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Posts posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. 12 hours ago, SoTier said:


    IIRC, there was a near mutiny among the Bills vets due to Bullough's methods, but I don't remember the details.

    SoTier, I remember that near mutiny. It was in '86, about 3/4 into the season. The Bills were playing Tampa and before the game rumors started flying around

    about Bullugh's removal. Towards the end of the game, the Bills were deep in Tampa's territory, if we scored a TD we would win. Kelly threw a pass to a Bill open

    in the end zone & he missed the throw. Bills loose, the next day Bullough is fired & the era of Marv began.    The Bills nightmare was over!

  2. On 1/31/2020 at 3:40 PM, rockpile said:

    Place kicker Booth Lusteg.


    Took on his brother's identity when applying for a spot in Buffalo to replace an injured Pete Gogolak, so he became (on paper) four years younger and a Boston College graduate. 

    Was a 50% FG kicker in 1966.

    Missed a gimme field goal against San Diego, so the game ended a tie.

    Fans waited for him outside the Rockpile and kicked his ass after that game!


    I was at that game, but not one of the thugs. :P

    Thanks for the history, rockpile. I didn't that about Booth.

  3. Virgil,  I've enjoyed every one of your posts this season. Thanks, man. However, I know it hurts, a lot. But Virgil, don't let this game get to you. We're all (that

    includes the Bills) are human. Things happen and please keep this in mind, the Bills are a young team and their rise has only begun. Same with McD. They have

    a lot of potential going forward and the players, McD (who is still has a lot of upside going forward) will be improving next year. As they all gain more experience,

    they will be better at putting teams away when they have the lead. Actually, they did pretty good for an offense that had difficulty scoring more that 20 points.

        There's more I could put in, but I'm sure you know what I'm getting at.  Take care, Virgil.

  4. BuffaloBoy, a very good post. This is why I get on the message board at times like this, for good, objective & rational posts like yours. Its easy to post a "fire this 

    guy, cut that guy, we suck" and on and on. Your post offered an unbiased, rational, and very "good things to come" in the future.   Thanks, man.


    Enjoy your off season.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Marv's Neighbor said:

    Yes, you're right about Ralph.  For too many years he seemed like he would rather be somewhere else.  Thank God that never happened.  After getting screwed out of the Braves franchise, the city would never have been able to handle a Bills move too.

    Well said,Marv's.            Hope you had a great Christmas down there in Chester.                                                               Go Bills this Sunday.

  6. 4 hours ago, Marv's Neighbor said:

    Been a fan since it all began BUT, I always expected our successes in the mid 60's to keep on happening.  :doh:

    Marv, with Ralph as owner? God bless Ralph, but he didn't really know how to keep the franchise competitive on a consistent basis.    Just my opinion.

  7. cDAVIS, it does feel great. Reminds me of the 90's again. There's a little more spring in my step. The holiday season feels a little better as now the Bills are 

    playoff bound and are "relevant".  For the first time in a few decades I feel better about the ownership, front office & coaching. 


    Merry Christmas everybody.        And Go Bills.

    • Like (+1) 3
  8. 2 hours ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:


    This one!!!!   There's only 2 QB's in Bills history that would scrap like this to get that first down.  JK & Josh. This is who this kid is. 

    Last season in a post about Allen, I put down that the kid has a heart like a lion.  We have'nt see an arm nor the fight in our QB's like this since Jimbo.

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  9. 1 hour ago, H2o said:

    Happy Thanksgivig everyone. One of the things I am thankful for, as corny as it may sound to everyone, is finding this message board 13 years ago. You guys have provided me with MANY laughs over the years and a lot of great discussion. It's very cool to have a place like this to come to being able to talk about the Bills. Not only do the Bills have the greatest fans in the world, but the greatest message board as well. Here's to good food, good company, and a Bills win!!! :thumbsup:

    Well said, my good man!

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