I think TT has shown since preseason that he is not a timing type thrower. He needs to be mobile and find the guy open while scrambling. That seems to be where he has most success. Peterman on the other hand came in a did exactly what he did in the preseason. He took command as a rookie and placed the ball accurately and quickly. I think Jordan Mathews was surprised at one point that the ball actually got to him on time. Now, like what you're saying HG, this could be garbage time play, but I like what this rookie just did coming off the bench. He had almost no time with Kelvin Benjamin either, but hit the dude on two consecutive plays for 33 yds. I doubt he would play like garbage with a full week in preparation as the starter though. In my -not so expert- opinion, I think he's worth a hard look.




    This is a good observation.  After sleeping on it, I think the coaching staff has a decision to make:  If Tyrod is the starter, either stop with the quick, timing routes and make the offense into a college-type, spread offense.  This is the only offense Tyrod can run.  Otherwise, if the coaching staff insists in utilizing the Kubiak/Dennison offense, maybe put Peterman in.


    I hesitate for option 2 (Kubiak/Dennison offense) because he is a rookie.  I know he's shown potential, but potential in scrimmages and garbage time.  It is a big risk starting Peterman at this point.  McDermott has proven to be very conservative.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Mat68 said:

    I agree but he could not be worse than how Taylor played.

    Agree, probably not.  But I think all this start Peterman calls is all for not.  McDermott said as much.  Sad thing is, if the offense was tailored a little more for Tyrod's strengths and style, we wouldn't be piling on him as much.  He wouldn't have been this bad.

  12. 28 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    The only reason LA has a team is because Stan Kroenke is building a palace that will generate millions in unshared revenue every year through the sale of corporate suites and sponsorships. The presence of a team in LA won’t budge the TV ratings needle one iota. 

    This puts a lot of pressure on McVay to win.  It the Rams suck, there will be even fewer seats filled and possibly empty suites.  I suspect the venture back to LA will eventually fail for at least one, if not both Rams and Chargers.  I can see the Chargers going back to SD.

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