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Posts posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. You're doing yourself a disservice by lumping Wilson in with Luck and RG3. Has he been good for a rookie? yes. Has he been winning the games? Not so much. That team lives and dies by the D and the run game. Evidence? 12 starts, only 3 games with > 30 attempts. If the defense allows more than 20 points, the Seahawks are 1-3 (the win being over the Patriots, which was arguably Wilson's best game along with yesterday). He's been solid, but unspectacular. RG3 and Luck on the other hand...well, they've been just flat out spectacular.


    Actually yes he has, I'd say he won 3 of them games he put the team on his back and did it (Pats, Bears, Packers w/the bad call).. IDK why you say he hasn't been spectacular he's got 9 touchdowns 0 ints in the last 4 games. Luck has thrown 8.. What you talmbout?

  2. I wish Russell Wilson was a Bill....


    This city would have gone nuts for him. He's an underdog who works hard and snatches victory from the jaws of defeat...sigh....


    But instead the sheep root for the underdog with a noodle and a beard who throws ints into the jaws of defeat... sigh...


    I was hoping for Russell but tards said he was crap because he was short but like doo-doo cuz he had an "awesome" beard...smh... :wallbash:

  3. No. Not at all. I see it as the exact reason Jackson is just as valuable to this team as CJ. He is getting back in stride now. It'll be amazing how the next 4 weeks play out.

    to just have CJ, we are not that good. We cannot dare teams forcing them to stop the run. The run is all we have. They will stack the box like NE


    Have you come to the light? Have you bought your ticket for the Fitzgarbage train or are you just looking at the prices lol...

  4. So you trust Romo to "make it up"? And Cutler? No you don't.


    Who loses? Vick loses. Here's a guy better equipped than any other QB (say..the lumbering Big Ben or even Aaron Rodgers) to minimize the effect of a bad O-line with his speed and big arm. Yet he stinks because he is too stupid to master the NFL offense or read a defense. He has no idea who or where his secondary receiver is and he has a career history of terrible accuracy problems.


    Fitz's limitations are obvious, but you won't carry much critical heft if you continue to pretend Mike Vick's only problem is his o-line.


    First I don't think Fitz mastered the NFL game either because he has no idea where a DB or Safety is cuz he throws right to them constantly..


    Ok now let me ETHER this guy right quick... Theres nothing you can say after I say this that will make any kind of sense but im doing this cuz I feel you want this so here we go...


    How many playoff games has Fitz won? How many playoff games has Mike won..


    #CHECKMATE #GAMEOVER.. *Waits to shake hands in middle of field*

  5. im with ya on the Vick......its like religion almost...........but to face facts he takes too long (see big ben,cutler with crappy OL's also)


    with our OL would Vick be a mega upgrade over Fitz? yes doubters do have plenty of dirt to throw though.


    Vick and 2nd round qb or late 1st round tradeup camp battle would be nice IMO.


    Big Ben is huge it takes like 2 tackles to bring him down if Mike doesn't go into a fire drill somebody grabs him he's goin down ASAP lol I dont think Cutlers line is as bad as Philly or Pitt but, Cutler and Mike are just about on the same level id dare say Mike makes better decisions but thats up for debate... Id take that Mike for a second or third. I dont know if any QB is worth a first maybe Geno or Barkley but USC QBs suck in the NFL and Geno is 50/50 might be RG3 might be Akili Smith...


    Okay bro, lol. I'm not going to get into it about Vick, we can agree to disagree, I see where ya coming from and respect that you're retiring from defending the guy. What we CAN agree on is that Fitz is NOT the answer.


    We can definitely agree Fitzshitthebed is NOT the answer. lol.. I might spar from time to time with the MV7 threads im like Jordan on the Wizards I know I need to stop but these kids can be so outlandish I have to show them who's boss... :thumbsup:

  6. Not defending Fitz by any means because he stinks but aren't you the guy who is always advocating for Vick? Vick is just as atrocious as Fitz if not worse at this point and by your above rationale Vick sucks.


    Ok we can do this but I retired from talking about Mike cuz some are irrational.. Vick is atrocious cus he O-line couldn't stop a leaky facet with a plumber... Lets be honest about that (see Foles get blasted every snap)... His arm is there, still mobile but that doesn't matter if after you say HIKE the ghost of Junior Seau is in your face. Fitz has 3 years and still throws short.. I bet Mike makes those 2 sideline throws and if your honest with yourself you'll agree...


    Im going back into retirement on Mike comments...

  7. Let's face some facts,


    Chan Gailey is a loser and he doesn't know how to win at the top college or NFL level. Granted he went to bowl games in his 6 years while at GT, he never once beat the teams biggest rival in the Georgia Bulldogs. Buffalo Bills record under Gailey is an abysmal, 14-28 .333%.


    Gailey doesn't know the difference between a decent DC, and a horrifically inept one. He should have hired a proper OC to call plays and direct him instead of trying to run the entire offense himself


    Ryan Fitzpatrick has always played on bad teams, and STILL doesn't have a decent enough supporting cast or a play caller willing to setup an offense to help him win.He has one main option in the passing game in 7th round WR Stevie Johnson. I love SJ but he is currently ranked #26 in yards this year. The Bills passing offense regressed this season with a new QB coach screwing with Fitz's technique and mechanics.


    Gailey still refuses to get the most out of his best players and limits the touches he gives Spiller and Fred Jackson, when he openly stated he should give the pair 40 touches a game and then gives them half of that amount.


    I can only wonder how good that Bills offense would have become had the Bills spent all those draft picks on offensive players instead of all the defensive players they drafted the last 3 years. I have to think that the Bills defense has been so bad the last 3 years they set franchise and NFL records for being bad despite all those draft picks. I doubt they could be any worse then they currently are.


