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Posts posted by GRHater69

  1. Joe Collier was ok his first year and then the wheels came off. Harvey Johnson....not once but twice. Why Ralph ever did that was beyond me. His second tenure was the worst Bills team ever, 1-13. Then he did the same with Jim Ringo a few years later. Ringo was an interim, but the others weren't. When promoting from withing the record isn't much better, Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullough, at least Wade Phillips had two winnig seasons and made the playoffs.


    PS John Rauch was not an interim or a promote from within. He came from the Raiders and was awful while here.

  2. I like Caldwell, he's brought in some good talent there, but they don't have a proven QB unless they can somehow salvage Bortels who regressed in the past two seasons under Hackett.


    If you really examine St. Doug's 9-7 with the Bills it has a lot of holes. There was a season ending win against the Patriots B team that pushed the team over .500. I'd also be willing to wager that those 4 wins over the NFC North came as a direct result of his DC Jim Schwartz having A LOT of experience drawing up game plans against those teams since he coached in that division. And let's not forget how they needed a late season win in Oakland and went out there and got beat by what was a bad Raiders team with an interim HC. That game along with the Patriots resting their starters could have put the Bills in better playoff contention. Don't get me started on all the punts inside the 40 either!

  3. Please explain me to me why you spend so much time on all this silly gossip about who said what and that the organization is dysfunctional etc. when the team has identified two potential coaching candidates and plans to interview them, one today and one this weekend and yet you have given us as Bills fans ZERO info on either of these two coaches. Isn't that part of your job as well??? What talents do these guys potentially bring to the table? Why should we as fans be excited or not about them possibly leading the team? In other words, Why aren't you doing your job and informing us instead of all this click-bait BS over and over again?


  4. You have to remember that last year around this same time Carrucci reported that T Pegs had told Rex and Whaley playoffs next year or you're gone. A few hours after that report, the Bills announced that Whaley had signed a contract extension making Vic and the BN look quite foolish. Many people in the media including Sal and a few others at the DnC openly questioned Vic's sources. So what we're seeing here with Sully & Bucky is them trying to protect Vic's back and stir as much crap as they can in an effort to get Rex out of here. I stopped reading both of them last year and have to admit...it's been nice. There are plenty of other places to get news and opinions on the Bills where you don't have to worry about a weakly hidden agenda.

  5. Hmmm, ultra large market team moving into a new palace in a few years. No way I'm buying this for a second. It's LA, home of glitz, glamour, and bling. The owners there will want a marquee name to sell tickets and PSLs. That's why you're seeing Harbaugh and Gruden's names being thrown around.


    This whole thing coupled with the LaConfora BS over the weekend has me wondering if someone somewhere has an agenda in the Bills organization.


    On a lighter note I'm just waiting for Sexton to put it out there that Doug Marrone is a leading candidate......oh wait he already did put it out there that St. Doug is a leading candidate for Secretary of State with trump.

  6. I would put Tom Ruud and Bob Nelson up there too. That 75 Bills team was great on offense but the D was awful. If those two players has come in and performed and Doug Jones and Robert James hadn't been injured the story of that and Walt Patulski might have been different. Not sure if I would call Tony Hunter a bust. He was the victim of a truly bad trade by then GM Terry Bledsoe for Vince Feragamo. That trade cost Bledsoe his job but opened the door for Bill Polian aka Bill "who".

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