    The QB is usually only as good as his supporting cast, coaches, players scheme, game plan. Fitz isn't the only thing that sucks on this team.



    Thats a lie... Matt Cassel looked like Joe Montana when he was with the Patriots now he looks like Tim Montana.. Peyton Manning made Jacob Tamme look like Dallas Clark now Jacob Tamme looks like Jacob Tamme.. lol.. Point being you logic is flawed good QBs make people better... Hell who was Trent Dilfer throwing to in Baltimore?? All he had to do was not mess up and he didn't. Your QB craps the bed every sunday...

  8. Well, Luck is in the bottom 4....but Fitz's completion percentage is right in th middle of all starters, ahead of E Manning, Stafford, Cutler, Flacco, Freeman,......


    He has fewer ints than Romo, Rivers and Ryan. He has the same number of ints as E Manning and Culter, but more TDs than either of them.


    To be honest all that means nothing.. Who wins and Who loses? Who helps their team win and who throws a int at the most crucial time in the game? I can handle an int by any of those guys you mentioned because I trust them to make it up. With your QB I just sit and wait for him to f*ck it up and he always does. Silly thing is its to the point where others do the exact same thing and thats not good...

  9. Switchblades,brass knuckles, nickel plated belt buckles?


    What is "Where the 40oz" for $300 Alex?


    Somehow, from the tone of the post-game interview, I don't think Fitzpicks has anywhere remotely close to the control over this offense that Peyton has over his.


    It doesn't matter about the control over the offense it's how he makes stars out of average players by placing the ball in the place that nobody but they can get it. Shitz puts it in a place nobody can get it...

  10. Naw we have weapons.. We don't have a quarterback.. You really like Shitz? Why? He cant throw a pass more than 5 yards, he can't complete a comeback, he can't motivate his team, he can barley scramble, he's very inaccurate. I mean why do you like him? Why do you want him as the Buffalo Bills QB. Im baffled right now, I just don't get it.


    Good QBs make there talent around them better.. example: Payton Manning 10'

  11. I decided to do a little research and look at every QB drafted in the first round over the last 15 years (43 in total). I broke them into four categories in order to evaluate them (Great, Above Average, Below Average, Bust). You can check out how I ranked them below. I used my best guess on the guys that are less than 3 years out but I tried to do it as objectively as possible.


    This is what I came up with overall:


    16.3% great

    30.2% above average

    30.2% below average

    23.3% bust


    If you look at just QBs drafted in the top 10 (26 in total):


    19.2% great

    30.8% above average

    26.9% below average

    23.1% bust


    So essentially it looks like you have pretty much exactly a 50% chance of getting something good out of drafting a QB in the top 10. Surprisingly, the odds dont drop off too much for the entire first round (46.5%). The Bills are 0/1 in the past 15 years on drafting guys in the first round, they really haven't taken too many chances. Odds are the next one will work out, right?


    The potential first round picks in this years draft are:


    M Barkely (USC)

    G Smith (WV)

    T Wilson (ARK)

    L Jones (OU)


    Gotta get one of the first 2 in my option.. here's to hoping we do.



    Here's my research:


    QBs Drafted


    1998 - P Manning (1), R Leaf (2)

    1999 - T Couch (1), D McNabb (2), Ak Smith (3), D Culpepper (11), C McNown (12)

    2000 - C Pennington (18)

    2001 - M Vick (1)

    2002 - D Carr (1), J Harrington (3), P Ramsey (32)

    2003 - C Palmer (1), B Leftwich (7), K Boller (19) , R Grossman (22)

    2004 - E Manning (1), P Rivers (4), B Roethlisberger (11), JP Losman (22)

    2005 - A Smith (1), A Rodgers (24), J Campbell (25)

    2006 - V Young (3), M Leinart (10), J Cutler (11)

    2007 - J Russell (1), B Quinn (22)

    2008 - M Ryan (3), J Flacco (18)

    2009 - M Stafford (1), M Sanchez (5), J Freeman (17)

    2010 - S Bradford (1), T Tebow (25)

    2011 - C Newton (1), J Locker (8), B Gabbert (10), C Ponder (12)

    2012 - A Luck (1), R Griffin (2), R Tannehill (8), B Weeden (22)


    Great (7)

    P Manning, E Manning, P Rivers, B Roethlisberger, A Rodgers, M Ryan, A Luck


    Above Average (13)

    D McNabb, D Culpepper, C Pennington, M Vick, C Palmer, A Smith, J Cutler, J Flacco, M Stafford, C Newton, J Locker, C Ponder, R Griffin


    Below Average (13)

    D Carr, B Leftwich, R Grossman, J Campbell, V Young, B Quinn, M Sanchez, J Freeman, S Bradford, T Tebow, B Gabbert, R Tannehill, B Weeden


    Bust (10)

    R Leaf, T Couch, Ak Smith, C McNown, J Harrington, P Ramsey, K Boller, JP Losman, M Leinart, J Russell


    I agree with the majority of this but Bradford is a above average QB the team around him is terrible, I wish we had him. But like other posters said this means nothing unless you try and we are scared to try to draft a QB. I always get pi**ed by the 2004 draft we were so close but yet so far. If we would have lost one game we coulda had Rapethlisberger and maybe a super bowl. But the luck of the Bills gave us the incompetent JP Loserman. *shrugs*.. The only one i'd draft is Geno and im reluctant on him. USC qbs never fair well I have no idea who T.Wilson is and Laudry Jones reminds me of Colt McCoy.

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